Title: Beam Dump Line
1Beam Dump Line
2Beam dump concept
? Q-poles carriage rail ? Retractable beam line ?
Diagnostic box
- Angular acceptance of 30 mrad
- Dp/p 15 (FWHM)
- Beam spot lt 5 cm
- Brmax 1.7 Tm (11Li3 _at_ 10MeV/n)
3ISAC II experimental hall
Standalone Configuration (April 2005)
Tempory Configuration (Fall 2006)
4Zero degree beam line
- No momentum dispersion
- Beam spot 3mm for 6? mm.mrad
- E 1.5 MeV./n
- Beam spot ?mittance0.5
5Zero degree beam line Instrumented beam dump
6Standalone beam dump
- Map (done)
- ? No mirror plate is needeed
- (2.3 G _at_ 500A)
- Fabricate install adapter
- Old loads motion can be recycled
- Power supplies
- Determine what beams will be dumped
- ? Radiation safety (beam shielding)
- Installation
7Beam dump Identify / select reaction products
- Double focussing device
- Angular acceptance 30mrad
- Energy acceptance 30
- Increase the solid angle
- Selectivity
- Solenoid
- Acts as a lens generating an image of the target
downstream with - different focal length depending for beam
particles and reaction - products
- Increase easilly the angular acceptance up to
10º - Fill the Solenoid with gas (He) ? charge state
equilibration - Transport reaction products to a small area for
- Deep inelastic
- Symetric fusion evaporation
- Fusion-fission
8Solenoid spectrometer to study direct reactions
J.Schiffer (ANL)
- Solenoid device
- Superconducting solenoid
- (0.5m bore, 1.5m long and 5 T)
- Two Si arrays
- (?z1mm, ?t 2ns, ?E100keV)
- Target
- Recoil detector (Z)
light particles follow helical cyclotron
trajectories in B
- Identification ? TOF (cyclotron period is
independent of energy or scattering angle) -
- Angle resolution ? Zpos position
- Energy resolution ? Same Zpos, ?E ? ?ECM
9Solenoid spectrometer to study direct reactions
J.Schiffer (ANL)
10Solenoid spectrometer to study direct reactions
J.Schiffer (ANL)
11Zero degree beam line Instrumented beam dump
12Gas Filled Solenoid
- Very neutron-rich RIBs
- (E/A5-10MeV/u, A40-200,
- 106-109 pps)
- Collisions on heavy targets
- Ni, Sn, Pb, Th, U
- Solenoid _at_ grazing angle
- Z A identification of residues
- Accessible exotic species down
- to 110 mb production cross sections
? N50 toward 78Ni ? Deformed N60 region etc
D.Verney IPN Orsay
13Gas Filled Solenoid
ISAC II yield for 1mA of p beam inpinging 1g/cm2
production target
N50 Ga Z31
N60 Rb Z37
- 97Rb U _at_ 5MeV/u (15 above de Coulomb Barrier,
Grazing angle _at_ 60) - TOF 2 SeD _at_ 2m dt 250ps (FWHM) Position
measurement - Energy Loss IC (3 resolution) / Energy Si
detector - ? Mass resolution 1/200
- ? Z resolution 1/70
14The superconductiong solenoid rare isotope
15 As standalone device, we plan to use the
solenoid for rare isotope search and for fusion
evaporation studies in gas-filled mode
16(No Transcript)
17Gas Filled Solenoid
SOLITAIRE _at_ ANU (Australia)
Precise measurements of evaporation residue and
fission yields Beam particles are stopped in FC
(0.5º) ? 58Ni 58Ni 32S 89Y