Enhancing Local Development Planning as Instrument of Sustainable Development and Good Urban Governa - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Enhancing Local Development Planning as Instrument of Sustainable Development and Good Urban Governa


Enhancing Local Development Planning as Instrument of Sustainable Development ... and Partnerships in Urban Planning, Management and Revitalization ( Herzog) ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Enhancing Local Development Planning as Instrument of Sustainable Development and Good Urban Governa

Enhancing Local Development Planning as
Instrument of Sustainable Development and Good
Urban Governance
  • Atty. Francisco L. Dagnalan, En.P, M.D.M.
  • Commissioner, HLURB
  • National President, PIEP
  • Vice-Chair, Intl. Movement of
  • Development Managers (IMDM)

Planning as Tool for SD
  • Environmental Planning- a.k.a. Town and Country
    Planning (UK), Urban and Regional Planning (US) ,
    Human Settlements Planning
  • refers to activities connected with the
    management and development of land, as well as
    the preservation, conservation and management of
    the human environment
  • Presidential Decree No. 1308, series of 1978
  • Objective is to liberate communities from urban
    blight and congestion and promote ecological
    balance ( PD 933, series of 1976)

Steps in Plan Formulation
  • Identification of Key Issues and Assumptions
  • Data Collection and Inventory
  • Socio-Economic Profile
  • Physical Profile ( includes mapping of existing
  • Situational Analysis
  • This includes consultations with experts and
  • Includes SWOT analysis
  • Goal and Objective Setting
  • General and Sectoral Goals, Objectives and
  • Generation of Options and Alternative Spatial
  • Cross Sectoral Integration
  • Evaluation and Selection of Preferred Strategy
  • This will involve a consultation workshop

Steps in Plan Formulation
  • Detailing and Refinement of Preferred Strategy
  • Formulation of Plan Implementation Tools
    Institutional and Administrative Machinery,
    Zoning Ordinances, Local Investment Development
    Program, Tax and Revenue Generation Measures
  • Technical Plan Review by Inter-agency body
  • Plan Legitimation and Adoption
  • Public Exhibition of Plan
  • Public Hearing
  • Adoption by Sanggunian (Legislative Council)
  • Review and Approval by Reviewing Bodies (HLURB,
  • Plan Implementation , Monitoring and Feedback

Evolution of Philippine Planning
  • PIEP established as association of UP graduates
    and practitioners of environmental planning
  • Town Planning institutionalized by government
    thru DAP-TFHS Human Settlements Commission (
    1973 1986)
  • Planning coordination function of HSC
    deprioritized due to anti-Ministry of Human
    Settlements mindset of the revolutionary
    administration (1986-87 )
  • Rise of sustainable development movements
  • HLURB planning guidelines revised in light of the
    Local Government Code (1992) and National
    Urban Development and Housing Framework , per RA
    7279 (Urban Development and Housing Act ) (
    1992- 93)

Evolution of Philippine Planning
  • HLURB guidelines again revised in light of RA
    7586 (Protected Areas Law , 1995) and RA 8435 (
    Agriculture Fisheries Law, 1998)
  • DENR launched the Integrated Environmental
    Management and Sustainable Development (IEMSD)
    Program (1997)
  • Guidelines on Sustainable Land Use Planning
  • Coastal Zone Management Guidelines
  • HLURB adopted Guidelines for Application of the
    Strategic Planning Process to the Formulation of
    CLUPs and to Important Urban Area Planning Issues
    and Concerns (February 2002)

State of Local Development Planning
  • Out of 79 provinces, 56 have duly approved
    Provincial Physical Framework Plans (mostly
    assisted by AUSAID Tech Ass to Prov. Plng)in
    three provinces, all cities and towns have plans
  • Out of 1,610 cities and municipalities, 1,318
    have prepared a Town Plan Zoning Ordinance but
    only 597 have been updated ( not older than five
  • The DILG Secretary has issued final deadline for
    LGUs to complete plans with threat of sanctions
  • Some highly urbanized and urbanizing cities have
    prepared innovative and sustainable CLUPs and
    Zoning Ordinances

Problems with Existing Local Development Plans
  • Urban focused land use plans Many CLUPs do not
    have detailed local land use policies for ,
    production , protection and coastal zones
  • Tendency of LGUs to overestimate projected
    requirements in reclassifying agricultural lands
  • Many land use plans not linked with economic
    levers or drivers such as taxation and investment
    incentives,and livelihood / poverty alleviation
  • LGUs with good action plans, including CDS cities
    have not prepared or have outdated conceptual
    or comprehensive development plans
  • Some LGUs have recycled plans to meet
    requirements of two or more donor programs

