Title: Space Weather and Ionospheric Research Using COSMIC Data
1Space Weather and Ionospheric Research Using
- Qian Wu. S. C. Solomon, Wenbin Wang, Alan Burns,
- Liying Qian, Mike Wiltberger, T. L. Killeen
- High Altitude Observatory
- National Center for Atmospheric Research
- For COSMIC Retreat October 28, 2004
- Peaceful Valley Ranch, Colorado
- Space Weather
- Solar X-ray flare effect on the ionosphere
- Auroral oval expansion and precipitation
enhancement during geomagnetic storms - Polar cap absorption events
- Equatorial anomaly
- Plasmasphere depletion and refilling during and
after storms - F region ion density variation during storms
- Ionosphere and thermosphere modeling efforts at
HAO - Possible collaboration between the COSMIC team
and HAO group on ionosphere studies
3Solar Activities and Space Weather
4Space Weather Overview
- Solar activities control the space weather
- X-ray flare
- Enhanced solar wind (density, speed increases)
- Southward turning of the interplanetary magnetic
field - X-ray ionization enhancement in D region
- Precipitation of energetic protons (MeV) inside
the polar cap - Reconnections of the Earth magnetic field lines
- Releasing energy inside the magnetosphere
- Auroral enhancement
- Expansion of the auroral oval
- Enhancement of cross polar cap potential and
strong anti-sunward convection in the polar cap - Penetration of the high latitude electric field
to mid- and lower latitude region - Plasmapause movement due to storm
- Joule Heating in the high latitude upper
thermosphere - F region ion density changes
5Solar X-ray Flare
6SolarX- ray Flare of November 4, 2003
7Photo-ionization Thermosphere is heated
by absorption of parts of the solar EUV
spectrum Photons are sufficiently energetic to
ionize the gas Ionospheric profile will
differ from day to night Results in an
electrically neutral plasma, mainly electrons and
positive ions attachment processes can produce
negative ions also Ionosphere stratified into D,
E, F1, and F2 layers
8D Region Ionosphere enhancement During X-ray Flare
9Coronal Mass Ejection (CME)
- Coronal mass ejections (CME) are huge bubbles of
gas threaded with magnetic field lines that are
ejected from the Sun over the course of several
hours. - Coronal mass ejections are often associated with
solar flares and prominence eruptions.
10CME Event Example
11IMF and Kp index
12Auroral Oval Expansion and Precipitation
Enhancement During Geomagnetic Storm
13Solar Proton Event and Polar Cap Absorption Event
- Energetic solar protons (MeV) precipitate into
the polar cap through the open field lines. - Strongly enhance the D-region ionosphere
- Causing enhanced absorption of cosmic radio
noises ( 30 MHz), which are monitored by
riometers (Relative Ionospheric Opacity METER) on
the ground in the polar cap.
14Riometer Signal Level vs Quiet Day Curve
15Cosmic Radio Noise Absorption Due to A Polar Cap
Absorption Event
16Equatorial Anomaly
- Ionosphere enhancement on two sides of the
geomagnetic equator. - Caused by the fountain effect from the F-region
eastward electric field. - The F region eastward electric field is caused by
the E-region dynamo generated by the lower
thermosphere neutral winds (mainly the diurnal
tide). - E-region dynamo can be affected by penetration of
high latitude electric field during geomagnetic
17Diagram for Equatorial Anomaly
E x B
E (eastward electric field) Looking west
18Equatorial Anomaly
19GPS TEC Observation of Equatorial Anomaly During
Geomagnetic Storms
- Plasma in donut shape corotates with the Earth
- Cold (1 eV),
- Dense (up to 103/cm)
- Populated by the outflow of ionospheric plasma
along mid- and low-latitude magnetic field lines
lt 60 MLAT - H 80 , He 20
21Plasmasphere During Storms
- When the magnetosphere is disturbed by a magnetic
storm, enhanced convection "erodes" the outer
plasmasphere, capturing plasma in the
afternoon-dusk sector and transporting it outward
and sunward toward the magnetopause. Some of the
eroded plasma convected to the magnetopause may
escape into the solar wind, while some is thought
to be transported into the magnetotail and
eventually into the plasma sheet. - Following erosion, which can last hours to tens
of hours, plasma flowing upward along magnetic
field lines from conjugate ionospheres begins to
"refill" the depleted plasma trough and
plasmasphere. Refilling of the plasmasphere
typically requires several days.
22F-region Ionosphere Variation During Storms
- Enhanced polar cap ion convection due to increase
in the cross-polar-cap potential - Energy transferred into
- Kinetic energy (increase neutral winds in the
thermosphere) - Joule heating (increase temperature in the
thermosphere) - Raising molecular species into the upper
thermosphere - Increase ion recombination and reduce the ion
density in the F-region
23TING Model Simulation of F-region Ionosphere
During Storms
24Modeling Efforts in Our Group
- Center for Integrated Space Weather Modeling
(CISM) is a NSF supported Science and Technology
Center started in August 2002 to build a
comprehensive, physics-based computer model that
can accurately simulate the complex, closely
interconnected variables from explosions on the
sun to aurora on the earth and almost everything
in-between - HAO is involved in the magnetosphere and
ionosphere coupling modeling. - Thermosphere and Ionosphere Nested Grid model
(TING) - The Whole Atmosphere Community Climate Model
(WACCM) is a comprehensive model of Earths
atmosphere from the surface to 140 km. - HAO is involved in modeling solar variability on
the middle and upper atmosphere and their
possible links to the troposphere. - Including the solar X-ray effects on the
ionosphere - TIME-GCM The thermosphere-ionosphere-mesosphere-el
ectrodynamics general circulation model
(TIME-GCM) is the most elaborate of the
upper-atmospheric TGCM's and it solves for global
distributions of neutral and plasma temperatures,
velocities, and compositions, including all of
the species that are photochemically important in
the mesosphere, thermosphere, and ionosphere. - Including the proton event effect on the polar
cap ionosphere
25Simulation of E and F region enhancement during
X-ray flare
26Collaboration between COSMIC Team and HAO group
for Ionosphere Study
- Validation of the ionosphere model output.
- Use COSMIC data as input for auroral oval
location. - Testing X-ray flare effect on the ionosphere.
- Examine the effect of the geomagnetic storm on
the equatorial anomaly (enhancement, asymmetry,
and location). - Study the polar cap absorption events to see how
the enhanced ionization can affect the
ion-neutral coupling in the polar cap. - Study the plasmasphere movement during storms.
- Study F-region ionosphere variations during
storms. - Model output can be used in COSMIC data inversion
as the first guess.