Title: Seasonal climate prediction using linear weighted
1Seasonal climate prediction using linear weighted
multi model system W. T. Yun APCN/ Korea
Meteorological Administration
2- Contents
- Introduction
- What is Multi Model Ensemble?
- Construction of Multi Model Ensemble System
- - Gauss-Jordan Elimination
- - Singular Value Decomposition (SVD)
- - Synthetic multi model ensemble
- - Generating of Synthetic Dataset
- Multi Model Ensemble Seasonal Forecast
- Skill of Multi Model Forecast
- Application
3Regional climate change and climate variability
have various impacts on the socio-economic
activities. The impacts increase as the
socio-economic activities become complex and
active. One of important and challenging task in
areas of meteorology is climate seasonal
prediction. The advance climate seasonal
prediction of droughts, monsoon etc. is now
scientifically feasible. This can be enormously
beneficial in national planning, e.g. in areas of
water resources management, disaster management,
and agricultural planning and food production.
4- What is multi model ensemble?
- Multi Model Ensemble
- An Ensemble comprising different models
- weighted Multi Model Ensemble
- Weighted Combination of Multi Models
5Biased Ensemble Mean
Bias Corrected Ensemble Mean
weighted Combination of Multi Models
6(No Transcript)
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8A feed-forward neural network with one hidden
layer, where the jth neuron in this hidden layer
is assigned the value hj.
9R M S
Bias Corrected Climatology ANN
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul
Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
RMSE of Global Precipitation for 12Months
(Jan.-Dec. 1988) ANN Forecasts (using AMIP data)
10Construction of weighted linear Multi- Model
Ensemble Prediction System
11(No Transcript)
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13Superensemble Based on Gauss-Jordan
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15 Gauss-Jordan Elimination
16Superensemble Based on SVD
17Where, Fi is the ith model forecast, is the
mean of the ith forecast over the training
period, is the observed mean over the training
period, ai are regression coefficients obtained
by a minimization procedure during the training
period, and N is the number of forecast models
involved. For obtaining the weights, the
covariance matrix is built with the seasonal
cycle-removed anomaly (F). Where, t and i, j
denote time and ith- ,jth forecast model,
respectively. After construction of the
covariance matrix C, weights are computed for
each grid point of each model. Best Linear
Unbiased Estimation (BLUE) This will be the
solution-vector of smallest length x2 in the
least-square sense. x which minimizes r Cx -
b. SVD realizes a completely orthogonal
decomposition for any matrix. W.T.Yun, et al.,
2003, J. Climate
18(No Transcript)
19Error Covariance Matrices (AMIP) (Precipitation
Gauss-Jordan and SVD)
20Relative explained variance r2 () of regression
models using Gauss-Jordan elimination and SVD
with zeroing the small singular values. All
values are averaged.
Relative unexpl. Variance 1 - r2
Conventional Superensemble
RMSE of MME based on SVD (Global, Precipitation)
Simple Ensemble
Conventional Superensemble
22The condition number of a matrix is defined as
the ratio of the largest (in magnitude) of the
wjs to the smallest of the wjs. A matrix is
singular if its condition number is infinite, and
it is ill-conditioned if its condition number is
too large.
23J.Climate, Yun et.al (2003)
Singular Values
24(No Transcript)
25- Cancellation of bias among different models
- Not directly influenced by the models
systematic errors - Maximization of explained variance
- Removes singularity in matrix
- Best Linear Unbiased Estimator (BLUE)
- Zeroing the small singular values wj
26Synthetic Multi Model Ensemble
27 The MME prediction skill during the
forecast phase could be degraded if the training
was executed with either a poorer analysis or
poorer forecasts.
This means that the prediction skills are
improved when higher quality training data sets
are deployed for the evaluation of the multi
model bias statistics.
28Schematic chart for the synthetic superensemble
prediction system. The synthetic data are
generated from the FSU coupled multi-model
outputs by minimizing the residual error variance
E(?2). W.T. Yun, 2004, Tellus accepted
29The residual error variance E(?2) is minimized.
30Schematic chart of the multi model synthetic MME
prediction. The synthetic data set is generated
from the actual data set.
