Title: Detailed Insight into the Derivation of NS Equations
1- Detailed Insight into the Derivation of N-S
Equations - Barbaros CETIN
- Microfluidics and Lab-on-a-chip Lab.
- Mechanical Eng., Vanderbilt University
- September 11, 2007
2Detailed Insight into the Derivation of N-S
Equations _______________________________________
- Why infinitesimal element?
Local Thermodynamic Equilibrium Density,
temperature, pressure are assumed to be
uniform i.e. we can define density, temperature
and pressure by averaging the molecular
__________________ Microfluidics and
Lab-on-a-chip Lab., Mechanical Eng., Vanderbilt
3Detailed Insight into the Derivation of N-S
Equations _______________________________________
- Sufficiently large number atoms inside the
infinitesimal element - If the molecular relaxation (or adjustment) time
is very small compared to the characteristic time
of the flow. - Relaxation time is directly proportional with the
collision frequency of the molecules
__________________ Microfluidics and
Lab-on-a-chip Lab., Mechanical Eng., Vanderbilt
4Detailed Insight into the Derivation of N-S
Equations _______________________________________
For liquids, it is extremely small due to the
compact packaging of the molecules. For gases,
different for different energy modes e.g. for
air, at moderate temperature f 1010
collisions/sec Is relatively small at standard
__________________ Microfluidics and
Lab-on-a-chip Lab., Mechanical Eng., Vanderbilt
5Detailed Insight into the Derivation of N-S
Equations _______________________________________
Continuity Eqn.
Momentum Eqn.
of Eqns 4 of unknowns 10 NOT a closed SET!
__________________ Microfluidics and
Lab-on-a-chip Lab., Mechanical Eng., Vanderbilt
6Detailed Insight into the Derivation of N-S
Equations _______________________________________
- Newtonian Fluid Stress tensor is assumed to be
linearly related to the rate of strain
Stress tensor 2nd Rank Rate of strain 2nd
Rank Constant of proportionality 4th Rank
__________________ Microfluidics and
Lab-on-a-chip Lab., Mechanical Eng., Vanderbilt
7Detailed Insight into the Derivation of N-S
Equations _______________________________________
- For an isotropic fluid and symmetric stress
tensor, 81 coefficients reduce to two
coefficients - Dynamic viscosity (µ)
- Second coefficient of viscosity (?)
__________________ Microfluidics and
Lab-on-a-chip Lab., Mechanical Eng., Vanderbilt
8Detailed Insight into the Derivation of N-S
Equations _______________________________________
Define a mechanical pressure
bulk viscosity
What Stokes did? He simply assumed
__________________ Microfluidics and
Lab-on-a-chip Lab., Mechanical Eng., Vanderbilt
9Detailed Insight into the Derivation of N-S
Equations _______________________________________
Is Stokes hypothesis valid?
For liquids, incompressible fluid,
For gases, we have to understand the mechanical
and thermodynamic pressures concept from
microscopic point of view!!!
__________________ Microfluidics and
Lab-on-a-chip Lab., Mechanical Eng., Vanderbilt
10Detailed Insight into the Derivation of N-S
Equations _______________________________________
the measure of the translational energy
the measure of the total energy (translational
vibrational rotational)
In a flow, energy can be transferred from one
mode to another, and bulk viscosity is the
measure of the transfer of the energy from
translational mode to other mode. For dilute
monatomic gases, bulk viscosity is zero!
__________________ Microfluidics and
Lab-on-a-chip Lab., Mechanical Eng., Vanderbilt
11Detailed Insight into the Derivation of N-S
Equations _______________________________________
E.g. N2,
at moderate temperatures
The bulk viscosity is expected to be important if
the relaxation time of the molecules is not small
compared to the characteristic time of the
flow E.g. polyatomic gas through a shock wave
E.g. by inclusion of the bulk viscosity,
hypersonic laminar boundary layer flow deviates
significantly from N-S Eqns
__________________ Microfluidics and
Lab-on-a-chip Lab., Mechanical Eng., Vanderbilt
12Detailed Insight into the Derivation of N-S
Equations _______________________________________
Mohamed Gad-El-Hak, Questions in Fluid Mechanics
Stokes Hypothesis for a Newtonian, Isotropic
Fluid, J Fluids Engineering, 117, 1995. the
author would like to thank the three anonymous
reviewers who gently showed me how little I knew
about this rich subject
__________________ Microfluidics and
Lab-on-a-chip Lab., Mechanical Eng., Vanderbilt