Title: Australian Amateur Operator
1Australian Amateur Operators Certificate of
Proficiency Foundation Licence Training
- The Canberra Region Amateur Radio Club welcomes
you to our Foundation Licence Course ! - We are here to facilitate you obtaining your
Foundation License.
3How we are going to Run it.
- We will be using the WIAs Your Entry Into
Amateur Radio manual, and will proceed in the
same order as the manual. - We will be having Prac sessions so you can get
some hands on experience to back up the theory - We will have lots of breaks, but time will be
tight !
4What about the Exam ?
- The Exam will be held on Sunday just before
lunch, and after lunch the practical assessment
will be done. - The exam consists of 25 questions and will draw
upon all parts of the syllabus except part 8 - You need to correctly answer 18 or more questions
to pass the examination paper
5What about the Assessment ?
- The Practical Assessments will be done after
lunch on Sunday. - This will involve a one on one session with the
WIA assessor, with an Invigilator in attendance
to assist. - You need to be assessed as being Competent in 20
different areas, but some things can be done
6Who Are YOU ?
- First off, we want to get to know you before we
start, so could you let us know - Your Name,
- Your experience with radio / electronics
- How you heard about the course
- What you expect to achieve
7Onto the Nitty Gritty
- We will be doing Chapters 1 and 2 of the manual
before the 1st break - Chapter 1 is About Electricity, Frequency and
Wavelengths - Chapter 2 will be about Transmitters and Receivers
8Chapter 1
- Electricity, Frequency
- And
- Wavelength
- Matter is made up of Atoms that contain particles
called Electrons - The first form of electricity that was observed
was static electricity - Static electricity occurs when friction causes
electrons to be dislodged from their parent atoms - The art of controlling the movement of electrons
is called electronics.
- All metals are good conductors, though the most
common used in electricity are COPPER and
ALUMINIUM. - Have free electrons - allow electrons to move
from one place to another. - Conductors are usually insulated from each other
or from other objects by plastic insulation.
- Materials that have tightly held electrons Do
not allow current flow - Many things can be used as insulators they may
include - DRY WOOD
- PAPER just to name a few.
- Voltage is the term given to the electrical
pressure that can produce an electric current in
a circuit. - Voltage is sometimes referred to as Electromotive
Force or EMF.
Voltage is like water pressure. No force actually
pushes electrons through a circuit. Rather, like
water level, the difference between the two
levels forces the flow.
- An electric current is an ordered movement of
electrons from a negative point to a positive
point - When current flows in a conductor energy is being
transferred. - Current flow is measured in Amps
- Resistance is the opposition to current flow in
an electrical circuit and is measured in OHMS. - When current flows in a resistance, energy is
lost (dissipated) as heat. - Resistance is the only electrical property that
produces heat..
- The Energy (heat) dissipated by a resistor is
called POWER and is measured in Watts - Power Volts times Amps
- A radio transmitters power output is measured in
Watts. - Equipment/Components are often rated in terms of
their power handling capacity. - When the power rating is exceeded the device may
fail or become dangerous (burst into flames).
16Incorrect Voltage Polarity
- Electronic circuits can be damaged by applying an
excessive voltage orvoltage of wrong polarity.
17Types of Current
- Direct Current Current that remains constant and
does not change its magnitude from a zero
reference level. Voltage from a battery is direct
current.Also called DC. - Alternating Current Current that is continually
changing in magnitude and periodically in
direction from a zero reference level. Also
called AC.
- Batteries provide a source of DC
- DC- Direct Current, flows in a single direction
- AC - Alternating Current
- AC is easier to generate and transform
- Mains is 50 Hz AC. Radio uses High Frequency AC
- Simple items such as lamps work with AC and DC,
but many electronic components are sensitive to
the direction of current
19Electrical Units Symbols
- Quantity Unit Symbol
- Voltage, V Volt V or E
- Current, I Amp A
- Resistance, R Ohm ?
- Power, P Watt W
- Frequency, f Hertz Hz
- Wavelength, ? Metre m
- Note-1 Resistance is the opposition to current
20Technical Basics
21Technical Basics
22Technical Basics
23Technical Basics
24Technical Basics
25A Real Example
- A battery provides voltage and that a circuit is
needed to allow current to flow. A battery
provides the source of voltage and power and that
a complete circuit (including a battery) is
needed for current to flow.
