Title: Optimality%20Study%20of%20Logic%20Synthesis%20for%20LUT-Based%20FPGAs
1Optimality Study of Logic Synthesis for LUT-Based
- Jason Cong and Kirill Minkovich
- Computer Science Department
- University of California, Los Angeles
Supported by Altera, Xilinx, and Magma under the
California MICRO program.
- Motivation and background
- Current testcases hinted towards algorithms not
having much room for improvement. - LEKO
- Logic synthesis Examples with Known Optimals
- Creation, optimality, and results
- Logic synthesis Examples with Known Upper bounds
- Creation and results
- Conclusion
3Goals of Paper
- Goal was to test the optimality of two design
steps for logic synthesis - Technology Mapping
- Logic Optimization combined with Technology
Mapping - Definitions
- Technology Mapping
- Logic Optimization
- Logic Synthesis Logic Optimization Technology
- Logic synthesis is NP-hard in general
- Combining logic optimization mapping is much
harder - Academic tools mostly focus on mapping
- Problems with current test cases
- How far from optimal?
- Logic optimization?
- Decrease of FPGA synthesis papers
- Suggests fewer improvements possible
- Why there is a need for new ones
- Test specific properties of logic synthesis tools
5Construction Overview (LEKO)
- First create a small core graph, G5, with a
known optimal mapping (and possibly a logic
synthesis) solution. - G5 has to have the following properties
- 5 inputs (x1,x2,,x5)
- 5 outputs (y1,y2,,y5)
- yi f (x1,x2,,x5)
- Internal nodes have exactly two inputs.
- ? optimal (in terms of area/depth) mapping of
G5 into a 4-LUT mapping solution with only
4-LUTs (no 3-LUTs or 2-LUTs). - Why these properties?
- Simplest G5 for 4-LUT architecture
- Can be cascaded into larger structures
6G5 example (optimal 7 4-LUTs)
7Construction Overview (LEKO)
- Algorithm Steps
- Create a G5
- Then duplicate it and connect them together is
such a way s.t. there is a unique traversal of
G5s from PO to PI. - This creates a new graph where we have the
following properties - There exists a known optimal mapping solution
- This also provides a tight upper-bound to the
optimal logic synthesis solution - By using different G5s we can construct different
LEKO networks with any variety of properties. - G5 can have different mapping and logic synthesis
solutions - G5 can be based on realistic designs
(multipliers, adders, etc)
8Construction Examples (LEKO)
- Theorem The optimal mapping solution of an
arbitrarily sized LEKO circuit without logic
optimization is achieved when every G5 in the
circuit is mapped optimally without overlapping
any other G5. - Proof Idea A LUT spanning two layers can will
not reduce the area of the solution. This can be
easily shown
by looking at what would
happen to G5
at layer i and at layer i1 - Complete proof is in the paper
10LEKO Examples
- LEKO Logic synthesis Examples with Known
Optimals - Naming
- G25 has 25 inputs and 25 outputs
- Gx has x inputs and x outputs
- Tools tested
- Alteras Quartus 5.0, Xilinxs ISE 7.1i, UCLAs
DAOmap and Berkeleys ABC - 4-LUT architecture
- Area optimization only (NP-hard)
Circuits Circuits Nodes Depth I/O Optimal Optimal
Circuits Circuits Nodes Depth I/O LUTs Depth
LEKO G25 305 13 50 70 4
LEKO G125 2350 20 225 525 6
LEKO G625 15,875 27 1250 3,500 8
11Results (LEKO)
- Only mapping needed to produce optimal results.
- What do these mean?
