Counter Terrorism just how good is our training - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Counter Terrorism just how good is our training


This training not only involves military actions, but from the Federal response ... to the opposing team who will decimate you when you actually play the game. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Counter Terrorism just how good is our training

Counter Terrorism just how good is our training
  • Research Paper
  • IS3392 Independent Studies II
  • Professor Antonio Caruso

Bart R. Heimsness March 2, 2007
Counter Terrorism just how good is our
  • America is heavily involved in the Global War on
    Terror (GWOT) and has developed some of the best
    training in the world. This training not only
    involves military actions, but from the Federal
    response level from the Department of Homeland
    Security (DHS) all the way down to local city and
    town levels.

Design Issues involved in Online
Counter-Terrorism Training
  • Training is provided for most all levels of
    emergency response
  • Training provided for anti / counter-terrorism
  • Little or no security for access to web sites
    sponsoring training
  • Little or non-existent vetting of personnel
    accessing training

Purpose of Research
  • Determine the feasibility of training being
    online and free is worth the money, time and
    effort to develop and offer such training.

Thesis Statement
  • Courses of how to counter and/or fight
    terrorism are abundant and available online for
    anyone to study. This allows not only those in
    these fields, but the terrorists as well, to
    study our tactics and techniques and allows them
    to develop better tactics. A system must be
    developed to not only train our people in these
    subjects, but it must be secure as well.

History of Counter-Terrorism Training
  • Dates back to the beginning of America
  • Barbary Pirates took our merchants and others for
  • All in the name of ALLAH as we are but INFIDELS
  • Long standing history of Terrorist attacks
  • America finally starts to wake up to the threat
    after 9/11

Early Training in CT / AT
Initially Thomas Jefferson had the Koran
interpreted in order to determine why the Muslims
(Barbary Pirates) would use the name of ALAH in
order to kill and or enslave people. Jeffersons
copy (translated) of the Koran equipped him with
everything he needed to know on how to respond to
threats from the caliphates of the early 1800s.
Consisted of mainly military training teams
training different entities in Counter-Terrorism
or Anti-Terrorism subjects. This allowed for only
specific individuals or organizations to acquire
these skills.
Spread into Civilian Market
  • Events of 9/11 have allowed a surge of EXPERTS to
    come into the field of CT / AT

Explosion of online Training
Birth of Department of Homeland Security (DHS)
  • The United States conceived of the DHS right
    after 9/11 and it was actually activated 24 Jan
    2003. This organization was conceived of in
    response to the consolidation and sharing of
    assets and information between governmental
    organizations from the Federal Emergency
    Management Agency (FEMA) to Federal Bureau of
    Investigations (FBI), Federal Air Marshals (FAM),
    and Department of Energy (DOE) etc. Many other
    Federal entities are also enveloped under DHS
    however, too numerous to address at this point.

What does Counter-Terrorism Training teach us
  • The training that has been developed through all
    of the different entities offering training
    range from individual skills, team building
    skills to departments for local, state and
    federal response activities for not only
    training, but coordination between all entities
    responding to such emergencies or terrorist
  • In order to better understand each area we will
    take a look at them individually below and how
    they fit into the scheme of offering training
    skills pertinent to the counter-terrorism mission

Individual skills
  • Skills taught to our emergency response
    personnel, law enforcement and military personnel
    is available to potential terrorist personnel as
  • Guard duty procedures
  • Surveillance detection techniques
  • Personal security awareness
  • One of the best examples is the course at
    Emergency Operations Training Academy (EOTA)
    Course number - CIP110DW Titled - Vehicle Bomb
    Search Methods
  • Many other individual skills

Team building skills
  • To respond to large terrorist events teams are
  • Team training is readily available online
  • Incorporates many of the individual skills into
    collective tasks that are used to accomplish the
    mission of responding to emergencies

Local, County and State skills
  • Training and SOPs are dictated
  • at National Level for local,
  • County State Emergency
  • Response units
  • Incident Command System
  • (ICS) is to be used by all
  • jurisdictions
  • Majority of County State
  • emergency Response SOPs are
  • posted online or are available at
  • your local library

Federal coordination and Emergencies
  • Federal coordination and Emergencies At the
    federal level there are a couple of programs or
    directives that guide how emergencies are
    handled. Starting with the National Incident
    Management System (NIMS) which serves as a
    template to assist all governmental, state,
    private-sector and non-governmental organizations
    the ability to work together in incidents of
    national response or security.
  • NIMS offers templates or outlines for responses
    at all levels of response as well as guidelines
    for training and inter-agency coordination. This
    allows for much better uniformity in not only
    understanding the problems, but mitigating and
    training for responses to them as well

How can Terrorists use this information
Is there any doubt that terrorists know how to
utilize the internet? Take a look at the Islamic
Jihadist Training Manuals. They are offered
online for terrorists or potential terrorists
worldwide. Many of these manuals that show
specific training on individual tactics and
techniques are exactly like that of our military
and law enforcement training.
Click on manual to view online
What is at hand for them now?
What is at hand for them now? With all of the
information literally available right at their
fingertips and the ease of not only finding this
information but spreading that information to
the masses with the internet is immense. Through
proper networking, establishing basic security
procedures their network can grow in leaps and
bounds with very little training. With more and
more terrorist organizations using the internet
to spread their message, data mining about our
culture and training procedures we need to look
at why this would be a problem.
How can they use our information
  • This is actually much easier than we know. Two
    (2) examples will be used to display just how
    easy this can be done.
  • Tulane University offers a course on Vehicle Bomb
    Search procedures. It is open for enrollment no
    type of clearance of job requirements are
    necessary to use or take these state of the art
    courses. The training covers the methodologies we
    use to search far and near and also shows the
    most common areas that vehicle borne improvised
    explosive devices (VBIED) are placed and how to
    identify them.
  • Now armed with this information our guards can
    definitely perform their jobs better and keep
    us safer. Can they really? No because the
    people building the VBIEDs also have access to
    our training and now teach others different ways
    to hide and or build them so they can not be
    detected by the Americans training.

