Title: Redmond Commission for Art in Public Places RCAPP
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2Redmond Commission for Art in Public Places
(RCAPP) Welcomes you!
3What do you think of when you hear the words
public art?
Lets take a look at what it is in our world
What can it be?
Where do we put it?
What is it for? And where do we get
4You can find it on the Rooftops
5You can dance on it down the Sidewalk
6You can find it in parks and pathways
7In the Alleyways
8And on the bridge
9You can find it in the walls.
10Midland Library, Lucinda Parker, 19__
And ON the walls.
even up on the ceiling
11You can find it in 3-D
12You can enjoy it in the dark
13You can enjoy it in a park.McCoy Park,
Squirrel Bench Mufu Ahmed, 2005
14You can find it on the floor
15You can find it in surprising spaces along your
16You can play and swim with it
17You can find it just about anywhere!
18It can be a Structure or a Rooftop surprise
19Or perhaps a Pavilion!
20It can be inspired by whimsy and lead you to
places of your imagination
21It can be inspired by Nature
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23It can be in a Garden of Art
24..Inspired by History and Legend
25Or inspired by childhood memories and times of
26..Or perhaps even inspired by Feathered Friends!
27It can feature water
28It can feature humans
It can be touched
29And stood on.. and climbed on.
30It can be life-like or fanciful
31It can be friendly and inviting
32It can be inspired by imagination
and then, inspire you to imagine.
33It can be a gift from abroad Gift from Huo
Baozhu to the City of Portland Da tung Xian
Bao Bao Replica, Shang Dynasty
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35It can be a gift froma close neighbor
NE Albert Street, Portland Baobab David
Laubenthal Ruth Greenberg 2003
Cultural Totem, Portland Lillian Pitt Roslyn
Hill 2003
36Art is My Friend
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38Art is Your friend
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40It can make you smile
4155It can make you wonder.
42It can change the outlook
and make places inviting
43It can be temporarywhile Under Construction
44It can be temporary to celebrate a season.
45It can be temporary
...and make you wonder!
46And lastly, it must be taken care of to be here
for the next appreciators!
47Now what do you think of when you hear the words
public art?