Title: Osmosis and Potatoes
1Osmosis and Potatoes!
2What is Osmosis ?
- Osmosis is the movement of water molecules,
across a partially permeable membrane, from a
region of high concentration of water to a low
concentration of water molecules.
Text book definition
3What is Osmosis?
- Osmosis has the following uses
- It allows plants to take in water through their
roots. - It is used in kidney dialysis machines to filter
the blood.
4What is a partially permeable membrane?
- Remember!! A membrane controls what goes in and
out of the cell. - Permeable means it allows substances to go
through it.
- A partially permeable membrane is a membrane with
holes in it small enough for only WATER to go
through it. Big molecules like glucose can not
fit through
See next slide
5A partially permeable membrane
Small molecules, such as water can pass through
Large molecules like sugar can not pass through
the membrane
Diagram shows the net flow of water
6Osmosis - what is actually happening ?
The water molecules pass both ways through the
The overall flow (net flow) of water molecules is
from a region with lots of water molecules to
region of less water molecules.
Lots of water molecules
Few water molecules
The water moves into the sugar - rich region to
fill it up with water. The water moves as if to
even up the concentration either side of the
- OSMOSIS is the movement of water molecules
across a partially permeable membrane. - The membrane only allows small molecules, e.g.
water to pass through it. - Large molecules e.g. glucose can NOT pass through
the membrane. - Water molecules move into the region where there
are less water molecules - The water acts to even up the concentration of
water either side of the membrane.
8Osmosis and Potato Investigation
Using the above facts you should now be able to
understand what happens in the potato
What happens here?
Pure Water
In pure water the potato tubes swell, because
water enters their cells by osmosis.
Remember, potatoes are rich in starch which is
a complex sugar.
9What happens here?
Sugar Solution
In rich sugar solution the potato tubes shrink,
because water leaves the potato by osmosis.
10Hope you have got the idea now...
- If you would like to go over some of the points
again , choose one of the options below. - BACK TO START
- What is Osmosis?
- What is a partially permeable membrane?
- A partially permeable membrane
- Osmosis what is actually happening?
- Summary
- Potato tubes in pure water
- Potato tubes in sugar rich water