Title: IBEX Concept Study Site Visit
1IBEX Project and Flight System Overview IBEX
Science Working Team Meeting June 15,
2005 Presented by Susan Pope Southwest
Research InstituteSan Antonio, Texas
2Recent History
- GSFC Explorers office Kickoff and Debrief on Feb
18, 2005 - Major and minor strengths in all areas
- 7 minor weaknesses (1 payload)
- 1 major weakness (rocketry)
- SwRI contract signed May 18, 2005.
- May 18 start date and June 15, 2008 launch date
provides 5-months schedule margin. - All subcontractors have been turned on with full
3Mission Schedule
4Near Term Review Dates
- System Requirements Review Sept. 7-8, 2005
- Payload Preliminary Design Review Dec. 12-13,
2005 - Mission PDR Jan. 17-18, 2005
- Confirmation Assessment Review Jan. 19, 2005
- Confirmation Readiness Review Jan. 30, 2006
- Confirmation Review Feb. 13, 2006
- Begin Phase C/D Feb. 16, 2006
- Payload CDR June 7-8, 2006
- Mission CDR July 26-27, 2006
5IBEX Org Chart
6Launch Configuration
7Launch Movie
Movie courtesy of Orbital Sciences Corporation
8Launch Operations
- S/C power positive after launch
- Spin axis within 60º of Sun line
- S/C coasts up to apogee
- Apogee burn by S/C hydrazine subsystem
- 66 minute burn raises perigee to 7000 km
9Mission Design
- Nominal orbit 37 Re x 7000 km altitude, 5 days
per orbit - Sun-pointing spinning S/C (4 rpm)
- Science Observations gt 10 Re
- Engineering lt 10 Re
- Data download and command upload
- Adjust spin axis 5 (Earths orbital motion)
- Nearly full sky viewing each 6 months
10Spacecraft Bus Configuration
- Central thrust-tube core structure
- Components on 6 side panels
- Top deck mounted solar array
- Major-axis spinner
- Two spherical outboard fuel tanks
- Two axial and 4 lateral thrusters
11Solid Rocket Motor
- Toroidal igniter with dual flamesticks
- 3-D carbon-carbon throat
- Star 30 Carbon phenolic exit cone
- Welded 27-inch dia titanium alloy case
- Silica-filled EPDM rubber insulation
- Head-end-web (HEW) propellant grain
12Rocketry Trade Tree
ACS Sensors
Lateral Thruster Size (Qty 4)
Active Nutation Control Use
Pre-SRM Burn
During SRM Burn
After SRM Burn
Accels Only
1 Newton thrust
MEMs Gyros Only
5 Newton thrust
Accels MEMS Gyros
Propellant Tank PMD Selection
None (spin expulsion only) Elastomeric
diaphragm Metallic diaphragm Sponge (surface
tension) Start-up basket (surface
tension) Start-up trap (hydro-static) Gas bubble
suppressor Vortex suppressor TBD combination of
the above
Aft Deck Thruster
Propellant Tank Selection
No aft deck thruster
1 aft deck thruster (5N)
1 aft deck thruster (22 N)
Apogee Raise Method
By SRM alone
Most done by SRM, Rest done by HPS
13Payload Block Diagram
14IBEX-Lo Subsystems
TOF (Cluster/CODIF)
Collimator (Phase A Prototype)
ENA? Ion Conversion (IMAGE/LENA)
Ion ESA (Polar/TIMAS)
15IBEX-Hi Subsystems
Collimator (Phase A Prototype)
ENA ? Ion Conversion (IMAGE/MENA)
Coincidence Subsystem
Standard ESA
16Combined Electronics Unit
- Primary Functions
- Accept 5V, 14V, and 15 V from SCB
- Distribute LV power to both sensors
- Provide 8 HV outputs to IBEX-Hi
- Provide 7 HV outputs to IBEX-Lo
- Store all telemetry (Science, H/K and S/C)
17Payload Cross-Calibration
IBEX S/C Mockup
SwRI Ion/Electron Calibration Facility
IBEX Payload Mounted in Cal Facility
18Integration of IBEX Payload
19IBEX Ground Segment
IBEX ScienceOperations Center(ISOC) (SwRI)
Antenna Sites (USN)
Mission Control Center (MCC) (Orbital)