Introduction%20to%20Genetic%20Algorithms%20and%20Evolutionary%20Computing - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Consider the spectacular results of biological evolution. Designs better ... parameters (interactions among parameters) epistasis makes it hard for others ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Introduction%20to%20Genetic%20Algorithms%20and%20Evolutionary%20Computing

Introduction to Genetic Algorithms and
Evolutionary Computing
  • Randy Ribler
  • Computer Science Department
  • Lynchburg College, Lynchburg, VA, USA

Evolutionary Computing
  • Consider the spectacular results of biological
  • Designs better than any other known
  • Adaptive to changing requirements
  • Natural Selection works the same way regardless
    of the application
  • Algorithm is relatively unaware of application
  • Making it more aware may improve performance

Evolutionary Computing (Limitations)
  • Simulation of Natural Selection On a Smaller
  • Cant wait millions of years for evolution
  • Computer are fast and getting faster
  • EC works well on distributed computer
  • Population sizes are much more limited
  • Actual evolutionary process is very complex we
    can only approximate the process
  • Process is not fully understood
  • More accurate approximation requires additional
    computation resources

Simple Genetic Algorithms
  • General Technique for multi-variable function
    optimization and machine learning
  • Example Design an airplane wing
  • Variables
  • length, width, rotation in x-axis, rotation in

Example Design an airplane wing
  • Variables
  • Wing length (l)
  • Wing Width (w)
  • Sweep Angle (s)
  • Pitch Angle (p)

Fitness Function for Airplane Wing
  • Fitness(l,w,s,p) Efficiency(l,w,s,p)
    lift(l,w,s,p) / drag(l,w,s,p)
  • This is an extreme simplification, and I dont
    know anything about designing airplane wings, but
    an aerospace engineer can give us the proper
    input variables and efficiency functions and that
    is what we would use.
  • Real case would have many more variables and a
    complex fitness function perhaps a wind tunnel

What is the Range of Each Variable?
  • Length
  • Range 0 to 16 meters
  • 4-bits provides a 1 meter resolution
  • 5-bits would provides a .5 meter resolution
  • Width
  • Range 0 to 8 feet
  • 3-bits provides a 1 foot resolution
  • Sweep angle
  • Range 0 to 180 Degrees
  • 4-bits provides a 180/16 degree resolution
  • Pitch angle
  • Range -90 to 90 degrees
  • 5-bits provides a 180/32 degree resolution

Genetic Representation of Airplane Wing
  • 4 bits for length
  • 3 bits for width
  • 4 bits for sweep angle
  • 5 bits for pitch angle
  • Total of 16 bits to describe all 4 variables
  • Any random 16 bit value completely describes
    particular values for an airplane wing.

Create a population of random airplane wing
  • Select a population size.
  • Lets use 500 for our airplane wing.
  • Create 500 random 16-bit values.
  • Each 16-bit value represents the string for an
    experimental aircraft wing
  • The fitness function can provide a measure of the
    quality of each of or 500 experimental wings
  • Because the values were generated randomly, most
    wings will be pretty bad and have low fitness
    values, but some will be better than others

  • String - Sequence of genetic information fully
    describing an individual in the population.
  • Gene location of a bit on a string
  • Allele value of a gene

Natural Selection
  • As in the natural world
  • The more fit members of the population have a
    greater probability of propagating their genes
    into the next generation

Creating the Gene Pool for the Next Generation
  • More fit members should be more prominent in the
    gene pool
  • Less fit members should not be completely
  • Excluding the less fit might remove important
    gene subsequences from the gene pool
  • Converging too quickly to a solution can provide
    suboptimal results

  • Select 500 members of the gene pool where the
    probability of the ith member of the population
    being selected is

Reproduction (continued)
  • Once the 500 members of the gene pool for the
    next generation is established, pairs of parents
    are selected randomly. To distinguish between
    the two parents we will designate one as the
    father and the other as the mother, although
    their functions are identical.

Reproduction (continued)
  • Each pair of parents creates two children using
    one of two methods
  • Cloning
  • One child is an exact copy of the father
  • One child is an exact copy of the mother
  • Crossover
  • Some bits are copied from the mother, some from
    the father
  • Copy from one parent until you reach a crossover
    point, then copy from the other parent.

Crossover with Single Crossover Point
  • Father
  • Mother
  • Child 1
  • Child 2

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0
Crossover with Three Crossover Points
  • Father
  • Mother
  • Child 1
  • Child 2

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1
1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0
  • Each bit copied to a child has a probability of
    being changed (from 1 to 0, or 0 to 1).
  • Usually the probability of mutation is relatively
    low, but enough to encourage diversity.
  • In other models, mutation is the principal method
    of genetic change.