31The weights are computed at each grid point by
minimizing the function
The synthetic data set generated is separated
into training and forecast phases. During
training phase, optimal weights are computed
which are used for producing synthetic MME
32- Atmospheric Global Spectral Model
(T63L14)Hamburg Ocean Model HOPE - Starting from 31 December 1986 (to Dec. 2002),
every 15 days three months forecasts were made
with the four different versions of the coupled
model. The multimodels are constructed using two
cumulus parameterization schemes (modified Kuos
scheme following Krishnamurti and Bedi, 1988 and
Arakawa-Schubert type scheme following Grell,
1993) and two radiation parameterization schemes
(an emissivity-abosrbtivity based radiative
transfer algorithm following Chang 1979 and a
band model for radiative transfer following Lacis
and Hansen 1974) in the atmospheric model only. -
- KOR Kuo type convection with Chang radiation
computations - KNR Kuo type convection with Lacis and Hansen
radiation computation - AOR Arakawa Schubert type convection with Chang
radiation computations - ANR Arakawa Schubert type convection with Lacis
and Hansen radiation computation
33- DEMETER (Development of a European Multi-Model
Ensemble System for Seasonal to Inter-Annual
Prediction) system comprises 7 global coupled
ocean-atmosphere models. - CERFACS (European Centre for Research and
Advanced Training in Scientific Computation,
France), ECMWF (European Centre for Medium-Range
Weather Forecasts, International Organization),
INGV (Istituto Nazionale de Geofisica e
Vulcanologia, Italy), LODYC (Laboratoire
dOcéanographie Dynamique et de Climatologie,
France), Météo-France (Centre National de
Recherches Météorologiques, Météo-France,
France), Met Office (The Met Office, UK), MPI
(Max-Planck Institut für Meteorologie, Germany) - The DEMETER hindcasts have been started from 1st
February, 1st May, 1st August, and 1st
November initial conditions. Each hindcast has
been integrated for 6 months and comprises an
ensemble of 9 members. - The multi-model synthetic ensemble/superensemble
is formed by merging the 15 yr (1987-2001)
ensemble hindcasts of the seven models, thus
comprising 7x9 ensemble members.
34 Quality of Data Set Actual data set Synthetic
data set
35ACC RMS of the DEMETER Multi Model Synthetic
Data Set (Average over 2-4 months Global
Precipitation Forecast, JJA) (ECMWF, UKMO, Meteo
ACC of Actual Data Set
RMS of Actual Data Set
87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97
98 99 00 01 Mean
87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97
98 99 00 01 Mean
RMS of Synthetic Data Set
ACC of Synthetic Data Set
87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97
98 99 00 01 Mean
87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97
98 99 00 01 Mean
36ACC RMS for FSU Unified Model Data Set
Synthetic Data Set (Average over 1-3 months
Global Surface Temperature Forecast, JJA ANR,
ACC of Actual Data Set
87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97
98 99 00 01 Mean
RMS of Actual Data Set
87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97
98 99 00 01 Mean
RMS of Synthetic Data Set
ACC of Synthetic Data Set
87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97
98 99 00 01 Mean
87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97
98 99 00 01 Mean
A Arakawa Schubert cumulus parameterization
K FSU- modified Kuo cumulus
parameterization algorithm. NR Band
model radiation code (New radiation scheme) OR
Emissivity absorbtivity radiation code (old
radiation scheme)
37The Global Distribution of Weights for the
DEMETER Multi Model Synthetic Data Set
(Average over 2-4 months Global JJA 2001 v-Wind
at 850hPa Forecast) (ECMWF, UKMO, Meteo France,
38 The Synthetic Seasonal Forecasts
39FSU Unified Model Synthetic Ensemble/Superensemble
Prediction (Precipitation, 30?S-30?N, JJA 2001)
40DEMETER Multi Model Synthetic Ensemble/Superensemb
le Prediction (Precipitation, 5?N-40?N
150?W-50?W, JJA 2001)
41DEMETER Multi Model Synthetic Ensemble/Superensemb
le Prediction (Surface Temperature, 5?N-40?N
150?W-50?W, JJA 2001)
42DEMETER Multi Model Synthetic Ensemble/Superensemb
le Prediction (Wind Speed at 850hPa, India
10?SN-35?N 50?E-110?E, JJA 2001)
43 The Skill Score of Synthetic Forecasts
44 The Skill Metrics of Forecasts in a Deterministic
Sense The AC is a measure of how well the
phase of the forecast anomalies corresponds to
the observed anomalies. The overbar denotes
mean, and the summation can be either in space or
in time, depending on whether spatial or temporal
anomaly correlation is computed and G is the
number of either grid points or time points.
The RMSE is a measure of the average magnitude of
the forecast error. Despite the fact AC is a
good measure of phase error and doesnt take bias
into account, it is possible for a forecast with
large errors to still have a good correlation
coefficients. So, it is necessary to evaluate the
average magnitude of the forecast errors.
