Title: Business Meeting Agenda
1Business Meeting Agenda
- Call to Order President
- Roll Call Secretary
- Approval of Minutes from Last Meeting - Secretary
- Reports from Officers
- Presidents Report
- Treasurers Report
- Committee Reports (Standing Special)
- Outreach
- Conference
- Sponsorship
- Communications
- Homeland Security
- NASA Liaison Committee
- FEMA Liaison Committee
- Enterprise Architecture
- The National Map Partnership
- Unfinished Business
- New Business
- GIS Certification Institute MOU
- Approval
- Strategic Plan
- Approval
- Imagery for the Nation
- Passage of Resolution
- Change of Presidents
- Outstanding Service Awards
- Adjourn
3Roll Call
Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyomin
g Puerto Rico U.S. Virgin Islands Guam American
Samoa Northern Mariana Islands Midway
Islands Wake Island Johnston Atoll Baker,
Howland, and Jarvis Islands Kingman Reef Navassa
Island Palmyra Atoll
Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorad
o Connecticut Delaware District of
Columbia Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Ind
Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Mass
achusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri
Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire
New Jersey New Mexico New York North
Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsyl
vania South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas
Utah Vermont
4Approval of Minutes
5Presidents Report
- Establish priorities and focus
- Tap our wisdom and expertise
- Engage the high energy of new members
- Equitably work with ALL partners
- Achieve a balanced approach to internal and
external interests - Carry my pledge to you at my side
72005 Plan of Workadopted 11/30/2004
national success through.. focused statewide
solutions. a clear and concise message to
advance the national spatial data
8Plan Of Work Focus Areas
- NGPOs Bold Step
- Congressional Program
- Future Directions Fifty States
- State Membership
- Homeland Security/FEMA
- Federal Coordination
9Plan of Work On-Going
- Corporate Relations and Benefits
- Partner Outreach and Liaison Roles
- Administration and Management
- Washington Office
- Conferences !!!!
10Conferences Mid YearSetting Sail For Action in
Annapolis, Maryland
- 215 Attendees
- Federal and Congressional Focus
- Shift to Weekdays
- DC Add-On Events
- 2006 March 19-22
11Conferences AnnualFocusing on Our Geospatial
Future in Rochester, New York
- State Sessions
- Lots of Speakers
- Lots of Sessions
- Lots of Session Hours
- Lots of Food
- Arkansas in 2006
- Wisconsin in 2007
12Conference Attendance
13Conference Sponsors
14State Representation
- Membership 2004 05
- State Gov 62
- Institutional 32
- Bus/Corporate 39
- State Council (6) 63
- Federal Partner (4) 206
- Federal Member 59
- Total 402
16Federal Grants
- Ramona NOAA CSC
- USGS The National Map workplan
- FEMA cooperative agreement
- NASA coordination grant
- NGPO coordination grant (Pending)
17Leadership Retreat - Purpose
- Long Term Purpose and Role in NSDI
- Financial Bottom Line and Forecast
- Alignment with Organizations
- Member Services
- Short Term Focus
- Managing Our Work
18Leadership Retreat - Results
- Strategic Plan
- Committee Restructuring
- A Timely Meeting
- A Course of Action
- A Lot of Work with a Little Fun
19Hall of States
- First Time Event
- State Offices
- Congressional Visits
- A Learning Step
- More to Come
20Working DC
- Congressional Staff
21Special Assignments
- NOAA Blue Ribbon Committee
- NACO Annual Conference
- NACO GIS Committee
- NASCIO Annual CIO Caucus DC Conference
22High Honor Assignments
- South Carolina
- Delaware
- Wisconsin
- Minnesota
- Hawaii
- Gulf States
- Others
23Assorted Activities
- National Geospatial P. Office
- Homeland Security
- Guidelines on data access
- NGA Project Homeland
- ODP Guidance
- Fifty States Initiative
- An extension of State Model
- NSDI Governance
- Flair Act
- FGDC Coordination and Steering Committee meetings
24Imagery for the Nation
- 3-year Repeat Time
- Multi-Resolution
- 6-inch
- 1-foot
- 1-meter
- Federally Funded
- State Administered
- Buy-up Provisions
- National Standards
- Multiple Image Type
- Leaf-Off
25New Management
- Search Committee
- KingStringfellow Group, Inc
- Bel Air, Maryland
- Transition Period
- Flawless
26New Web Presence
27Washington Liaison
- Bill Burgess
- Our Established Voice and Advocate in DC
28Home Land
29Working With NSGIC
30Never Short on Support
31Thank You..