- Scaled fairly well
- Average gap 15
- Why Quartus and ISE did so well
- Performed extra non-mapping steps
Circuits Circuits DAOmap ABC Quartus ISE Optimal
LEKO(G25) Area 83 80 72 80 70
LEKO(G25) Ratio 1.19 1.14 1.03 1.14 1
LEKO(G125) Area 650 609 561 588 525
LEKO(G125) Ratio 1.24 1.16 1.07 1.12 1
LEKO(G625) Area 4,435 4,072 3,737 3,974 3,500
LEKO(G625) Ratio 1.27 1.16 1.07 1.14 1
Average Ratio Average Ratio 1.23 1.16 1.05 1.13 1
12Creating LEKU
- LEKU Logic synthesis Examples with Known Upper
bounds - Constructed from LEKO G25 (25 inputs and 25
outputs) - Collapse then decompose the graph
- Creates much larger graph that is logically
equivalent to original - LEKU-CD collapsed ? decomposed into AND/OR
gates - LEKU-CB collapsed ? balanced
- LEKU-CD was too large for Xilinx as a single
input - Split LEKU-CD into 25 separate designs, one for
each PO
Circuits Nodes Depth I/O Upper-Bound on Optimal Upper-Bound on Optimal
Circuits Nodes Depth I/O LUTs Depth
LEKU-CD(G25) 1,166,655 19 50 70 4
LEKU-CB(G25) 814 16 50 70 4
13Results on LEKU
- Logic Optimization and Mapping were needed
- Academic tools were allowed to use preprocessing
tools - What does this mean?
- There exist designs on which these tool perform
very badly - Average gap 171x
- Suggest that all of these tools lack global
minimization heuristics
Circuits Circuits DAOmap ABC Quartus ISE Upper Bounds
LEKU-CD(G25) Area 22,717 30,511 10,381 70
LEKU-CD(G25) Ratio 325 436 148 1
LEKU-CD(G25) Area 25,247 35,271 5,005 9,717 70
LEKU-CD(G25) Ratio 361 504 72 139 1
LEKU-CB(G25) Area 322 191 239 280 70
LEKU-CB(G25) Ratio 4.6 2.7 3.4 4 1
Average Ratio (last 2 designs) Average Ratio (last 2 designs) 183 255 38 72 1
Average Ratio (ALL) Average Ratio (ALL) 230 314 74 1
14LEKO/LEKU vs Real Designs
- Limitations
- Whole circuit is combinational logic
- Contain highly repeated structures in the
original circuits - Doesnt mean tools are 70x away from optimal on
real designs - Different uses than real design
- Test mapping phase of algorithm
- Perform well on current LEKO benchmarks
- Will construct larger core graphs ? worse results
? - LEKU
- Test logic optimization phase of algorithm
- Ability to reproduce original structure
- Duplication removal
- Logic Identification
- Other global heuristics
- Conclusions
- Only circuits that test optimality of technology
mapping - Have an optimal mapping solution
- Test global area minimizing heuristics
- Have a very tight upper bound on optimal
solution - These circuits address a need for specific method
testing - Current state of technology
- Technology Mapping
- Current tools do very well
- Overall Logic Synthesis
- Current tools just cant produce good solutions
that require a global minimization heuristics.
16Conclusions (continued)
- Download every testcases mentioned here
- http//cadlab.cs.ucla.edu/
- Click on Optimality Study
- Click on LEKO/LEKU
- Harder and Larger LEKO and LEKU circuits will be
posted soon! - Check out the article in EE Times
- Just search EE Times for kirill
- Thank you EE Times for your interest!
- http//eetimes.com/showArticle.jhtml?articleID180
204087 - Questions?
17Thanks !
18Additional Slides
19Construction Algorithm (LEKO)
- Using larger core graphs to create more complex
designs - Using commonly used cells as the core graphs
- Using collection of core graphs
- Using LEKO and adding in specific things to test
- Duplicating some specific parts
- Adding wires that will be removed when DONT
CARES are computed
21Interesting New Results
- After seeing the results we got several responses
- Repeating
- map 4-LUTs ? dont care calculation
- let to 3x improvement on the largest LEKU
example - DAOMap
- Multiple iteration of
- map 5-LUTs ? simplify ? map 4-LUTs
- showed similar improvements on the LEKU
examples - Altera
- For the LEKO the following
- map 5-LUT ? map 4-LUT
- was able to achieve near optimal solutions
- This result wouldnt extend if we used a larger G5
22Different G5s
- Assuming a K-LUT
- G5 has to have the following properties
- It has m inputs and m outputs.
- Every output is a function of all five inputs.
- Each internal node of G5 has exactly two inputs.
- There exists an optimal (in terms of area/depth)
mapping of G5 into a K-LUT mapping solution,
denoted M5, such that M5 only has K-LUTs. - Where
- m K 1
- The larger the m the harder the G5 is to map