Title: Chapter 1
Robert W. Christopherson
2Essentials of Geography
- The Science of Geography
- Earth Systems Concepts
- Location and Time on Earth
- Maps, Scales, and Projections
- Remote Sensing and GIS
3The Science of Geography
- Geography from geo Earth and graphein to
write - Geography is
- a method, not a body of knowledge
- holistic
- eclectic
- Geographers use spatial analysis
- Geographers use Earth systems science
4Geography is
- The science that studies the relationships among
- natural systems,
- geographic areas,
- society,
- cultural activities,
- and the interdependence of all of these over
5Physical Geography is
- The spatial analysis of all the physical elements
and processes that make up the environment.
6Figure 1.2
7- Geographers use the scientific method
Figure 1
8(No Transcript)
9Earth Systems Concepts
- Systems Theory
- System an interrelated set of things linked by
flows of energy and matter. - Open systems
- Closed systems
- System feedback
- System equilibrium
10Figure 1.3
11Leaf as a systemPhotosynthesis as a process
Figure 1.4
12Leaf as a systemRespiration as a process
Figure 1.4
13System Behavior Equlibrium
Dynamic Equlibrium
14Are Systems Stable?
- Are Systems Stable?
- Energy is not evenly distributed throughout the
environment. - When energy changes it does work.
- Can we see the changes in the environment
(system)? - Over time systems tend to keep a general
structure (equilibrium). - Trends
- Change in the average behavior of the system.
- Feedback mechanisms.
- A modification of a process that either amplifies
(positive feedback) or dampens out (negative
feedback) subsequent processes in a system.
15Atmosphere as a System
16System behavior Trend Change in the average
behavior of the system
- A modification of a process that either amplifies
(positive feedback) or dampens out (negative
feedback) subsequent processes in a system.
19Do systems have a boundary?
- Internal flow vs. flow across systems
- Is the Earth an open or closed system?
20Earths Four Spheres
- Atmosphere
- Hydrosphere
- Lithosphere
- Biosphere
Figure 21.2
21Earths dimensions
Figure 1.9
22Measuring Earth in 247 B.C.
Figure 1.10
23Location and Time on Earth
- Latitude
- Longitude
- Great circles
- Prime Meridian and standard time
High Latitude Polar regions Low
Latitude Tropics
Latitude An angular distance north and south of
the equator
Figure 1.11
Figure 1.14
Figure 1.14
28Prime Meridian and Standard Time
Figure 1.17
29Prime Meridian and Standard Time
Figure 1.17
30Great Circles and Small Circles
Figure 1.15
31Maps, Scales, and Projections
- Map a generalized view of an area, as seen from
above and reduced in size - Scale ratio of map units to ground units
- Projection process of transforming spherical
Earth to flat map
32Planar Projection
Classes of Projections
Figure 1.22
Eg. Mercator projection
Figure 1.22
34Conic projection
Figure 1.22
35Classes of Projections
Figure 1.22
36Remote Sensing
- Active remote sensing
- Passive remote sensing
37Active and Passive Remote Sensing
Passive sensing visible light
Active sensing radar
Figure 1.25
38Remote Sensing
Figure 1.26
39Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
- GIS systems combine spatial and attribute data
- Maps can contain multiple data layers
- Physical features
- Cultural features
- Layers can be added to create composite overlay
Figure 1.28