Summary of Simple Genetic Algorithm
  • Create a population of random genes
  • For a specified number of generations
  • Apply the fitness function to each member of the
  • Biasing toward the more fit individuals, create a
    pool of parents
  • While there are not a number of children equal to
    the original population size
  • Randomly select two parents and create two
    children either using cloning or crossover
  • Apply mutation
  • Completely replace the current generation with
    the children

Basic Parameters for a Genetic Algorithm
  • Population size
  • Gene Length
  • Number of crossover points
  • Probability of using crossover vs. cloning
  • Number of generations
  • Scaling Factors
  • More Complex/ Powerful applicatoin specific

  • A Schema is a similarity template describing a
    subset of strings with similarities at certain
    string positions
  • Consists of series of 1s, 0s, and s (for
    dont care)
  • Examples
  • 1
  • Matches (100, 101, 110, 111)
  • 10
  • Matches (01000, 01001, 01010, 01011,
  • 11000, 11001, 11011, 11011)
  • The plural of the word schema is schemata.

Counting Schemata
  • For a binary schema of length k, there are 3k
    possible schemata
  • Each position may contain 0, 1, or
  • A binary string of length k can have membership
    in 2k different schemata
  • Each position can contain the actual string
    digit, or
  • Example
  • 101 has membership in schemata (101, 10, 11,
    1, 01, 0, 1, )
  • Schemata per populations
  • Range from 2k (all strings are the same) to n2k
    (all strings have different schemata)

Schema Terms
  • Schema order o(H) is the number of fixed values
  • Number of 1s and 0s
  • 010 has an order of 3
  • 0111 has an order of 4
  • Schema defining length d(H) is the distance
    between first and last fixed value
  • Number of positions where crossover can disrupt
    the schema
  • 010 has a defining length of 4
  • 0111 has defining length of 5
  • 111 has a defining length of 4
  • 00010 has a defining length of 7

Effect of Reproduction on Expected Number of
Schemata in Population
  • A particular schema grows as the ratio of average
    fitness of the schema to average fitness of the
  • m examples of a particular schema H at time t is
    m(H, t)

Reproduction of Fit Schemata
  • Suppose a particular schema H remains above
    average an amount c.

Starting at t0 and assuming a stationary value
of c, we obtain
Reproduction allocates exponentially increasing
and decreasing numbers of schemata to future
Schema Disruption Due to Crossover
  • Ps Probability of surviving crossover
  • Pd Probability of being destroyed by crossover
  • Pc Probability of crossover versus cloning
  • l is the length of the string
  • d(H) is the defining length of the schema

Schema Disruption Due to Mutation
  • Pm Probability of mutating each bit
  • o(H) is the schema order (number of fixed values)
  • Probability a particular schema is disrupted by
    mutation is
  • (1-pm)o(H)
  • For very small values of pm, we can approximate
    this to 1 o(H)pm

Fundamental Theorem of Genetic Algorithms
Short, low-order, above-average schemata receive
exponentially increasing trials in subsequent
Position of Bits on the Gene is Important
  • Allow this to evolve as well
  • Dynamically change the location of each bit of
    the gene
  • Inversion
  • Select subsequences of the gene and invert the
    data and the interpretation
  • Has no effect on the genetic content, just the
    way the information is stored.
  • Requires additional meta-information to be stored
    that describes the location of each bit.

Inversion Example
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0
0 1 2 3 4 9 8 7 6 5 10 11 12 13 14 15
0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0
Randomly select two points in the sequence for
inversion. This example, uses 5 and 9. The bit
numbers and the data are inverted. Now bits 4
and 9 are adjacent and less likely to be
disrupted with crossover.
Inversion Complicates Crossover
4 5 9 0 11 12 1 13 14 10 15 2 3 6 7 8
0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0
0 1 2 3 4 9 8 7 6 5 10 11 12 13 14 15
1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1
  • How do we combine these two genes with different
    bit orders?
  • Insist that parents have same organization (not
    very good)
  • Discard if crossover yields duplicate bit
  • Reorder one parent, chosen at random, to match
    the other
  • Reorder the less fit of the two parents to match
    the other

When Might GA provide a Good Solution?
  • Highly multimodal functions
  • Discrete or discontinuous functions
  • High-dimensional functions, including many
    combinatorial ones
  • Nonlinear dependence on parameters (interactions
    among parameters) epistasis makes it hard for
  • Often used for approximate solutions to
    NP-complete combinatorial problems

From Introduction to Genetic Algorithms Tutorial,
Erik D. Goodman, Gecco 2005
Flavors of Evolutionary Computing
  • Genetic Algorithms (GA)
  • Evolutionary Programming (EP)
  • Classifier Systems
  • Evolving Neural Networks
  • Genetic Programming (GP)
  • Artificial Life (AL)

  • Schema theory equations from David E. Goldbergs,
    Genetic Algorithms in Search, Optimization and
    Machine Learning.
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