Title: European Federation of Accountants Fdration des Experts Comptables Europens
1About FEE
- European Federation of AccountantsFédération des
Experts Comptables Européens
2FEEEuropean Federation of Accountants
- Standing for the accountancy profession in Europe
- Grouping 44 Member Bodies from 32 countries
- Representing a combined membership of over
500.000 accountants - 45 in public practice
- 55 in industry, commerce, government and
3FEE Working for its 44 Members
4FEE Objectives
- Advancing the interests of the European
Accountancy Profession recognising the public
interest - Fostering a harmonised and liberalised regulation
and practice of accountancy and audit in Europe - Promoting co-operation among Members
- Identifying public policy developments and
influencing outcome - Making representation to the EU institutions and
to international organisations
5FEE History
- Created in 1987 through the merger of
- UEC (Union des Experts-comptables, economiques et
financiers) created in 1949, and - Groupe detudes des Experts-comptables de la
Commumaute europeenne created in 1959 - No standard setting
- Emphasis on EU matters
6FEE Output - 2006
- Papers
- Financial Reporting Convergence, Equivalence and
Mutual Recognition - Analysis of Responses to the FEE Discussion Paper
on Risk Management and Internal Control in the EU - Analysis of Responses to FEE Discussion Paper
Comfort Letters Issued in relation to Financial
Information in a Prospectus - Key Issues in Sustainability Assurance An
Overview - FEE Observations on European Court of Justice
decided case C 446/03 v Her Majestys Inspector
of Taxes - The New Public Management A Perspective for
Finance Practitioners - Plus
- 5 major events and 34 other publications
including Surveys, Statements, Comment Letters,
Briefing Notes, Fact Sheets, Newsletters, Alerts,
Annual Report
7FEE 2007-2008 Priorities (1)
- Implementation of Statutory Audit Directive
- Consistency of implementation
- Oversight arrangements coordination and
cost/benefit - Auditors liability
- Implementation and consistent application
- Convergence USA and others
8FEE 2007-2008 Priorities (2)
- Small and Medium Sized Entities (SMEs)
- Small and Medium Sized Practitioners (SMPs)
- Network definition
- IFRS for SMEs
- Sustainability reporting and assurance
9FEE 2007-2008 Priorities (3)
- Internal Market
- Professional qualifications and other regulations
- Competition and choice
- Corporate Governance and Company Law
- Public policy issues of potential interest to /
impact on the profession - Fraud, money laundering, pensions liabilities
10FEE Governance
- General Assembly
- All Member Bodies
- Constitutional matters
- Council
- 1 Representative / Country
- ( technical advisor)
- Strategic political decisions
Executive President Deputy Vice-Presidents
(incl. Treasurer) CEO Implementation of
Councils decisions
Prepares positions
Working Parties
11FEE General Assembly
- Approves levels of expenditure
- Elects President and Deputy President for a
two-year term - Decides on constitutional matters, membership or
issues referred to it by Council - Appoints the auditor
- All Member Bodies
- Meeting every two years in December
- Voting rights fixed by FEE Statutes
12FEE Council
- Manages FEE
- Formulates FEE positions (may delegate
implementation) - Appoints Vice-Presidents
- Makes recommendations on constitutional matters,
membership and expenditure - Decides Working Parties and Internal Rules
- Approves positions and all documents (written
procedure possible)
- One representative per country
- Four meetings per year
- Simple majority in principle consensus in
13FEE Executive
- Implements Council decision and acts upon
Councils delegations day-to-day management - Decides staff recruitment (incl. CEO),
acquisitions of capital goods, events - Prepares Councils agenda, budget and accounts
- Annual action plan
- Elected members
- President and Deputy President (by GA)
- Vice-Presidents (by Council)
- Statutory member CEO
- Ten meetings a year
14FEE President
- Chairs General Assembly, Council, Executive
- Commits the Association in financial matters
- Sign all contracts
- May delegate
- Elected by the GA for a two-year term
- Represents the Association
15 FEE CEO and Secretary General
- Responsible for
- day-to-day administrative and operational
management - developing, promoting and managing FEE
- Contributes to the strategy set by Council
- Provides advice and support to the President,
Council and the General Assembly - under
authority of Council - Represents the Association in legal matters and
vis-à-vis third parties - powers in financial
matters as delegated by President - Council may appoint Secretary to complement and
deputise for the Chief Executive
16 FEE Team
Henri Olivier Secretary General
Hilde Blomme Director of Practice
Saskia Slomp Technical Director
Olivier Boutellis-Taft CEO
Catherine Ameye Project Manager
Corinne Soubies Senior Project Manager
Chiara Pisano Project Manager
Michael Sotiriou Communications Manager
Support Team From left Loraine Diamond, Sabine
Leurart, Liese-Lotte Billiet, Elizabeth Fox,
Sylvie Romancide, Mélanie Herfurth
17FEE Working Parties
Banks/ Insurance
Capital Markets
Direct Taxation
Indirect Taxation
Liberalisation/ Qualification
Public Sector
18FEE Working Parties
- No standing committee
- Council decides creation, Chair, dissolution and
terms of reference - Primary responsibility to prepare Council
decisions - Possibility to establish subgroups
- Open to all Member Bodies
19FEEs Way of Working
- 2 year action plans // Presidency term of office
- Regular meetings (usually in Brussels)
- Resources
- Skilled and experienced in the specialist area
- Available and committed, ready to engage with
staff - Balance in territories, experience and gender
- Official languages English and French, but
working language usually English - Transparency essential to Council and Institutes
- Website
- Extranet
20Visit us at FEE
Avenue DAuderghem 22-28
Tel 32 2 285 40 85 1040 Brussels
www.fee.be Fax 32 2 231 11
12 Belgium Email secretariat_at_fee.be