Title: Integrating Early Career Events in the 2006 Widget Conference
1Integrating Early Career Events in the 2006
Widget Conference
By Richard Glasser, Richard Jewett, Romano
Borchiellini Huei Peng, Edmund Seiders, Dyer
2Define Goals
- Long term goal is to increase the percentage of
young engineer membership in the Widget Division. - Short term goal is to achieve young engineer
participation in the 2006 Widget conference to
20 (60/300).
3 Task 1 Identify resources
- Student section advisors
- Local departments and faculty
- Section Excom
- Widget technical committees
- ASME member database
- ASME resources
4Task 2 Gather data
- Find out why are the Widget Division members not
attending the annual conference (only 300/9000
did) - Find out demographics of local sections
5Task 3 Initial contact
- Contact resources for advise of conference plan
and date - Attend local section meeting
- Ask for ideas that will attract young engineers
- Ask for assistance on Young Engineer track.
6Task 4 Form a Y.E. Conference Committee
- 3 from Division
- 2 Young Engineers
- 1 Young Engineer correspondents
- 3 students (one from each university)
7Task 5 Select events
- Decide on of tracks in the 2006 Widget
conference related to students. - Plan a networking reception, with coded badges.
- Plan a young engineer forum meeting (ask ASME
Y.E.C. contact) - Hold a short course targeting Y.E.
- Special activities based on Y.E. committee input
8Task 6 Date/Time
- 1st day of conference
- short course and reception
- 2nd day of conference
- Y.E. forum
- 3rd day of conference
- Special activities
9Task 7 Event Pricing
- Short course special activities
- Y.E. 50, Student free
- Attend the full conference
- Half price 250
10Task 8 Marketing
- Full conference mailing
- Emails
- Section newsletter, local section meetings
- Division newsletter
- University faculty, staff and deans
- Targeted mailing for age lt40
11Task 9 Budget (assume 60 Y.E.)
- Special marketing 1,000
- Reception (20601,200)
- Y.E.C. Travel (air 500 lodging 200)
- Honorarium and material for short course
(500100) - Special events (transportation, refreshment)
- Discount for conference fee 3,600 (o.o.p.)