- Photo Credits GeneTrobia, Bill Burgess, Don Cooke
32Treasurers Report
33Committee Restructuring
- Streamline committee structure to a manageable
group - Provide guidance to Chairs and Liaisons
- Engage the membership
- Communicate committee and work group efforts more
effectively - Establish an annual review structure for
committees and work groups - Outline responsibilities and parameters to
facilitate efficient workflow
35General Definitions
- Committee
- Defined by mission and objectives
- Broad focus
- Duration is longer than a year
- Annually reviewed
- Work Groups
- Specific tasks and deliverables
- Duration less than a year
- Liaisons
- Informal and formal representation
- Bidirectional communications to organizations
- One designated lead
36Other Guidelines
- Process for creating a committee and work group
- Annual Review
- Committee and Work Group Requirements
- Submit a charter
- Develop short and long term objectives with
defined outcomes - Roster posted
- Set meeting schedule
- Agendas for meetings
- Minutes and meeting notes
- Approved minutes to the web
- Milestones reporting
- Annual Summary
- Identify the expectations and responsibilities of
chairs and liaisons - Inform and engage the membership
- Grow awareness and understanding of issues across
the membership - Promote the good progress that is being made
- Annually review committees and work groups
39Outreach Committee
- Mission
- To assist NSGIC Leadership by
- Organizing coordinating external activities
- Establishing ongoing relationships with other
stakeholder organizations to support the
development of the NSDI
40Outreach Committee
- Recent Activities
- Working with NACo, and other associations, on
national GIS issues including The National Map
NGPO - Working with NSGIC Conference Planning Committee
on Midyear Hall of States Social and
Congressional visits - Communicating NSGIC advocacy issues with various
associations, federal executives and
congressional committees
41Outreach Committee
- Next Steps
- Revise Outreach charter to conform with the
Committee Restructuring Plan - Identify, research and frame NSGIC advocacy
issues - Advocate on behalf of NSGIC to achieve
issues-based objectives related to the ongoing
development of the NSDI - Work with NSGIC Leadership to make Hill visits a
meaningful activity of the NSGIC Midyear - Coordinate with Conference and Communications
42Conference Committee
- Thanks to committee
- Thanks to KSG
- 310 attendees
- 47 states represented
- 2006 mid year Annapolis, Maryland March 19-22,
2006 - 2006 annual Peabody Hotel Little Rock, Arkansas
October 1-5, 2006 - 2007 annual Madison, Wisconsin
- Soliciting proposals for annual 2008 beyond
44 Communications Committee
- Shelby Johnson (AR)
- Mike Mahaffie (DE)
- Nathan Bentley (ID)
- Jill Saligoe-Simmel (IN)
- Pat Cummens (MN)
- Tim Haithcoat (MO)
- Stu Davis (OH)
- Jim Knudson (PA)
- Craig Neidig (WV)
- Bill Burgess (NSGIC Cosmic Omniscient Being)
- KSG Management interaction
- Website overhaul
- Member Directory
- State Summaries
- Regular meeting schedule established
- Minutes published
- Interaction with Sponsorship Cmte
- Committee reorg and strategic plan tasks
46To Do List
- Website
- More interactive features
- Improved news
- Improved layout
- Enhanced content
- News and information
- Web driven
- Issues focused
- Advocacy and Outreach
- Member relations
- Public perception
- Committee Strat Plan
- CommCmte oversight
- Committee webpages
- December 30
- Communications workplan revision
- Other
- Need input from members and states !
- Join up !
