Title: COM214J2: Introduction to Programming Object Oriented Programming
1COM214J2 Introduction to ProgrammingObject
Oriented Programming
- Sarabjot Singh Anand
- 16E17
- ss.anand_at_ulster.ac.uk
- http//ijsr32.infj.ulst.ac.uk/e95346/COM214J2/ind
2The Object Oriented Programming Paradigm
- The OO principle is based on the observation that
most tasks in the world are achieved through - interaction/interchange of information between
various actors or objects - Processing of the interchanged information by the
various actors/objects
- A further observation is the fact that each
object that plays a role in the task - does not need to explain to the interacting
objects as to how the processing takes place - It just needs to define a clear interface through
with - processing can be requested
- results can be passed back to the requesting
object - This is referred to as encapsulation
4OOP Objectives
- By modelling a computer program on such a
principle of interacting objects will make the
program - Reusable
- Reliable
- Understandable
5The Role of Classes in OOP
- A Class is a template used to create an object.
- Every object created from the same class will
have similar if not identical features - For example, a class human can be defined as
consisting of - some data e.g. name, date of birth, gender,
planetOfDomisile, nationality .. - some behaviour e.g. talks(), fights(), sleeps(),
6More on Classes
- Instances/Examples of the class human are Saddam
Hussain, George Bush, Michael Jackson - The name,date of birth, nationality and gender of
these instances may be different (hence referred
to as Instance variables) - Other attributes may be the same (arguably) e.g.
planetOfDomisile (hence referred to as Class
7The Human Class
public class Human private String
name public int domicile static String
planetOfDomicile "Earth" Human(String nam,
int country) name nam domicile
country public int vote()
8Example Program Using Objects of type Human
import Human import Nationality public class
BadFolks public static Human Population
new Human5 public static void main(String
arguments) Human guy createPopulation()
for (int i 0 i lt Population.length i)
guy Populationi if
(guy.domicile Nationality.IRAQ) System.out.p
rintln("Mr. "guy.name" is one of the Folks
George doesn't like") else if
(guy.domicile Nationality.AMERICAN) System.o
ut.println("Mr. "guy.name" is one of the nice
guys") else System.out.println("Mr.
"guy.name" comes from one of the counties that
George didn't know existed")
9private static void createPopulation() Populati
on0 new Human("Saddam Hussein",Nationality.IRA
Q) Population1 new Human("Tony
Blair",Nationality.OTHER) Population2 new
Human("George Bush", Nationality.AMERICAN) Popul
ation3 new Human("Tony Benn",Nationality.OTHER
) Population4 new Human("Tony
public class Nationality static final int IRAQ
0 static final int AMERICAN 1 static
final int OTHER 2
- In Java, a package is a set of like-minded
classes - For example the Java language consists of a
number of packages, one of which is called
java.io consisting of a number of classes to
enable Input/Output with files - Class names within a package must be unique
avoiding conflict in class names across packages
as a class can be identified by the
ltpackageNamegt.ltclassNamegt - Generally a package is developed by a single
organisation hence it is easier to ensure class
names are unique in a package
- Modifiers implement Encapsulation defining the
visibility and usage of variables and methods - The key modifiers are
- static
- final
- public
- private
- protected
- ltdefaultgt
- abstract
13Levels of Access Control
14Other Modifiers
- Final
- Normally used with static as there is not much
point in storing a constant with each instance of
a class - Static
- A class variable/method
- Abstract
- Only used with class and method declarations
15public class CountInstances private
static int numInstances 0
CountInstances() CountInstances.addInstance()
private static void addInstance()
numInstances public static
int getNumInstances() return numInstances
public static void main(String
arguments) for (int i 0 i lt 10 i)
new CountInstances()
System.out.println("And then there were
16Special Methods
- Accessor Methods
- Provide access to private variables
- int getVariable(), setVariable(int)
- Checking validity of value that the variable is
being set to - Makes the usage of the class independent of the
actual storage of the variable - Constructor
- Called whenever a new instance is created using
the new keyword
17Investigating Modifiers for Class Triangle
import uuInOut class TriangleClass1 private
double sides TriangleClass1() sides
new double 3 TriangleClass1(double
values) boolean validSides sides
new double 3 validSides setSides(values)
// if (!validSides) throw an Exception
18 public boolean setSides(double values) for
(int i 0 i lt 3 i) if (valuesi lt 0)
return false else sidesi
valuesi return true public
double getSides() return sides public
boolean readSides () for (int i 0 i lt 3
i) System.out.print("Type in the length of
side " i " - ") System.out.flush() sid
esi uuInOut.ReadDouble() if (sidesi lt
0) return false order(sides) return
19 private void order (double A) double
temp if (A0 gt A1) temp A0 A0
A1 A1 temp if (A1 gt A2)
temp A1 A1 A2 A2 temp
if (A0 gt A1) temp A0 A0
A1 A1 temp public boolean
validTriangle() if (sides2 lt sides0
sides1) return (true) else return
20 public void printTriangleType() if
(sides0 sides1 sides1
sides2) System.out.println("Equilateral
Triangle") else if (sides0 sides1
sides1 sides2) System.out.println("Isosc
eles Triangle") else System.out.println("Sc
alene Triangle")
21import TriangleClass1 class iterativeTriangle
public static void main(String arguments)
TriangleClass1 triangle new
TriangleClass1() double values
1.2,1.2,2.1 double
triangleValues triangleValues
"triangleValues1" "triangleValues2)
if (triangle.setSides(values))
triangleValues triangle.getSides() System.o
ut.println(triangleValues0" "triangleValues1
" "triangleValues2) if (triangle.validTrian
gle()) triangle.printTriangleType() else
System.out.println("Not a Valid Triangle")
else System.out.println("A
Side of a Triangle cannot have a Negative