45 The summer (JJA) and Winter (DJF)
precipitation anomaly correlation skill scores
for tropical domain (30?S-30?N). The bars in
diagram indicate skill scores of the 4 FSU member
models, bias corrected ensemble mean (EM),
synthetic ensemble mean (SEM), superensemble
(SF), and synthetic superensemble (SSF) from left
to right.
46Cross-validated RMS ACC for FSU Unified Model
Synthetic Superensemble (30?-30?N JJA, Average
over 1-3 months Precipitation Forecast, ANR, AOR,
1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993
1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000
2001 Mean
1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993
1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000
2001 Mean
A Arakawa Schubert cumulus parameterization
K FSU- modified Kuo cumulus
parameterization algorithm. NR Band
model radiation code (New radiation scheme) OR
Emissivity absorbtivity radiation code (old
radiation scheme)
47Cross-validated RMS ACC of the DEMETER Multi
Model Synthetic Superensemble (30S-30NJJA,
Average over 2-4 months Surface Temperature
1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993
1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000
2001 Mean
1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993
1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000
2001 Mean
48Cross-validated RMS ACC of the DEMETER Multi
Model Synthetic Superensemble (30S-30N JJA,
Average over 2-4 months Precipitation Forecast)
1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993
1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000
2001 Mean
1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993
1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000
2001 Mean
49Overall average statistics of seasonal
precipitation categorical forecast. Statistics
are given for March-April-May (MAM),
June-July-August (JJA), September-October-November
(SON), and December-January-February (DJF). EM,
SEM, SF, and SSF indicate unbiased ensemble mean,
synthetic ensemble mean, superensemble based on
SVD, and synthetic superensemble forecast,
16 years (1987-2002) averaged (Fischer
Z-Transform) AC precipitation skill scores of all
seasons (MAM, JJA, SON, DJF) for global, tropical
(30?S-30?N), and north hemispheric (0?-60?N)
domains. The bars in the diagram indicate the 4
member models, unbiased ensemble mean (EM),
synthetic ensemble mean (SEM), superensemble
based on SVD (SF), synthetic superensemble (SSF)
of FSU model.
16 years (1987-2002) averaged RMS precipitation
skill scores of all seasons (MAM, JJA, SON, DJF)
for tropical (30?S-30?N) domains. The bars in the
diagram indicate the 4 member models, unbiased
ensemble mean (EM), climatology (CLIM), synthetic
ensemble mean (SEM), superensemble based on SVD
(SF), synthetic superensemble (SSF) of FSU model.
52Superensemble Precipitation Forecast for JFM
1988, 9 Year Training (AMIP MPI, CSI, ECMWF,
GFDL, NMC, UKMO, ECMWF Reanalysis)
53Superensemble Precipitation Forecast for AMJ
1988, 9 Year Training (AMIP MPI, CSI, ECMWF,
GFDL, NMC, UKMO, ECMWF Reanalysis)
54Superensemble Precipitation Forecast for JAS
1988, 9 Year Training (AMIP MPI, CSI, ECMWF,
GFDL, NMC, UKMO, ECMWF Reanalysis)
55Superensemble Precipitation Forecast for OND
1988, 9 Year Training (AMIP MPI, CSI, ECMWF,
GFDL, NMC, UKMO, ECMWF Reanalysis)
56Application of Multi Model Ensemble Technique
57Forecasting Floods from the Superensemble One of
the areas of strength of the superensemble is in
its ability to predict heavy rains better than
any existing models.
Mozambique Floods, Feb. 2000
58Skill of Numerical Weather Prediction
59Real Time Hurricane Forecasts (Floyd of 1999)
60- Construction of MME Program
Input of Multi Model Dataset
Make Anomalies
Construct Covariance Matrix
Solve Covariance Matrix
Compute Weights
Reconstruction Forecast-Fields
MME Forecast
61 Summary
- The synthetic multi model algorithm for climate
predictions shows better skill scores than the
individual member models, and more importantly,
better than the unbiased ensemble of member
models. - The synthetic algorithm can be applied to
weather and climate forecasting (Short-, Medium-,
Long-Range forecasts, and Hurricane prediction). - The synthetic algorithm can be incorporated
into a state-of-the-art dynamic model. Given a
number of physical parameterizations of a given
process in a dynamical model, the statistical
multi model approach can be applied towards the
calculation of an optimal unified
parameterization scheme.