Title: Jeni Floyd, Compliance and Policy Manager
1Mobile Future Forum Toto, were not in Kansa
anymore! 12 September 2006
- Jeni Floyd, Compliance and Policy Manager
- Communications Alliance
2Presentation Overview
- Getting ahead of the game proactive industry
response to unknown and emerging issues with
potential end-user detriment - Consider impact of next generation services and
technology on consumer fundamentals - Examine key telecommunication complaint
statistics - Identify what potential industry responses
could/should be - Summarise how Comms Alliance is helping industry
get ahead of the game
3The impact of next generation services and
technology on consumer fundamentals
- Customers bill
- Line item description
- Where/how consumers complain
- Contract prices, terms and conditions
- Credit management tools
4Key telecommunication statistics
- What are the learnings?
- Quarterly statistics from the Office of the TIO
- TIO has conferral of powers against 13 ACIF
industry codes - Authorises TIO to handle small business and
consumer complaints - The 13 codes (short title) are
- Complaint Handling 8. Billing
- Credit Management 9. Customer Transfer
- Prices, Terms Conditions 10. Consumer Contracts
- Commercial Churn 11. Mobile Number Portability
- Priority Assistance 12. Handling Unwelcome Calls
- Calling Number Display 13. Pre-selection
- Local Number Portability 14. Connect Outstanding
All statistics referred to in this presentation
are based on data provided to Comms Alliance from
the Office of the TIO. As the TIOs Annual
Report for 2005-2006 has not been publicly
released, specific code breach information has
been noted in percentages only to provide the
audience with a general indication of statistical
5Highest number of breaches of ACIF codes for
- Highest recorded breaches
- Complaint Handling
- Billing
- Credit Management
6Annual ACIF Code Breaches for 2005-2006
7Complaint Issues
- Highest complaint Issues category - Billing
for mobile - Other notable categories Customer Service
Credit Control - Mobile Premium Services complaints on the rise
- Verification of charges
- Reason not systemic billing system issues
- Customer education and awareness
8Getting ahead of the game
- Key issues to consider
- End-user complaints what are consumers saying
- Transparency of billing
- Ease of verification of charges
- End-user contracts
- End-user access to clear / plain-English
information - Prices
- Terms
- Conditions
- Rights and Safeguards
9Industry consideration
- Q. Is consumer education and awareness keeping
pace with the influx of new technology? - Q. If not, what could/should be the proactive
industry response?
10Communications Alliance and the industry
- Staying ahead of the game
- Future Forums
- Future strategy and planning
- Analysis of statistics to feed into strategy
- Industry resources and support materials
- Mobile Premium Services Scheme service
provider consumer education/awareness raising - Understanding end-user complaints
- Identifying ways to address issues
11Thank You
- For further information about Communications
Alliance go to www.commsalliance.com.au