Title: OET%20Lesson
1OET Lesson
Developing a Risk Targeting System
- Identify types of information used to create and
enhance targeting systems. - List the steps required to create and use
targeting systems.
3Risk Targeting Cycle
Document Results
Collect Data
Analyze Data
Identify Targets
4Collect Data
Arrest/Seizure Reports
Intelligence Reports
Documents Computer Systems
5Arrest/Seizure Reports
- Collect the following data
- Type, quantity, origin, and destination of
contraband - Method of concealment
- Type of conveyance
- Description of the smuggler
- Cover story
- Time of day, season, and other environmental
6Intelligence Reports
Review recent intelligence information about
- Recent smuggling trends
- Potential terrorist threats
Collect information from interviewing
- Other knowledgeable officers
- Travel and trade personnel
- Other sources
8Documents Computer Systems
- Traveler Documents Passports, tickets,
drivers licenses, and other identity papers - Cargo Documents Manifests, air waybills,
invoices, insurance policies, etc. - Computer Systems
- Advanced information
- Previous travel and trade transactions (if
available) - Previous customs findings
9Analyze Data
- Use graphs, diagrams, charts, or automated tools
to recognize patterns - Routing of merchandise/smugglers
- Concealment methods
- Conveyance used
- Frequently utilized flights
- Day/date/time of seizures
- Age/sex of violators
- Origin of contraband
10Identify Targets
- Identify high-risk targets including
- Known trafficking routes
- Intelligence information
- Similarities to previous seizures
- Unusual cargo or traveler for the port
- Begin by reviewing documents
- Conduct an examination
12Document Results
- Document results.
- Develop a standard method of documenting
- Review the data in the next slide.
- Identify the smuggling patterns or trends.
- Describe your high-risk targets.
14Airport Seizures
Seizure Flight Age Sex
Date of Violator M/F Drug Type Grams
Method of Concealment 03/17 2315 24 M Heroin 25
.1 In clothing being worn (Jacket) 03/30 1087 31 M
Cocaine 1 In clothing being worn
(Jacket) 04/15 2025 22 M Heroin 13.6 In clothing
being worn (Jacket) 04/20 2023 25 M Heroin 80 In
clothing being worn (Underwear) 04/22 2031 2
7 M Heroin 32.1 In clothing being worn
(Pocket) 04/30 2025 34 M Cocaine 2 In clothing
being worn (Socks) 05/15 1087 39 M Cocaine 7.4 In
clothing being worn (Shoes) 05/30 1087 32 M Cocain
e 2 In clothing being worn (Under
belt) 06/15 1081 31 M Cocaine 1 In clothing being
worn (Jacket) 06/18 1095 27 M Heroin 5 In
clothing being worn (Jacket) 06/20 1095 36 M Heroi
n 2.2 In clothing being worn at his
chest 07/03 1087 30 F Heroin 6.8 In clothing
being worn 08/01 2025 29 F Heroin 26 Inside her
underwear 08/10 2315 21 M Cocaine 4.7 Sewn in the
edges of bed sheet in a suitcase
15Land Border Seizures
Seizure Vehicle Age Sex
Others Date/Time Type of Violator M/F in
Vehicle Drug Type/Amount Method of
Concealment 03/17 Truck 26 M none
Marijuana 100 kg In the lining of the
roof0830 03/30 Car 22 F 1 infant
Cocaine 1.3 kg In babys diapers 1330 03/3
1 Car 35 M adult F Cocaine 2.5
kg In spare
battery 0730 04/07 Truck 25 M none
Marijuana 122 kg False cargo
bed 0800 04/09 Car 24 F 1 infant
Cocaine 2 kg In babys
clothing 1400 04/12 Car 27 M adult F
Cocaine 2.4 kg Body
carrier 1100 04/17 Car 29 F adult M
Ecstasy 6.5 kg Lining of
suitcase 1800 03/17 Truck 28 M none
Marijuana 150 kg False cargo
bed1530 04/09 Car 26 F 1 child
Cocaine 1.6 kg Childs
shoes 1600
16Lesson Summary
- Do you now know how to
- Identify types of information used to create and
enhance targeting systems? - List the steps required to create and use
targeting systems?
Document Results
Collect Data
Analyze Data
Identify Targets