Title: NRPI 377
1NRPI 377
Tues 9/11/2006
Week 4 Lecture 7
Today's Topic
Projected Coordinate Systems (UTM State Plane)
Instructor Mike Gough E-mail GIS_at_mikegough.net
2What's the relationship again between a GCS and
a Datum?
- A GCS gives us a framework for defining locations
on the surface of the earth. - Latitude and Longitude values are established
based on an associated datum. - The size and shape of the ellipsoid (i.e., the
ellipsoid that is used) - The position of the ellipsoid relative to the
center of the earth. - The precise locations of a set of points
(benchmarks) which are used to determine the
location of all other points on the surface of
the earth.
41 layer in NAD83 1 in NAD27
- The size and shape of the ellipsoid (i.e., the
ellipsoid that is used) - IS DIFFERENT.
2) The position of the ellipsoid relative to the
center of the earth. IS DIFFERENT.
NAD27 A Local Datum Positions the ellipsoid to
best fit with Meades Ranch.
NAD83 A Geocentric Datum Aligns the ellipsoid
center with the center of the earth.
- Hence,
- 3) The coordinates for benchmark datum points
will likely be different. - 4) The coordinates that define the location of
features in a GIS layer in GCS_NAD27 WILL LIKELY
BE DIFFERNT than the coordinates that define the
location of the same features in GCS_NAD83.
Datum Shifts (NAD83 NAD27)
7Coordinate Systems
The Graticule
Two Types of Coordinate Systems
- Geographic Coordinate systems
- Location on an ellipsoid is defined by latitude
and longitude that specifies the angle between
any point and the equator, and the angle between
any point and the prime meridian. - Projected Coordinate Systems
- Location on a flat surface is defined by
Cartesian coordinates (i.e., x and y) that
specify horizontal and vertical position.
UTM 408,397 E 4,524,944 N
All projected coordinate systems are based on a
8In Theory...
9In Reality...
- Projecting Latitude and Longitude to UTM
- y northing K1 K2p2 K3p4, where
- K1 Sk0,
- K2 k0sin21" nu sin(lat)cos(lat)/2
- K3 k0sin41" nu sin(lat)cos3(lat)/24(5 -
tan2(lat) 9e'2cos2(lat) 4e'4cos4(lat) - x easting K4p K5p3, where
- K4 k0sin1" nu cos(lat)
- K5 (k0sin31" nu cos3(lat)/6)1 - tan2(lat)
Use the project tool to project an unprojected
data set (i.e., something That is in lat, long)
to a projected coordinate system (e.g., UTM),
thus defining the location of your features on a
planar surface. Or to change the coordinate
system of your data set including its datum.
12(No Transcript)
13Coordinate Systems
- From one projected coordinate system to another
(same datums)
14Coordinate Systems
- From one projected coordinate system to another
(different datums)
15(No Transcript)
16Projected Coordinate Systems
- Many different projected coordinate systems
- UTM (Universal Transverse Mercator)
- Datum Must specify
- Units Meters
- Projections Transverse Mercator
- State Plane
- Datum Must specify
- Units Feet (sometimes meters)
- Projections Lambert Conformal Conic, or
Transverse Mercator
17Projected Coordinate Systems
- Universal Transverse Mercator
- A Global Coordinate System
- Zones (1-60)
- 6 in longitude
- Extend from 80 south lat. to
- 84 north lat.
- Split North South of Equator
- Each specifies a unique
- Transverse Mercator
- Projection (the central
- meridians are different).
- Locations are defined on a Cartesian grid
- X distances Eastings
- Y distances Northings
- Units are meters
18Projected Coordinate Systems
Our neighbor Zone 11
N. California Zone 10 Central meridian -123 long
Central meridian -117 long
19UTM Zone 11N
Central Meridian -117 longitude
Northing Origin 0 at the equator Easting Origin
0 at 500,000 meters west of Central Meridian.
Location is specified in Eastings
Northings 397,800 meters E 4,922,900 meters N
Why did they put the Easting origin At 500,000
meters west of the Central meridian?
20Projected Coordinate Systems
Southern UTM Zones
- For Southern Zones the Northing Origin (false
Northing) is 10,000,000 meters south of the
equator. - 10,000,000 meters south of the equator Northings
0 - At the equator Northings 10,000,000.
- This ensures that only non-negative coordinate
values are observed for southern UTM zones.
21Projected Coordinate Systems
Zone 14 (southern northern)
Easting Origin 500,000 meters west of CM
22Projected Coordinate Systems
- State Plane Coordinate System
- Only applicable in the U.S.
- Zones
- Defined by county, parish or other municipal
boundaries. - Different number of zones for each state.
- Sometimes identified by the Federal Information
Processing System (FIPS) Codes. - Two basic types of map projections
- The Lambert conformal Conic (for e w oriented
states) - Two standard parallels.
- Transverse Mercator (for n s oriented states).
- (Alaska also uses oblique Mercator).
- Units Feet (sometimes meters)
- Projection distortions are kept below 1 part in
23Projected Coordinate Systems
Projections used for State Plane
24Projected Coordinate Systems
State Plane Zones By State
25Projected Coordinate Systems
State Plane Colorado North FIPS 0501
Establish a Zone Origin is usually established
2,000,000 ft to the west of the central meridian,
And at some distance to the south of the zone.
Distances from the origin are usually measured in
2,164,606 feet E 392,285 feet N Col North
26Projected Coordinate Systems
State Plane California I FIPS 0401
27Eastings, Northings