Title: Helical MHD and aeffect
1Helical MHD and a-effect
- Axel Brandenburg (Nordita, Copenhagen)
- Kandaswamy Subramanian (IUCAA, Pune)
arXivastro-ph/0405052 Phys. Rept. (244 pages, 62
2MHD equations
Magn. Vector potential
Induction Equation
Momentum and Continuity eqns
Viscous force
3Vector potential
- BcurlA, advantage divB0
- JcurlBcurl(curlA) curl2A
- Not a disadvantage consider Alfven waves
2nd der once is better than 1st der twice!
4Pencil Code
- Started in Sept. 2001 with Wolfgang Dobler
- High order (6th order in space, 3rd order in
time) - Cache memory efficient
- MPI, can run PacxMPI (across countries!)
- Maintained/developed by many people (CVS!)
- Automatic validation (over night or any time)
- Max resolution so far 10243
5Helical versus nonhelical
Kida et al. (1991) helical forcing, but no
inverse cascade
Inverse cascade only when scale separation
6Allowing for scale separation
Position of the peak compatible with
No inverse cascade in kinematic regime
Decomposition in terms of Chandrasekhar-Kendall-Wa
leffe functions
7Kazantsev spectrum (kinematic)
Opposite limit, no scale separation, forcing at
Kazantsev spectrum confirmed (even for n/h1)
Spectrum remains highly time-dependent
8256 processor run at 10243
EM(k) not peaked at resistive scale, as
previously claimed instead kpeakRm,crit1/2 kf
9Structure function exponents
agrees with She-Leveque
third moment
10Bottleneck effect 1D vs 3D spectra
Compensated spectra (1D vs 3D)
11Relation to laboratory 1D spectra
12Bottleneck in the literature
Porter, Pouquet, Woodward (1998) using PPM,
10243 meshpoints
Kaneda et al. (2003) on the Earth simulator,
40963 meshpoints
13Helical MHD turbulence
- Helically forced turbulence (cyclonic events)
- Small large scale field grows exponentially
- Past saturation slow evolution
- ? Explained by magnetic helicity equation
15Effects of magnetic helicity conservation
Early times h0 important
Late times steady state
By the time a steady state is reached net
magnetic helicity is generated
16Slow-down explained by magnetic helicity
molecular value!!
17Connection with a effect writhe with internal
twist as by-product
clockwise tilt (right handed)
? left handed internal twist
Yousef Brandenburg AA 407, 7 (2003)
18Internal twist as feedback on a (Pouquet, Frisch,
Leorat 1976)
How can this be used in practice?
Need a closure for ltj.bgt
19Rm dependence of PFL formula
St t urms kf not suppressed in Rm dependent
a is suppressed in Rm dependent fashion
20Revised nonlinear dynamo theory(originally due
to Kleeorin Ruzmaikin 1982)
Two-scale assumption
Production of large scale helicity comes at the
price of producing also small scale magnetic
21Express in terms of a
? Dynamical a-quenching (Kleeorin Ruzmaikin
no additional free parameters
Steady limit consistent with VC92
(algebraic quenching)
22Is ht quenched?can be in models with shear
Larger mean field
Slow growth but short cycles Depends
on assumption about ht-quenching!
23Additional effect of shear
Negative shear
Positive shear
Consistent with g3 and
Kitchatinov et al (1996), Kleeorin Rogachevskii
24Effect of surface losses of current helicity
- Large scale (LS) field
- Drainage on LS dynamo
- Rm-dependent cutoff
- Shortens saturation time
- Small scale (SS) field
- Enhancement of LS dynamo
25The need for small scale losses
initial slope
Numerical experiment remove field for kgt4 every
1-3 turnover times
- large scale losses
- lower saturation level
2) higher saturation level 3) still slow time
26How do magnetic helicity losses look like?
N-shaped (north) S-shaped (south)
(the whole loop corresponds to CME)
27Sigmoidal filaments
(from S. Gibson)
28Examples ofhelical structures
29Simulating solar-like differential rotation
30Results for current helicity flux
First order smoothing, and tau approximation
Vishniac Cho (2001
Expected to be finite on when there is shear
- Homogeneous dynamos saturate resistively
- Entirely magnetic helicity controlled
- Inhomogeneous dynamo
- Open surface, equator
- Still many issues to be addressed
- Current helicity flux important
- Finite if there is shear
- Avoid magnetic helicity, use current helicity