Title: Overcoming Obstacles to Growth
1Overcoming Obstacles to Growth
- Jeremy Peckham
- Serial Entrepreneur
2Reaching your potential
- Many SMEs fail to reach their potential
- Dont grow
- Stop growing - hit a ceiling
- Employee management problems
- Not just lack of money
3Growing a company
- Great idea?
- Charismatic leader?
- Well developed product or market strategy?
- Increasing shareholder value?
- Sufficient finance?
4What is your company?
- Is it a vehicle for products?
- OR
- Is the product a vehicle for the company?
5Early failures!
- Sony Corp - Masaru Ibuka, 1945
- What to make
- Sweetened bean paste soup, minature golf
equipment? - 1st product - Rice cooker, didnt work properly
- Crude heating pads
- Tape recorder failed in marketplace
- Transistor radio (1955), pocket radio (57),
Videotape Recorder (64), Walkman (79) gtgtgt
Trinitron TV, Cell Chip - PlayStation 3 (05)
6Early failures!
- 3M
- Corundum mine (1902) - failed
- Sandpaper (1905)
- Masking tape, Scotch tape gtgt post it, etc etc
Core values
What is authentically believed
Long term, broad, never fully achieved
At its heart a company needs to know what it
exists for
8Core ideology - Sony
- To experience the shear joy that comes from the
advancement, application and innovation of
technology that benefits the general public - To elevate the Japanese culture national status
- Being a pioneer - not following others, but doing
the impossible - Respecting encouraging each individuals
ability and creativity
9Procter Gamble
- Product excellence
- Continuous self improvement
- Honesty fairness
- Respect concern for the individual
- We are in the business of preserving and
improving human life. All of our actions must be
measured by our success in achieving this goal - Honest Integrity
- Science based innovation, not imitation
- Unequivocal excellence in all aspects of the
- Give full consideration to the individual
employee - Spend a lot of time making customers happy
- Go the last mile to do things right, seek
superiority in all we undertake
12Core values Purpose
- No set of right core values
- Note often include ethical/moral values
- Integrity
- Honesty
- Fairness
- Care for, valuing people (staff, customers)
- Transparency
13Core Values Purpose
- Do you know what they are?
- Are they clearly defined?
- Does the work force management know what they
are? - Do they share them?
- Employees only fit if they believe in them
- Obstacle to growth if no shared values
14More than ideology
Guiding principles
values purpose
Stability continuity
Consistent with ideology
15More than ideology
Organisation changes
Empower employees
values purpose
Product QC
Excellent customer service
Quality certification
16Organisation building
- Management Organisation issues
- Challenges for growing SMEs
- Stimulating progress
- Some key steps to growth
17Management Issues
- Family business mentality?
- 10-20 people
- Founder manager
- Owner does everything
- Little delegation
- Issues of employee motivation
- Barrier to progress
18Organisation issues
- Transition to larger enterprise
- 10-50 people
- 50-300 people
- Very different dynamic
- Must be managed
- Issues of communication structure
- Ensure core values maintained
19Organisation structure
- Different structures needed
- Delegation
- Accountability
- Clearly defined roles
- Reporting
- Communication Motivation
- Top down
- Consistent messages
management forum - influence feedback
Peer groups
Peer group representatives
Groups can deal with core value issues - e.g.
21Stimulating progress
- Goal setting
- Processes
- Strategy
- Business Planning
- Marketing Sales
- Financial control
22Goal setting
- Characteristic of visionary companies
- Setting challenging goals
- Stretching, audacious, breathtaking
- Crystal clear
- Everyone understands
- Stimulates progress
23Goal setting
- Fixed
- Very challenging
- May be long term
- Variable
- Revised routinely
- Keep what works
values purpose
To show Kenya can compete in the world market
with top quality products
Sell packaged coffee
Quality certification
24Strategy - Business Planning
- Every business needs a BP
- It needs review updating
- Review every qtr
- Update every 12 months
- Monitor progress
- Financial
- Strategic objectives
25Marketing Sales
- Marketing comes 1st
- Product Positioning
- What is your product?
- Do you understand it?
- Is there a need (push or pull)?
- Who needs it (customer profiles)?
- Where are your markets?
- Who are your competition?
26Marketing Sales
- Is product already developed?
- Product development plan
- Resources
- Activities
- Milestones
- Product roadmap
- Next version
- New products
- Customers/Markets
27Marketing Sales
- Need to know product market BEFORE selling
- Appropriate sales force
- Small value product
- Shorter cycle
- Different skills, less steps involved
- Large value product
- Longer cycle
- Different skills, more steps invloved
28Managing sales
- Sales process - do you have one?
- Often lacking
- Too informal
- Do you manage it?
- What is it?
- Monitor pipeline
- Track progress
- Use check list - move along
- Forecast sales
29Obstacles to growth - sales
- Inadequate training
- Inadequate research by sales person
- Selling to the wrong person
- Not the decision maker
- No budget
- Discretionary spend or approval?
- Need not demonstrated
- Poor forecasting
30Obstacles to growth - Sales
- Wrong sales people
- skill set doesnt match selling requirement
- Lack of training
- Product
- Selling technique
- No sales process
- Sales team not monitored or coached
- No qualification, pipeline management
- No forecasting or inaccurate
- No decision - sale drifts
31Obstacles to growth - Mkting
- Poor product - doesnt fulfill need
- No real market - no need
- Incorrect product positioning - wrong customers
targeted - Insufficient marketing
- Product needs changing
- Development
- Different product
32Obstacles to growth
- Product quality issues
- Insufficient production capacity
- No customer service
- Poor aftercare
- Financial control
- Monthly management accounts
- Budgets
- Forecasting
- Cash flow
- Collecting debts
- Cash is the life blood of the business
- Running and growing an SME challenging
- Obstacles to growth can develop
- Need to audit company recognise
- Many you can do something about
- Identify issues within your control
- You can overcome
- Some have dependencies
- Raising finance
- Need for external help