Title: Saving for Retirement
1Saving for Retirement
2When saving for retirement, it's really important
to start saving as soon as possible. The sooner
you set up a savings plan, the more you'll have
at retirement.
According to InvestorGuide.com
3- According to the NJ Department of Health
Services, the average life expectancy for a male
is 75.5 years. - With the average retirement age at around 67, it
is necessary for a retiree to comfortably support
himself for at least 8 years. According to the
Social Security Administration
4 If you start your career right out of college,
you will enter the workforce around 22.
5If you start saving for retirement as soon as
possible that will give you around 45 years to
build up a nice nest egg.
6If you start out with a salary of 45,000, in 45
years you will be making approximately
170,000. Based on an average inflation rate of
3 annually, according to the US Census Bureau
7According to Investopedia.com, a retired
individual may need as much as 70 of his
pre-retirement income to live comfortably.
8Based on an annual contribution of 5000 into a
tax-deferred investment plan with 6 interest.
9Based on an annual pre-retirement investment of
5000 and collecting for 8 years past retirement.
10- If you start saving immediately, you can live
your post-retirement years close to 100 of your
pre-retirement income.
- If you wait 10 years, it drops to 52.8.
- If you wait 15 years, it drops to 37.4.
- If you wait 20 years, it drops to 26.
- If you wait 25 years, it drops to 17.4.
11Therefore it is very important to start saving
for retirement as soon as possible, to ensure
that you will be able to retire comfortably.