Title: Third annual meeting of ABSA, 1314 June 2006
1Third annual meeting of ABSA, 13-14 June 2006
- ECA Statistical Activities
- in 2005 and 2006
- (ECA / ESPD/ ABSA/2006/3)
Introduction The Implementation of the
Work Programme 2004-2005 The Activities
Implemented Since ABSA II Resources Used to
Achieve the Statistical Activities at ECA
The Work Programme 2006-2007 Repositioning of
the Statistics Team at ECA Conclusion
4Implementation of the Work Programme 2004-2005
- A total of 28 Activities
- 13 Activities in the approved Work Programme
- 15 Additional Activities
5Outputs Classification
6Implementation of the Work Programme 2004-2005
- Implementation rate of 38 percent at the last
meeting of ABSA - Implementation rate of 84.5 percent at the end of
the biennium
7Activities since the second meeting of ABSA
- Three Workshops in the approved Work Programme
- Organization of National Statistical Offices
- National Accounts
- Data Management
- Contribution to two Workshops organised by
partners - Harmonization of concepts, methodologies,
statistical Frameworks (AACB) - UN Handbook on Nonprofit Organizations (JHU)
8Activities since the second meeting of ABSA
Publications Compendium of Intra-African and
related Foreign Trade Statistics, 5th Edition,
2005 Use of Geographic Information Systems
(GIS) in NSOs The African Socio-Economic
9Activities since the second meeting of ABSA
Special Event Celebration African Statistics
Day, 18 November the 2010 RPHC Information
Kits Promotional materiel of the ASD Posters,
Press Communiqué, and Radio Message.
10Activities since the second meeting of ABSA
Technical Materials ECA Statistical
Database StatBase (ongoing) ECA Statistical
Website (www.uneca.org/statistics)
11Activities since the second meeting of ABSA
Servicing of Intergovernmental and Experts
Bodies CODI-4 Information as an Economic
Resource FASDEV 2 Adoption of the RRSF
12Activities since the second meeting of ABSA
Elaboration of the RRSF Support to the NSDS
process StatBase Dissemination The 2010 RPHC
13Activities since the second meeting of ABSA
Ad-hoc Experts Group meetings Expert Group
meeting on the 2010 RPHC Africa Symposium on
Statistical Development 2010 RPHC 37th
Statistical Commission meeting Pre-StatCom
meeting of Directors of National Statistical
Offices meeting
14Resource used to Achieve the Statistical
15Proposed Work Programme 2006-2007
- Regular Outputs
- Field Project on the SNA 1993
- Three Development Accounts Projects
- SADC countries
- Informal Sector
- Gender disaggregated Data
16Repositioning of the Statistics Team at ECA
Recommendations to revamp the Statistical Functio
n of the Commission (ABSA, CODI, FASDEV) The
Friend of ECA in Statistical Development Minister
ial Statement from the African Ministers of
Finance, Economics and Development Planningto
Revamp Statistics
17Conclusion and Issues for Consideration
Implementation of the programmed Activities
since ABSA 2 Proposal on the Implementation of
the remaining part of the WP 2005-2006 The ECA
18Thank You