Title: Graohics
- CSC 171 FALL 2001
2History COBOL
- 1960 - Conference on Data System Languages
(CODASYL) - led by Joe Wegstein of NBS developed
the first standardized business computer
programming language, COBOL (Common Business
Oriented Language). - For the next 20 years there were more programs
written in COBOL than any other single language.
- That same year the second of the mathematical
languages, ALGOL 60 was developed, not widely
implemented ALGOL became the conceptual basis of
many programming languages.
3Coordinate System
- Origin in upper left
- X increases to right
- Y increases down
Increasing x
Increasing y
4Coordinate System
- So
- g.drawLine(30,40,50,70)
Increasing x
Increasing y
5Basic Graphics Operations
- Translation
- Change the position
- Scale
- Change the size
- Rotation
- Change the angle
- /Moving an object is addition /
- int x1,y1,x2,y2
- x130 y140 x260 y280
- g.drawLine(x1,y1,x2,y2)
- //20 to the left , 10 down
- x120 x220
- y1 10 y210
- g.drawLine(x1,y1,x2,y2)
Increasing x
Increasing y
- /Sizing an object multiplication /
- int x1,y1,x2,y2
- x130 y140 x260 y280
- g.drawLine(x1,y1,x2,y2)
- //double the size
- x12 x22
- y1 2 y22
- g.drawLine(x1,y1,x2,y2)
- // NOT in place
Increasing x
Increasing y
- Given scale and translation as above
- How would you do translation in place?
- (ie keep center of line in place, alter size)
9Scale in place
- int x1,y1,x2,y2
- x130 y140 x260 y280
- g.drawLine(x1,y1,x2,y2)
- //center point
- int averageX (x1x2)/2
- Int averageY (y1y2)/2
- //put center _at_ origin
- x1-averageX
- x2-averageX
- y1-averageY
- y2-averageY
- //scale as before
- x12 x22
- y1 2 y22
- //center is still at center
- //so, return center to same
- //put center _at_ origin
- x1averageX
- x2averageX
- x1averageY
- y2averageY
- g.drawLine(x1,y1,x2,y2)
10Scale in place
- //scale as before
- x12 // -15 2 -30
- x22 // 15 2 30
- y1 2 // -20 2 -40
- y22 // 20 2 40
- //center is still at center
- //so, return center to same
- //put center _at_ origin
- x1averageX // -30 45 15
- x2averageX // 3045 75
- x1averageY // -4060 20
- y2averageY // 4060 100
- g.drawLine(x1,y1,x2,y2)
- int x1,y1,x2,y2
- x130 y140 x260 y280
- g.drawLine(x1,y1,x2,y2)
- //center point
- int averageX (x1x2)/2 //45
- Int averageY (y1y2)/2 //60
- //put center _at_ origin
- x1-averageX // 30-45 -15
- x2-averageX // 60-45 15
- y1-averageY // 40-60 -20
- y2-averageY // 80-60 20
- So, we can translate
- Scale, in place
- What about rotation
- Rotation involves angles
- Angles involve math
- In computer science math is used for application
as well as analysis
12A little trigonometry
- Recall
- On the unit circle,
- Give the angle F
- xcos(F)
- ysin(F)
13Any point in the plane
- xrcos(F)
- yrsin(F)
- Rotation about the origin is going from one point
on the circle to another - (adding an angle)
14Angle Addition
- Going from (x1,y1)
- add f to a
- is like finding the sum
- Remember
- cos(af)
- cosacosf-sinasinf
- sin(af)
- sinacosfcosasinf
15Angle Addition
- x1rcos(a)
- y1rsin(a)
- x2 rcos(af)
- r (cosacosf-sinasinf)
- x1cosf-y1sinf
- y2 r sin(af)
- r(sinacosfcosasinf) x1sinfy1cosf
16Rotation about the origin
- x2 x1cosf-y1sinf
- y2 x1sinay1cosf
17Rotation as a Matrix operation
- x2 x1cosf-y1sinf
- y2 x1sinay1cosf
18Rotation by 90 degrees
- int x1,y1,x2,y2
- x130 y140 x260 y280
- g.drawLine(x1,y1,x2,y2)
- int x1p,y1p,x2p,y2p
- //sin(90) 1
- //cos(90) 0
- //what happens??
19Rotation by 90 degrees
- x1p x10-y11 // -40
- y1p y10x11// 30
- x2p x20-y21 //-80
- y2p y20x21 //60
20Rotation about the Origin
- Not In Place
- How do we do in place?
21Rotation about the Origin
- Not In Place
- How do we do in place?
- The same way as scale in place
- Translate center of object to origin
- Rotate around origin
- Translate back
- FileReader class
- read() method gets a character
- FileWriter class
- write() method writes a character
23 The Caesar Cipher
24Program Crypt.java import java.io.FileReader imp
ort java.io.FileWriter import java.io.IOException
public class Crypt public static void
main(String args) boolean decrypt
false int key DEFAULT_KEY
FileReader infile null FileWriter
outfile null if (args.length lt 2
args.length gt 4) usage() // gather
command line arguments and open files
25try for(int i 0 i lt args.length i)
if (argsi.substring(0, 1).equals("-")) //
it is a command line option String
option argsi.substring(1, 2) if
(option.equals("d")) decrypt true
else if (option.equals("k"))
key Integer.parseInt
(argsi.substring(2)) if (key lt 1
key gt NLETTERS) usage()
else if (infile
null) infile new FileReader(argsi)
else if (outfile null)
outfile new FileWriter(argsi)
26 catch(IOException e)
System.out.println("Error opening file")
if (infile null outfile null)
usage() // encrypt or decrypt the input if
(decrypt) key NLETTERS - key try
encryptFile(infile, outfile, key)
infile.close() outfile.close()
27 catch(IOException e) System.out.println("
Error processing file") System.exit(0)
/ Prints a message describing proper
usage and exits. / public static void usage()
System.out.println ("Usage java Crypt -d
-kn infile outfile") System.exit(1)
28/ Encrypts a character with the Caesar
cipher. Only upper- and lowercase letters are
encrypted. _at_param c the character to encrypt
_at_param k the encryption key _at_return the
encrypted character / public static char
encrypt(char c, int k) if ('a lt c c lt
'z') return (char)('a (c - 'a k)
NLETTERS) if ('A lt c c lt 'Z')
return (char)('A (c - 'A k) NLETTERS)
return c
29/ Encrypts all characters in a file.
_at_param in the plaintext file _at_param out the
file to store the encrypted characters _at_param
k the encryption key /
public static void encryptFile(FileReader in,
FileWriter out, int k) throws IOException
while (true) int next in.read()
if (next -1)return // end of file
char c (char)next
out.write(encrypt(c, k)) public
static final int DEFAULT_KEY 3 public
static final int NLETTERS 'z - 'a 1
30Whole class
31Passing class
32All exams projects in 73/134
33All exam projects in 73/134