LGUs with Sustainable and Innovative Development
  • Naga City exemplary participatory processes,
    submitted CLUP to citizens referendum , invested
    in new CBD to influence pattern of growth ,
    designated urban transition zones, prohibited
    agricultural conversion
  • Marikina City clear vision and model of
    commercial development and discipline
    (Singapore), good program for resettlement of
    river squatters and revitalization of river,
    policy against residential expansion and
    admission of new relocatees, investment
  • Makati City good participatory processes,
    flexible zoning and density controls, used urban
    forms to shape cityscape and prescribe projected
    maximum desired development threshold , provided
    for connected linear green park system, good
    proposed pedestrian friendly circulation system

LGUs with Sustainable and Innovative Development
  • Gen. Santos City clear vision of becoming fish
    and export processing center , has detailed
    zoning of rural barangays, uses innovative matrix
    of permitted, prohibited and consent on merit
  • Butuan City designated policy based PLANNED
    UNIT DEVELOPMENT DISTRICTS with unique roles /
    functions and land use policies uptown, midtown
    and downtown good coastal and water resources
    management plan good environmental management
  • Iloilo City first and only city to secure DAR
    and DENR indorsement of their CLUP private
    sector led planning task force good
    participatory processes clear grasp of
    metropolitan role of city used GIS technologies

LGUs with Sustainable and Innovative Development
  • Ormoc City Good economic development and
    environmental management strategies focus on
    infrastructure development
  • Pasay City Policy Based Zoning, good
    participatory processes , designated planned unit
    development areas with special roles old
    reclamation area, villamor air base and new
    reclamation areas created zoning implementation
    committees, good urban renewal plan
  • Vigan City master plan approach, good
    consultative and participatory processes,
    designated heritage village, incorporates some
    urban design guidelines, uses incentives to
    influcence development

Enhancing the Planning System
  • General Findings
  • There is still a need for continuing orientation
    and advocacy to local politicians on the value,
    benefits importance and urgency of town planning
    a.k.a. comprehensive land use planning
  • There is also need to upgrade the planning skills
    of national government planning assistance
  • Mere threat of imposition of sanctions against
    non-complying local governments will not cause or
    ensure more faithful compliance with existing
    laws local governments should be able to see
    positive benefits of development planning
  • Most good plans were prepared by or with support
    of licensed environmental planners

Enhancing the Planning System
  • Lessons and Conclusions in the light of the
    Asian Regional Conference on Urban
    Revitalization and Governance
  • Need for Strategic Environmental Assessment and
    Total Ecosystems Approach in Urban Planning ,
    Management and Revitalization (Piracha)
  • Traditional Exclusionary Zoning inadequate for
    Urban Growth Management Need for Flexible
    Zoning and Doable Action Plans and Implementable
    Projects rather than mere policy statements (
  • Need for National Urban Policy and Development
    Strategy to set directions for projects

Enhancing the Planning System
  • Lessons and Conclusions in the light of the
    Asian Regional Conference on Urban
    Revitalization and Governance
  • Value of Community Involvement , Participatory
    Processes, Networks and Partnerships in Urban
    Planning, Management and Revitalization ( Herzog)
  • Heritage Resources can be effectively reused to
    pursue social and economic development (cases of
    Vigan, Cebu, Manila)

Enhancing the Planning System
  • Lessons in the light of the CDS Program
  • CDS and HLURB strategic planning approach are
  • CDS approach can be used to refine and upgrade
    the Local Investment Development Program,
    particularly in the prioritization of projects
    and resource generation strategies
  • there is a need to enhance locational targetting
    and spatial strategies for CDS supported programs
    and projects ( where and when such projects will
    be allowed in a given locality)
  • Existence or availability of prospective funds
    for projects is good incentive for accelerating
    plan preparation

Enhancing the Planning System
  • Recommendations
  • The existing National Housing and Urban
    Development Framework should be updated to
    institutionalize the norms and principles of
    good urban governance and enhances central
    government support for local planning efforts
  • Immediate steps should be taken to enhance /
    refine the content of town plans so as to
    effectively incorporate protected area, SAFDZ and
    coastal zone and heritage planning

Enhancing the Planning System
  • Recommendations
  • The possibility of integrating the strategic
    environmental assessment approach in local
    planning should be immediately and seriously
  • Capacity and capability programs of local
    government units to undertake sustainable land
    use planning, urban planning and management and
    urban revitalizations should be intensified and
  • Local planning offices should be professionalized
    and staffed by competent environmental planners

Enhancing the Planning System
  • Recommendations
  • Appropriate recognition and awards system for
    local government units who submit plans ahead of
    schedule should be should be established and
    encouraged and
  • There should be submitted to Congress a newer,
    simpler and more updated substitute version of
    the proposed National Land Use Act that will
    effectively rationalize and streamline agency
    responsibilities and facilitate resolution /
    adjudication of land use disputes
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