26Electric Circuit
- Component Symbols used to represent an electric
27Ohms Law
- Relates Voltage, V Current, I Resistance, R
28Calculation of Power
- Relates Power, P Voltage, V Current, I
29Unit Prefixes
- Unit Prefixes
- Factor Prefix Symbol
- millionths micro ??or u
- thousandths milli m
- thousands kilo k
- millions Mega M
- Examples 4.7 k???4700 ?
- 1500 mA 1.5 A
- 0.6 MHz 600 kHz
30Technical Basics
Understand the Terminology for the Radio Spectrum
31What is Frequency
- Rate of Repetition of an event
- Measured in number of repetitions per second
(Hertz) - Typically is a measurement of waves
- Waves move at a constant speed
- Distance between the crests of adjacent waves is
the wavelength
32Frequency Wavelength
- Frequency Wavelength are two related terms used
to describe the same quantity (frequency). - The higher the frequency, the shorter the
wavelength. - The lower the frequency, the longer the
wavelength. - Convert from one to the other using supplied
reference material.
33Frequency Wavelength
- In air the velocity, v of radio waves is a
constant ( 3x108 m/s) - So if the frequency increases, the wavelength
decreases, and vice versa, determined byv f x
34Frequency Calculation
- For practical purposes, the velocity of a radio
wave is considered to be constant, regardless of
the frequency or the amplitude of the transmitted
wave. - To find the frequency when the wavelength is
known, divide the velocity by the wavelength. - To find the wavelength when the frequency is
known, divide the velocity by the frequency.
35Frequency Calculation
36Technical Basics
- Remember ranges forRadio Frequencies (RF)
- HF 3-30 MHz
- VHF 30-300 MHz
- UHF gt300 MHz
37Technical Basics
- Understand
- The terms DC (direct current) and AC (alternating
current). - Unit of frequency. Hertz
- The frequency of the mains supply. 50 Hz
- The voltage of the mains supply. 240 Volts AC
- The range of frequencies for normal hearing 20
Hz - 15 kHz - The range of voice frequencies used in
radiotelephony 300 Hz 3 kHz. - The frequency bands for HF, VHF, UHF etc
- The relationship between frequency and
38Chapter 2
- Transmitters
- And
- Receivers
39Oscillator Basics
- Basic Oscillator the generator of all radio
signals. - An Oscillator generates energy on a specific
frequency and can do so on. - Audio Frequencies, or
- Radio Frequencies
40Oscillator - Sine Wave
- Graphic representation of a sine wave and that
sine waves are produced by oscillators.
41Transmitters - Oscillator
- The frequency generation stage(s) (e.g.
oscillator(s)) in a transmitter defines the
frequency. Incorrect setting of these stages can
result in operation outside the amateur band and
interference to other users.
42Technical BasicsBasic Morse Code Transmitter
- The items in a simple voice transmitter block
diagram are - Microphone,
- audio amplifier stage,
- frequency generation stage,
- modulator stage,
- RF power amplifier stage,
- feeder and antenna.
44Simple Voice Transmitter
- The block diagram
- 1. Audio Amplifier
- 2. Modulator
- 3. Frequency generator (oscillator)
- 4. RF power amplifier
45Transmitters - Modulation
- The Audio Amplifier prepares the audio from the
microphone for modulation. Microphone level is
adjusted by the Microphone Gain control. - The audio signal is modulated onto the radio
frequency carrier (produced by the oscillator)
in the modulator of the transmitter.
46Modulation Types
- Amplitude modulation Modulation in which the
amplitude of the carrier wave is varied above and
below its normal value in accordance with the
intelligence of the signal being transmitted.
Also called AM. - Single Sideband (SSB) is a more efficient form of
Amplitude Modulation (AM) that does not use a
constant carrier wave. - Frequency modulation The process of varying the
frequency of a carrier wave, usually with an
audio frequency, in order to convey intelligence.
Also called FM.
- Modulation is by varying the amplitude or
frequency of the carrier, resulting in AM or FM
modulation modes.
48Amplitude Modulation
- AMPLITUDE MODULATION (AM) - The audio signal
varies the amplitude of a constant frequency RF
- Note if Audio is too strong, clipping and
distortion occurs - Simple AM gives carrier with lower and upper
49Frequency Modulation
- FREQUENCY MODULATION (FM) - The audio signal
varies the Frequency of a constant amplitude RF
- Actual amount of variation is small called
Deviation - Signal Amplitude is constant and doesn't carry
info. Its therefore less prone to interference
50Effect of Mic gain control onoutput modulation
- Excessive modulation of AM or FM transmitters
will cause distorted output and interference to
adjacent frequencies and/or nearby appliances.
ie. TV Radio Broadcast services. - Ensure microphone gain, where fitted, is
correctly adjusted to avoid over modulation of AM
or FM transmitters.
51Receiver Block Diagram
- 1. Tuning and RF amplifier
- 2. Detection
- 3. Audio amplifier
- 4. Loudspeaker
52RF Amplifier Tuning
- The tuning (frequency control) of a receiver is
carried out in first stages of the receiver block
- The purpose of a detector is to recover the
original information modulating the carrier
signal at the transmitter. - Another name for the detector is a demodulator.
54Audio Amplifier
- The Audio Amplifier takes a low level Audio input
and makes it louder.
3Audio Amplifier
- The Loudspeaker converts the Audio signal back to
sound waves that can be heard.
56Receiver Performance
- Receiver Sensitivity is the ability of a receiver
to receive very weak signals - Selectivity is the ability of the receiver to
reject unwanted signals - Stability is the ability to maintain the selected
57Receiver Knowledge
- Identify the items in a simple receiver block
diagram and recall their order of
interconnection antenna, feeder, radio tuning
and RF amplification, detection/demodulation,
audio amplification and loudspeaker or
58Chapter 3
- Antennas
- And
- Transmission Lines
59Antenna Topics
- Feeder/Transmission Lines
- Antenna types
- SWR and Matching
60Feeder Lines
- Two basic feeder types Coax, Twin Wire
Two conductors kept at constant separation by
insulation - no screening Balanced Feeder
Inner Conductor is shrouded by dielectric, with
outer (braided) screen. For Radio 50? Coax is
used (TV is 75?)
61Feeder Lines
Examples of coaxial cables. The characteristic
impedance istypically 50 ohms.
62Coax Connectors
- A wide variety of connectors exist.
- Common RF Connectors include BNC, PL259, N-type,
SMA etc. - Ensure both the inner conductor and outer braid
are assembled correctly. - Poor condition connectors are a major cause of
bad SWRs etc. - Screening must be continuous through plugs and
63Common RF Connectors
64Common RF Connectors
65Common RF Connectors
66Feeder Lines
- Coaxial cable is most widely used for RF signals
because of its screening qualities. - The plugs and sockets for RF should be of the
correct type and that the braid of coaxial cable
must be correctly connected to minimise RF
signals getting into or out of the cable.
67Feeder Lines
Balanced Line. A balanced line is composed of two
identical conductors, usually circular wires,
separated by air or an insulating material
Depending on the construction of the balanced
line,the characteristic impedance can range from
300 to600 ohms.
- Coax is unbalanced - Inner has voltage, Outer is
earthed. - Coax is widely used as its outer acts as a
screen. - Twin feeder is balanced - conductors have equal
and opposite voltages/currents/fields. - In order to connect an unbalanced feeder to a
balanced antenna (eg coax feeding a dipole) a
transformer known as a balun is needed. - BALUN BALanced - UNbalanced
- Without a Balun rf currents flow on the outside
braid, and the screening properties of coax are
69Feeder Lines - Revisited
- Two basic feeder types Coax, Twin Wire
Two conductors kept at constant separation by
insulation - no screen Balanced Feeder
Inner Conductor is shrouded by dielectric, with
outer (braided) screen. For Radio 50? Coax is
used (TV is 75?)
- Antennas transform AC signals into propagating
radio waves. - Gain is the directing of power in the wanted
direction - Need to know the following types-
- Dipole
- Quarterwave ground plane
- Five-eighths ground plane
- Yagi
- End-fed wire
- Antenna size is determined by the operating
wavelength, ?. - Example a 2m ??4 is a third of the size of a
71Dipole ?/2
- Simple - but requires a balanced feed via a
balun. - Each leg is ?/4 long - ?/2 across in total.
72Folded Dipole ?/2
- Basic End fed half wave dipole
- Centre point is electrical earth allows Robust
Mounting - Usually provided with an internal coaxial Balun
Drawing to be completed
73Quarter Wave ?/4
- Radials simulate a groundplane and are also ?/4
74Five-Eighths 5?/8
- 5?/8 - Common antenna for mobile use
- Better impedance match and gain than basic
quarterwave - Radials emulate groundplane like the quarterwave
- Driven Element/Dipole is the active component of
the Yagi. - Front?Directors focus to give Gain.
- Rear Reflector gives back/front isolation.
- Yagis may be horizontal or vertical.
76End Fed Antennas
- Common at HF where wavelengths are long.
- Needs an ATU to match it for HF multiple bands.
- Is unbalanced.
- Has strong RF voltages and currents near the
house. These are likely to couple into TV and
other equipment and cause EMC problems.
77Antenna Directionality
Some pictures of other gain patterns Dipole,
ground plane
- ERP Effective Radiated Power
- ERP is the power radiated in the direction of the
maximum radiation - ERP is the product of the power supplied to the
antenna, multiplied by the gain of the antenna. - ERP Power x Gain (in linear units, not dB)
79Antenna Gain
80ERP Example
- Polarisation is the plane of the antennas
radiating electric field. - Common polarisations are Horizontal and Vertical.
- Transmitter and receiving antenna polarisations
need to match for optimum signal strength. - Verticals (?/4, 5?/8) give vertical polarisation.
- Yagis and Dipoles may be either horizontal or
vertical depending on their mounting. - In complex situations polarisation can rotate.
82Antenna Match - SWR
- Antennas must be suited for the frequency of the
transmitted signal. This is a challenge for
multiband operation. - SWR - Standing Wave Ratio is a measure of the
mismatch of the antenna system to the nominal
impedance of the radio. - A high SWR will result in Output Power being
reflected back to the Transceiver - Inefficient
and Potentially Damaging. - At HF most antennas are not matched for the wide
range of frequency bands, unless a matching unit
is used. - SWR Meters are valuable for checking correct
antenna design, installation and operation - and
indicating faults - Dummy Loads permit radio tests without radiating
a signal
83Transmitter output matching
- The final power amplifier stage of a transmitter
must be connected to a correctly matched
transmission line and antenna to avoid possible
damage to the transmitter and/or cause
interference to other radio communications
84Transmitter output matching
- A balun is usually placed at the antenna
terminalsso that a coaxial transmission line can
be used.
85Chapter 4
86Propagation Topics
- Propagation Mechanisms
- HF Propagation
- VHF/UHF Propagation
87PropagationMechanisms Effects
- Waves Nominally Travel in Straight Lines
- Diffraction - Waves can spread out/around hills
and obstacles. Such as after passing through
narrow gaps and around corners - Reflection - Waves (esp at UHF) can bounce of
buildings - Refraction - VHF can be bent by high/low
pressure - often termed lifts or ducting. HF is
bent by the Ionosphere - Other mechanisms include Meteor Scatter,
(TropoRain scatter for microwaves), Aurora, and
88Strength of Radio Waves
- Radio waves decrease in absolute strength with an
inverse square relationship. (1/R²) - 1 metre the signal
- 10 metres 1/100th signal
- 100 metres 1/10,000th Signal
- 1000 metres 1/1,000,000th Signal
89PropagationHF and the Ionosphere
- Ionosphere is layers of Ionised air 70-400km
above earth - Layers vary day to night - and with sunspot
cycles etc - HF is bent (refracted) by the ionosphere
VHF/UHF and above passes through
90Propagation VHF/UHF
- VHF/UHF has almost line of sight propagation
- A clear path is much more effective to get a good
signal than a 10 or 100 times increase in power. - For example Satellites can be accessed with low
power at great distances if there are no
obstructions - Refraction/Diffraction over the Horizon does
occur but is limited. Buildings/Hills will cause
shadows and path loss - In towns UHF reflects/scatters off buildings
better. - Higher antennas are better than high power, and
outdoor antennas perform much better than indoor
91Tropospheric Ducting
92Knife edge Diffraction
Reflected wave
93Chapter 5
94Basic Transceiver Controls
- Power (On/Off)
- Volume (AF)
- Squelch (Mute)
- RF Gain
- Mic Gain
- Band changing
- Frequency Control (VFO)
- Mode
- Clarifier (RIT)
95Basic Transceiver Controls
- Team 1 to the Shack
- Team 2 to the Garage
- Team 3 to the Scouters Room
- Team 4 head down near the Kitchen
96Chapter 9
97Phonetic Alphabet
- The NATO Phonetic Alphabet was introduced in the
1950s to provide a standard intelligible and
pronounceable alphabet for all NATO Military
Units. - So instead of using what ever takes you fancy ,
we now have a standard set of words..
98NATO Phonetic Alphabet
A - Alpha K Kilo U Uniform 0 Zero
B Bravo L Lima V Victor 1 Wun
C - Charlie M Mike W Whiskey 2 Two
D Delta N November X X-ray 3 Tree
E Echo O Oscar Y Yankee 4 Fower
F Foxtrot P Papa Z Zulu 5 Fife
G Golf Q Quebec 6 Six
H Hotel R Romeo . decimal 7 Seven
I India S Sierra . (full) stop 8 Ait
J Juliet T Tango 9 Niner
99Listen Before Calling
- LISTEN This is the first rule. The strongest
reason for listening before transmitting is to
ensure that you won't interfere with anyone
already using the frequency. - The second reason for listening is that it may
tell you a great deal about the condition of the
bands. Although a band may be dead at a
particular time, frequent openings occur which
you can take advantage of if you are listening at
the right time. - The third reason for listening is that if you
can't hear 'em you are not likely to work 'em.
Several short calls with plenty of listening
spells will net you more contacts than a single
long call. If you are running low power you may
find it more fruitful to reply to someone else's
CQ rather than call CQ yourself.
- The call in radiotelephony should consist of the
callsign of the station called spoken not more
than three times, the words ' THIS IS ', the
callsign of the calling station spoken not more
than three times and the word ' OVER '. - Example VK1AB VK1AB VK1AB THIS IS VK1ATZ VK1ATZ
- A reply call in radiotelephony should consist of
the callsign of the calling station spoken not
more than three times, the words 'THIS IS', the
callsign of the station replying spoken not more
than three times and the word 'OVER'. - Example VK0KC VK0KC VK0KC THIS IS VK1AB VK1AB
- A general call to any other amateur station may
be made by substituting the signal 'CQ' in place
of the called station's callsign. - Example CQ CQ CQ THIS IS VK1ATZ VK1ATZ VK1ATZ
103Q Codes
- Commonly used Q codes
- QRA - What is the name of your station?
- QRZ - Who is calling me?
- QRK 1-5 - intelligibility of signal1 Bad, , 5
Excellent - QRM 1-5 - Man made interference1 Nil, , 5
Extreme - QRN 1-5 - Naturally occurring interference1
Nil, , 5 Extreme - QSY - Change Frequency
- QSB - Signal is fading
- QSL - Acknowledge receipt (of message sent)
- QTH -What is your location
104Signal Report
- Often you will want to know how the other station
is receiving your signal, this is called a Signal
report. eg. 5/9 - The most common report is based on two numbers
representing - READABILITY
105Signal Report
- In radiotelephony READABILITY is an
interpretation you make by ear. i.e how well you
understand the other station. - The Scale is from one (1) to five (5).
- 1. Unreadable
- 2. Barely Readable occasional words read
- 3. Readable with considerable difficulty
- 4. Readable with practically no difficulty
- 5. Perfectly readable
106Signal Report
- The STRENGTH part of the report must be read from
the Signal Meter on your Transceiver. (0-9) - This meter is often referred to as the S meter.
107How to make a contact
- Listen before transmitting
- Call a Specific station
- Address the called station 3 times followed by
your callsign - VK1XYZ VK1XYZ VK1XYZ this is VK1ABC over
- Making a General call CQ
- CQ CQ CQ this is VK1ABC VK1ABC VK1ABC over
Lets Practice
108Chapter 6
109Safety Philosophy
- At Foundation level, the emphasis is on avoidance
of risk, not the skills for working on live
equipment. - Foundation Licensees need to have an appreciation
of - The Dangers of High Voltages
- The risk of Electrocution
- Risk of RF Induction Heating on Metal Rings,
Watches - Potential of RF Burns
- Hearing Damage from excessive Headphone Use
110Safety Earthing
- Ensure shack equipment is run from a common mains
earth to prevent earth loops - use filtered mains
boards and ferrite rings correctly. - Modern Gas Water Pipes can give high resistance
earth. - Beware of House earths above earth potential.
- Do not mix Mains Earth (for safety) with RF
Earths (for Antennas).
111Electrical Wiring
- Items ought to be earthed, and Radio Shacks ought
to be protected by RCD Earth Trips. - Only items which have Double Insulation need
not be earthed. - Have a single well marked OFF switch for all
112Electrical Safety Devices
- Fuses Circuit breakers are to protect the
electric circuits from high current.They protect
wiring NOT appliances. - Faults arent always shorts. A fault may not blow
a large fuse, but may overheat a flex and cause
overheating/fires - Avoid trailing mains leads on the shack floor -
Trip Hazards!
113Safety Electric Shock
- How to help a victim of electric shock
- The first thing you must do is disconnect the
power supply. - DO NOT touch the victim until you are sure the
power supply is turned off. - Be especially careful in wet areas, such as
bathrooms, since water conducts electricity.
114Safety Electric Shock
- The typical symptoms of an electric shock
include - Unconsciousness.
- Difficulties in breathing or no breathing at all.
- A weak, erratic pulse or no pulse at all.
- Burns, particularly entrance and exit burns
(where the electricity entered and left the body).
115Safety Electric Shock
- First aid includes
- Check for a response, breathing and pulse. If
necessary, start resuscitating the victim. - Call 000 for an ambulance. If you are unsure on
resuscitation techniques, the ambulance call
taker will give you easy to follow instructions
over the telephone, so you can increase the
patient's chances of survival until the ambulance
arrives. - If the breathing and pulse are steady, attend to
injuries. Cool the burns and cover with dressings
that won't stick. Never put ointments or oils
onto burns. If the victim has fallen from a
height, try not to move them in case of spinal
injuries. - Talk calmly and reassuringly to the victim.
116Qualified Persons
- Who are they??
- Qualified persons refer to people such as
Electricians, Radio Technicians, Standard or
Advanced Licence holders and the such - Remember as a Foundation Licence holder you are
NOT permitted to remove the covers of any of your
equipment, or modify your equipment this is to be
done by a qualified person.
117Battery Hazard
- Never short circuit a battery
- Some batteries have toxic or corrosive chemicals
or produce gases - Never dispose of a battery in a fire
- Use protective fuses with batteries
- Children should not play with batteries
- Batteries should be disposed of correctly
- Can also produce electromagnetic radiation
- Go flat very quickly if unused
- Explode or emit fumes if punctured
118EMR Safety
- Electromagnetic Radiation may be harmful if
concentrated into a narrow beam of very high
power - Electromagnetic radiation may burn or heat parts
of the human body or organs - Keep distance between you and electromagnetic
- Ladders - Take care when erecting antennas etc.
- Lightning - Disconnect your Antennas !
- Keep clear of Overhead Power lines, and snagging
or coupling in to telephone lines.
120Chapter 7
- Electromagnetic
- Compatibility (EMC)
- Electromagnetic
- Immunity (EMI)
- And
- Interference
121EMC - Introduction
- EMC - Electro-Magnetic Compatibility
- Consumer Appliances and Radios together in
Perfect Harmony! - EMC has two aspects-
- Avoidance of generating interference.
- Immunity of own kit from being interfered with.
- The more power you run the greater the
likelihood of causing interference - The type of mode in use has a great affect on the
122Station Design For EMC
- Station Layout for Good EMC
123Earthing / EMC
- