Title: An introduction
1An introduction to topological field theory and
topological strings
Marcel Vonk
19th Nordic Network Meeting, Uppsala, November
2Notes, slides references
- Notes and slides at
- http//www.teorfys.uu.se/people/marcel
- References
- Witten, 1988-1991
- Book Mirror Symmetry
- Recent notes by Marino and Neitzke Vafa
- Bershadsky, Cecotti, Ooguri Vafa, 1993
- Topological theories are
- easy to calculate with
- nice toy models
- describing aspects of the real world
- very interesting mathematically
- Topology
- Topological field theories
- Cohomological field theories
- Topological strings
- Applications
Topology studies the invariant properties
of object under continuous deformations
8 e gt 0, 9 d gt 0 y-x lt d ) f(y)-f(x) lt e
Topology studies the invariant properties
of object under continuous deformations
8 S open ) f-1(S) open
To define properties which are invariant under
continuous deformations, one does not need a
Mathematically, a topological space consists of a
set and its collection of open subsets.
We will always use manifolds, which locally look
like Rd or Cd
The aim of topology is to look for topological
9Topological invariants
d0 Number of points d1 Number of lines,
circles, etc. d2 For each component number of
holes, boundaries and crosscaps dgt2 ???
10Topological invariants
General strategy construct a vector bundle over
the manifold (or over an associated one) and
study its global properties.
- Tangent bundle
- Moduli spaces
11Topological invariants
Often, the global data are encoded in a
connection (gauge field), which tells us how to
parallel transport vectors.
Field strength ) curvature ) Chern classes
12Topological invariants
Other key example bundle of differential forms
The exterior derivative staisfies d20, so
one can construct the cohomology groups
13Topological invariants
These examples are related The connection is
not a differential form, but the trace of its
field strength is. Chern classes
14Topological invariants
Third example homology
Homology is Poincaré dual to cohomology
15Topological field theories
How can we calculate topological invariants using
physics? (Lecture 1 and 2) Topological field
theories What can we learn about real
physics in this way? (Lecture 3)
independent of g
16Topological field theories
Trivial example Chern-Simons theory
17Topological field theories
Observables in Chern-Simons theory
Holonomy Wilson loop
In this way, one finds knot invariants! (Witten,
18Cohomological field theories
Cohomological field theories satisfy four
(1) There is an operator Q satisfying
Q2 0
- BRST-symmetry
- Supersymmetry
19Cohomological field theories
Cohomological field theories satisfy four
(2) The physical operators satisfy
- Q is a symmetry operator
- The physical operators are invariant
- Gauge symmetries (BRST)
20Cohomological field theories
Cohomological field theories satisfy four
(3) The vacuum is Q-symmetric
- Commute Q towards the vacuum
- (1), (2) and (3) ) cohomology
21Cohomological field theories
Cohomological field theories satisfy four
(4) The energy-momentum is Q-exact
- Hamiltonian and momentum are Q-closed
- The theory is now g-independent!
22Cohomological field theories
A standard way to achieve (4) is to choose
Quantum measure
This also implies
In general, topological theories are not very
sensitive to parameters in the initial action.
23Cohomological field theories
Descent equations
From this, one derives
24Cohomological field theories
Descent equations
is physical (but nonlocal)
Continuing like this, construct p-forms
25Cohomological field theories
Descent equations
is physical (but nonlocal)
Continuing like this, construct p-forms
26Cohomological field theories
d2 recursion relations
27Cohomological field theories
d2 recursion relations
All information at fixed t is contained in the
two- and three-point functions on the sphere
28N(2,2) sigma-models
Supertranslations and -rotations
29N(2,2) sigma-models
Chiral superfields
This leaves four degrees of freedom
Since D,Q0, actions with chiral
superfields have N(2,2) supersymmetry.
D-terms F-terms
30N(2,2) sigma-models
Integrate over q
We find a supersymmetric sigma-model with a
Kähler manifold as a target space
R-symmetries are rotations of the fermionic
Is the path integral measure invariant?
In the manifestly invariant measure, one has to
absorb zero-modes
One can show that
The measure is only FA-invariant if c1(M)0
33Calabi-Yau manifolds
A Kähler manifold with c1(M)0 is called a
Calabi-Yau manifold
Theorem (Yau) Given a complex structure, there
is a unique Ricci-flat Kähler metric in the same
Kähler class
Consequence the moduli space of Calabi-Yau
manifolds consists of pairs of (compatible)
Kähler classes and complex structures.
34Calabi-Yau moduli
In a given complex structure, the Kähler form is
a (1,1)-form.
The complex structure is equivalent to specifying
a (d,0)-form. Locally
Infinitesimal changes change W by a (d-1,1)-form.
The moduli space is a subspace of H2 Hd
35Calabi-Yau moduli
Local coordinates for the complex structure
Redundant coordinates
36Twisting N(2,2) theories
The energy and momentum can be written as
Q-commutators for either
Does this mean we have constructed our first
topological field theories?
No! The generators are fermionic, and
the symmetry is broken on a curved background.
37Twisting N(2,2) theories
Solution twist the theories
Now define
A global QA-symmetry can now be defined on any
curved Kähler manifold
38Twisting N(2,2) theories
Solution twist the theories
Now define
A global QB-symmetry can now be defined on any
curved Calabi-Yau manifold
39The A-model
Twisted fields
40The A-model
This is nearly a QA-commutator
The difference in the actions is
41The A-model
- We see that
- The A-model is topological
- Up to a simple t-dependent factor, the
- model is semi-classical
- The results will depend on the Kähler class,
- but not on other parameters
- In particular, there is no dependence on the
- complex structure
42The A-model
Local observables
we find that
43The A-model
The observables correspond to cohomology classes.
A zero-mode analysis shows that we need to
include kd(1-g) operators c ) (k,k)-forms
- ggt1 no nonzero correlators
- g1 nonzero partition function
- g0 nonzero correlation functions
44The A-model
Semiclassical (exact!) treatment the path
integral localizes to
Holomorphic instantons. There is a
finite-dimensional space of these.
In fact, the dimension equals d(1-g) as well!
The path integral is an integral over this moduli
space. What does it compute?
45The A-model
One finds
46The A-model
Special case t ! 1
The general case can be viewed as quantum
intersection numbers
47The B-model
Twisted fields
48The B-model
This is nearly a QB-commutator
where W is linear in q.
49The B-model
- We see that
- The B-model is completely semi-classical
- Moreover, one can show that
- The B-model is topological
- The results will depend on the complex
- structure, but not on the Kähler class
50The B-model
Local observables
we find that
51The B-model
The observables correspond to Dolbeault
cohomology classes with values in
A zero-mode analysis shows that we need to
include kd(1-g) operators q, h ) k-vector valued
- ggt1 no nonzero correlators
- g1 nonzero partition function
- g0 nonzero correlation functions
52The B-model
Semiclassical (exact!) treatment the path
integral localizes to
Constant maps. The moduli space is simply M
The path integral is an integral over
space-time. What does it compute?
53The B-model
How to integrate a k-vector valued k-form over M?
This gives a (k,k)-form, which can be integrated.
Note the dependence on the complex structure!
54Mirror symmetry
A-model ) easy interpretation (integers) B-model
) easy calculation
For every Calabi-Yau X, one can find a mirror
Calabi-Yau Y, with H1,1 and Hd-1,1 interchanged.
Moreover, the A-model on X is equivalent to the
B-model on Y, and vice versa.
55Topological strings
- To couple a theory to gravity
- Covariantize the action
- Introduce kinetic terms
- Integrate over metrics
Here, we will only focus on the last step.
56Topological strings
Why do we integrate over metrics at all?
- No, since
- There may be large transformations
- There may be anomalies
- The volume is infinite
57Topological strings
- How do we integrate over all metrics? Note that
the sigma-model is conformal - First integrate over the conformal group
- Then integrate over the remaining (finite
- dimensional) moduli space.
To integrate over conformally equivalent metrics,
one usually has to worry about conformal
58Topological strings
Superconformal algebra
The twisting amounts to
which implies
) no anomaly!
59Topological strings
However, we still have to integrate over the
space of (complex structure) moduli. What is a
good measure?
So one can define
60Topological strings
Recall that the axial anomaly was 2d(g-1)
- Therefore, the anomaly cancels if d3! This can
be considered a critical dimension - g0 Three-point function
- g1 One-point function
- ggt1 Partition function
61Topological strings
What about other n-point functions? We must
insert nonlocal operators.
One can show that
B-model F0 is the prepotential!
62The holomorphic anomaly
Using the descent equations, one shows
The complex conjugate equation gives
seems to decouple from the A-model
63The holomorphic anomaly
Naively, the models are holomorphic in t.
However, note that
So we find a total derivative
64The holomorphic anomaly
Boundary of moduli space
65The holomorphic anomaly
Since the genus g partition functions are nearly
holomoprphic, they can be determined up to a
finite number of constants. This is most easily
calculated in the B-model. Then, doing a mirror
symmetry and using integrality in the A-model,
one can often completely fix the constants.
- N2 F-terms
- NS 5-brane partition function
- 5-d and 4-d supersymmetric black holes
- Geometric transitions
- Matrix models () black holes)
- N1 F-terms
- Cristal melting
67N2 F-terms
Consider a type II string theory on M4
CY6 This is described by a CFT4 CFT6 The CFT6
is precisely the N(2,2) sigma model!
We may expect physical results depending only on
these fields to be calculable in the topological
string theory
68N2 F-terms
Compactification on CY6 leads to a 4-dimensional
N2 supergravity theory. h2,1 complex structure
moduli XI(x) h1,1 Kähler moduli Ya(x) XI(x) )
vector multiplets (in IIB) Ya(x) )
hypermultiplets (in IIB)
69N2 F-terms
Supergravity theories are constructed from a
small number of building blocks. F-term
holomorphic superpotential F0(XI) There is an
Sp(2,R)-symmetry acting on XI and FI IF0.
After quantization Sp(2,Z) This determines F0
) prepotential!
70N2 F-terms
What about Fg for ggt0? Antoniadis, Gava, Narain,
Taylor (1993)
Effective action
Or using superfields
71Black holes in 4 dimensions
Now take a spacetime of the form BH4 CY6 The
black hole has charges (PI, QI) Attractor
equations at the horizon
72Black holes in 4 dimensions
Corrections to this formula from the F-terms
Legendre transforming this result leads to
(Ooguri, Strominger, Vafa - 2004)
73Geometric transitions
Simple noncompact Calabi-Yau the conifold
One can deform or resolve the conifold
74Geometric transitions
- Topological D-branes can be constructed
- A-model 3-dimensional Lagrangean cycles
- B-model 2p-dimensional holomorphic
- cycles
- A-model on deformed conifold
Wrap N D-branes on S3
75Geometric transitions
What is the AdS/CFT dual geometry? Natural
guess the resolved conifold with
Using a sigma model which has two phases, this
can indeed be proven. (Gopakumar, Vafa 1998)
76N1 F-terms
Construct N1, d4 gauge theories wrap D5-branes
on 2-cycles. (B-model) Geometric transition
this is equivalent to resolved geometries with
77N1 F-terms
Fluxes through dual (noncompact) cycles as well
In the dual N1 SYM, in the IR
Dijkgraaf, Vafa (2002) W Weff
78N0 ???
Topological M-theory?
79N0 ???
Topological M-theory?
The End