Title: Programming in Your Favorite Language
1Programming in Your Favorite Language
- Lecture 5-2
- February 11th, 1999
- CS250
2Get Your Red-Hot Lists Here!
- Conses are pairs of pointers
- First pointer is the car
- Rest is the cdr
- Lists are conses in which
- First pointer is the first element
- Second pointer is the rest of the list
- No intermediate pointers makes last expensive
USER(104) (last (list 'a 'b 'c)) (C)
3Box Pointer
- Represent a cons graphically
(list a (list b c) d)
4Some Things are More Equal than Others
- Lisp has multiple definitions of equality
- Decreasing order of strictness
- eq, eql, equal
- True if its arguments are the same, identical
object otherwise, returns false
(eq 'a 'b) gt false (eq 'a 'a) gt true (eq 3
3) gt true OR gt false (eq 3 3.0) gt false
- True of two objects, x and y, in the folowing
cases - 1. If x and y are eq.
- 2. If x and y are both numbers of the same type
and the same value. - 3. If they are both characters that represent the
same character.
(eql 'a 'b) gt false (eql 'a 'a) gt true
(eql 3 3) gt true (eql 3 3.0) gt false (eql
3.0 3.0) gt true (eql c(3 -4) c(3 -4)) gt
true (eql c(3 -4.0) c(3 -4)) gt false
- Generally, returns true if two objects print the
gt (setf x (cons a nil)) (A) gt (eql x x) T gt
(equal x (cons a nil)) T
8Mapping over lists
- Need to do something to every element in a list?
Try a mapping function - mapcar for using the car of successive cdrs
- maplist for successive cdrs themselves
9mapcar in Action
USER(115) (mapcar 'list '(a b c) '(1 2 3 4))
((A 1) (B 2) (C 3))
USER(116) (mapcar 'list '(a b c) '(1 2))
((A 1) (B 2))
10Creating an N-Queens Problem
(defun nqueens-initial-state (n optional
(explicit? nil) (complete? nil)) (let ((s
(make-CSP-state unassigned (mapcar
'(lambda (var) (make-CSP-var name
var domain (iota n))) (iota n))
assigned nil constraint-fn (if
explicit? (let ((constraints
(nqueens-constraints n))) '(lambda (var1
val1 var2 val2) (CSP-explicit-check
var1 val1 var2 val2 constraints)))
'nqueens-constraint-fn)))) (if complete?
(CSP-random-completion s) s)))
11Unassigned Variables
(mapcar '(lambda (var) (make-CSP-var name
var domain (iota n))) (iota n))
USER(105) (iota 8) (0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7)
12Unassigned Variables II
((0 (0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7) NIL NIL) (1 (0 1 2 3 4 5 6
7) NIL NIL) (2 (0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7) NIL NIL) (3 (0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7) NIL NIL) (4 (0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7) NIL
NIL) (5 (0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7) NIL NIL) (6 (0 1 2 3
4 5 6 7) NIL NIL) (7 (0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7) NIL NIL))
13Recursion Again
- Recursive function Base case Recursive step
- Base case will be a conditional test, plus a call
that returns - Example General-Search
(defun general-search-helper (problem nodes
queuing-fn) (let ((node (first nodes))) (if
(null node) nil
14Recursive General Search
If weve got a node, what do we do next?
(if (goal-test problem (node-state node)) node
What if its not the goal?
(general-search-helper problem (funcall
queuing-fn (rest nodes)
(expand node problem))
15Put it Together
(defun general-search-helper (problem nodes
queuing-fn) (let ((node (first nodes))) (if
(null node) nil (if (goal-test
problem (node-state node)) node
(general-search-helper problem (funcall
queuing-fn (rest nodes) (expand node
problem)) queuing-fn)))))
16Getting it Started...
From simple.lisp
General-Search function
(let ((nodes (make-initial-queue problem
queuing-fn)) node)
How does Make-Initial-Queue work?
(defun make-initial-queue (problem queuing-fn)
(let ((q (make-empty-queue))) (funcall
queuing-fn q (list (create-start-node
problem))) q))
17Top-level Function
(defun general-search-recursive (problem
queueing-fn) "Recursive version of general
search" (general-search-helper problem
(list (create-start-node problem))
18BFS with a List
Whats the rule for node exploration in BFS? How
are new nodes added?
(defun breadth-first-search (problem)
(general-search-recursive problem 'append))
- Sets let you treat lists as sets
- Membership
- Union, intersection
- Set difference
- Sequences include more than just lists
- Ordered series
- Lists and vectors
- Many functions operate on sequences, not just
lists - length, sort, subseq, reverse, every, some, elt
- Create records in Lisp
- Define structures with the defstruct macro
(defstruct point x y)
22Big Sale on Constructors Accessors!
- Creating a structure creates
- Constructor (make-point)
- Arguments are passed by keyword
- Copy constructor (copy-point)
- Slot accessor functions (point-x, point-y)
- Type predicate (point-p)
- New structures are new types
23Default Values for Structure Fields
(defstruct midterm (difficulty (progn
(format t How hard was it?) (read)))
(max-grade 54) (num-completed nil))
24Customize Automatic Functions
(defstruct (point (conc-name p)
(print-function print-point)) (x 0) (y
0)) (defun print-point (p stream depth)
(format stream ltA, Agt (px p) (py p)))