47Homeland Security Committee
- Project Homeland
- State Best Practices
- ODP grant guidance
- ODP NGA on availability of HSP
48NASA Liaison Committee
- Workshops TX, IA, ND, KS, MO, KY, VA
- On NSGIC web http//icrest.missouri.edu/nasa_nsgic
/mapmenu/statemap.htm - New Proposal merged with ongoing work 3 yr
49FEMA Liaison Committee
- Dan Walters (ME)
- Ricardo Lopez-Torrijos (NY)
- Suzy Hess (NJ)
- Ken Miller (MD)
- Joe Sewash (TN)
- Ivan Weichert (KS)
- Ted Koch (WI)
- Gene Trobia (AZ)
- Jeanie Watanabe (UT)
- Heather Hicks (CO)
- Cy Smith (OR)
- Craig Neidig (WV)
- Christy Miller (AK)
- Rich McMahon (AK)
- Bill Burgess (NSGIC)
- Dave Vincent (USGS)
- Gary Merrill (USGS)
- Roger Barlow (USGS)
- Paul Rooney (FEMA)
- Scott McAfee (FEMA)
- Al Lulloff (ASFPM)
50FEMA Liaison Committee
- Workshop at Austin Annual Conference
- Information collection dissemination
- Review planned activities for best fit with
state and local government - Include FEMA needs in NSGIC activities (e.g.
Ramona) - Work with USGS to release TVC data
51Enterprise Architecture Liaisons
- Geospatial Community of Practice
- Geospatial profile version 0.1
- http//colab.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?.CurrentGeos
patialProfileDraft - Appendices Resources
- Lines of business
- Business language
- Standards profile
- Service components
- Federal law policy
- Geospatial integration maturity model
52The National Map Partnership
53NDEP Update
- Project tracking website (FEMA/USGS)
- GOS portal / RAMONA tie-in (?)
- TVCs to be posted at USGS web site
- FTP site operational October 3rd for three months
- Strategy for National LIDAR Data Acquisition
- A major LIDAR vendor and the USGS have negotiated
reduced LIDAR acquisition and processing costs.
This new pricing structure is now available
through the USGS's Commercial Partnership Team
(at Rolla, Missouri), at a significantly reduced
industry commercial pricing per square mile
(limited to the conterminous U.S.) - Web-based Contour Generation Tool (under
development) - Automated contours from NED generated as
shapefile - FGDC Elevation Framework Data Standard to ANSI
- WV 1/9th ArcSecond elevation project (see poster)
- For more information www.ndep.gov
54National TVC Coverage
55National DLG-3 Coverage
56Unfinished Business
57Bus. Meeting Part IIbegins next slide
58GIS Certification Institute MOU
59Strategic Plan
NSGICs vision is that all levels of
government become highly effective and efficient
through coordinated development and use of
geospatial data and technologies.
NSGICs mission is to be an effective
advocate for states in national geospatial policy
initiatives, to guide the states in fulfilling
their role in building the National Spatial Data
Infrastructure (NSDI), and to promote statewide
geospatial coordination activities in all states,
thereby achieving our vision.
60Strategic Goals
- NSGIC will support the long-term development of
effective statewide coordination councils in each
state, Washington D.C. and the insular areas. - NSGIC will align itself with other organizations
and form alliances to achieve shared issues-based
objectives related to ongoing development of the
NSDI. - NSGIC will establish an aggressive focus and set
clear annual goals for addressing short-term
priorities. - NSGIC will provide superior member services to
ensure its worth to the membership and the
geospatial community at-large. - NSGIC will continue to improve its operations and
be accountable to its membership. - NSGIC will develop adequate revenue sources to
achieve its mission.
61Imagery for the Nation
- Multi-resolution
- 6, 1 1-meter
- Multiple image type
- 3-year cycle
- Federally-funded
- Buy-up provisions
- State administration
- Remain in public domain
62Change of Presidents
63Outstanding Service Awards
65State Caucus Topics
- Top Priorities
- Resolutions
- Strategic Plan
- Committee Restructuring
- Aerial Imagery for the Nation
- Cannon Bill
- Second Tier
- Supporting the States
- Enterprise-wide Software Licenses
- Geodetic Control for the Nation
- Census Title 13
- 911 Program Update
66State Caucus Topics
- Third Tier
- Hill Visits 2006
- 2008 Annual Conference
- State to State Assistance
- URISA Addressing
- E/A Fit with NSDI
- Low Distortion Projections
- National Map Partnership
- Fourth Tier
- Geospatial Reference Model for Strategic Plans
- Fee for Service