Title: Air Force CGOC
1Air Force CGOC
- Capt Jason Mello, Chair
- Capt Molly Long, Vice-Chair
2Is there an AF CGOC?
- 94 of the 82 CGOC Councils (Across the US
Overseas) voted to Establish a Air Force-level
CGOC in CY 2001 - AF CGOC currently includes 95 active councils
- The framework of AF CGOC structure was
established at the Central Region CGOC Conference
in May 01 - This structural framework was built upon at the
Eastern Region CGOC Conference in June 01 - Structural framework was further expanded to
Europe at the European Region CGOC Conference in
Nov 01
- Forging an Air Force-wide Company Grade
Officer informational framework providing for and
encouraging retention, professional development,
base and community support, and esprit-de-corps
by delivering a system for base-level councils to
interact and achieve synergistic effects through
collective effort and knowledge sharing
- Purpose
- Provide a single point of contact and continuity
for CGOCs AF-wide - Serves as interface between senior AF leadership
and member Councils (4 regions) - AF Council will coordinate activities among the
regional councils and take the lead on executing
a 2006 AF-level CGO conference - AF CGOC is a coordinating or steering board and
not a supervisory group
5Air Force CGOC Structure
AF CGOC Chairman Capt Jason Mello Pentagon
AF CGOC Vice Chairman Capt Molly Long USAFA
Eastern Region CGOC Lt Ashok Kapadia Rome
Research Labs
European Region CGOC Lt Jonathan Sawtelle
Pacific Region CGOC
Western Region CGOC 1Lt Paul Hendrickson Hill
6CGOC Regional System
EASTERN REGION Atlantic Ocean to Miss. River
27 Councils (Hanscom to Patrick, Langley to
WESTERN REGION Miss. River to Pacific Ocean
42 Councils (Whiteman to Travis, Barksdale to
(Eielson to Kunsan to Hickam)
to Incirlik to Gielenkirchen)
74 Pillars of CGOC
- Professional Development
- Esprit de Corps
- Community Service
- Base Support
8Way Ahead
- Seeking AF Level Champion
- Lt Gen Dan Fig Leaf
- Senior Air Staff General at Pentagon
- Re-establish communication between regions and AF
CGOC - Update all CGOC contact information
- Re-establish CGOC as a viable network with firm
senior leader support - Develop a plan to provide CGO feedback to senior
AF leaders - Develop a roadmap for future CGO Professional
Development Conferences with Regional Staffs - Annual Conference with CGO from all USAF Bases
9CGOC Transition
- Most crucial period in maintaining momentum
- Continuity Binders
- Active participation from previous exec board
members - Avoid the My OPR bullet is written! statement
- Develop a true CGOC transition that focuses on
person to person transition vs. old continuity
binder to person - Coordinate with area CGOCs
- Google CGOC
- Be Proactive!