How can they use our information (Cont)
  • Next let us look at our water sources. Our
    Freedom of Information Act and Environmental
    Protection Agency have so many rules and
    regulations involved that all of the information
    has to be made public. Much of this information
    is available right on line if not all of it. It
    will definitely be available in the local
    libraries under the local government section.

Click to play movie
How can they use our information (Cont)
  • Information from location, size of storage or
    processing units, gallons pumped, names,
    addresses, phone numbers of the main personnel
    responsible for the plant and many times the few
    other employees available as well. The terrorists
    already have the methods available to them on how
    to contaminate water. Now they have all of the
    information at their fingertips to contaminate
    our local water sources. If the facility is
    difficult to locate or get into (most can be
    reached simply by tossing it in) they have the
    names, addresses, phone numbers of the main plant
    personnel. With a bit of surveillance the
    terrorists can simply gain access by hurting the
    plant personnel or their families.
  • So as can be seen with just a little bit of
    imagination a terrorist can do a lot with just
    a little bit of information. Here in America our
    information is very abundant and very accessible.

Other potential information available to
  • is up to the imagination. With the great increase
    of identity theft terrorist rings are known to
    steal mail activate cards and pass the
    information to foreign accounts. Easy for them to
    hide from prosecution when done in another
  • Setting up companies and obtaining contracts for
    our government under the pretense of minority
    owned business. They may end up with sensitive or
    semi-sensitive jobs interfacing with the
    government. They can list jobs on major job
    search engines. They can search major job search
    engines and find personnel with specific training
    or security clearances. The information available
    is amazing. Can you imagine having a top secret
    clearance only to have a local Jihadist stop by
    and see your family? Think about it it really
    is that easy. All it takes is a little time and
    some effort.

Proposal for dealing with security of online
  • The events of 9/11 have finally pulled America
    into the Global War on Terror. At the current
    time it is unknown if America has the resolve
    to fight such an enemy but at least the ground
    work has been laid in order to do such a job.
  • Actions have been taken in order to enhance
    Americas efforts in GWOT by replacing or
    replenishing many of the missing elements taken
    away over the years by government. One of the
    biggest changes is the development of the
    Department of Homeland Security (DHS) which acts
    as an umbrella not only for training, but
    intelligence and many other functions of the
    government as well.

Department of Homeland Security (DHS)
  • (DHS) is a governmental organization that has
    been given extremely broad powers. With these
    broad powers of all of the different governmental
    organizations from FEMA, FBI etc. the role in
    developing and presenting training is immense.
  • With this immense role in providing training
    should come the actual security of such training
    not only for the organizations of which operate
    under its umbrella of influence, but to the
    general public and first responder organizations
    as well.

Federal Registry
  • All companies on Federal Registry the U.S.
    Government has made many more steps in the
    Centralized Contractor Registration (CCR) which
    gives companies a place to find and learn all of
    the information they need to not only establish
    their business(s), but in order to do business
    with the government as well.
  • This is an invaluable tool and could easily be
    used to ensure that these companies have the
    proper security clearances for particular types
    of work as well as holding these companies
    responsible for their employees and their
    security clearances as well.

How employees can be given access
  • This is not as complicated as it seems.
    Given the vetting process of the new employment
    form (Form I-9 (Rev. 05/31/05)) (see Fig 5.1)
    that require particular series or combination of
    identifications to verify the person being
    employed with a little government supervision
    employees can be verified relatively quickly.
    This form allows for the proper documentation to
    be checked rather easily and employers should
    have their feet held to the fire so to speak
    in order to do the right thing.

How employees can be given access(Cont)
  • Additionally anyone working in the field of law
    enforcement, first responders or government type
    jobs should certainly be free from different
    criminal backgrounds which could potentially be a
    liability to the positions in which they work.
  • Submitting the extra paperwork for security
    clearances is an extra expense of time and effort
    however, it is a necessary expense that would
    allow these personnel to obtain access to the
    system. Employees as well as Employers need to be
    held accountable in addition to those granting
    any type of clearance to any of these personnel.

Solutions to Security Problems
  • As with any problem the problem has to be
    identified. This particular problem is definitely
    identified. The proposed solution is to implement
    the steps from the top down as well as bottom up
    approaches in order to ensure everyones security
    as well as privacy.
  • Individuals could apply for U.S. Passports.
  • Department of Justice (DOJ) can use the
    information form I-9
  • DHS is the starting area for securing the
    training environments.
  • CCR would be responsible for ensuring that all
    government contractors
  • are eligible for any training they may have
    access to.
  • Department of the military would handle military
  • FEMA and like State agencies would handle the
    accessibility of their
  • individual state emergency responders and law
    enforcement personnel
  • by granting them access to applicable training.

  • Developing and deploying the best training in the
    world that is accessible to anyone is a superb
    idea when the information is not potentially
    harmful to the people of which it is helpful. The
    GWOT is such an environment where it makes no
    sense to have tactics, techniques and modalities
    taught to anyone that has an internet connection.
    It is the same as giving away all of your plays
    to the opposing team who will decimate you when
    you actually play the game.
  • A method of controlling who gets the training and
    how it is taught only makes perfect sense in the
    Global War on Terrorism, however giving that
    same information to the people we are fighting
    makes absolutely no sense what-so-ever. A much
    more serious look needs to be done in this matter
    by all involved.

  • For further information contact
  • Bart R. Heimsness
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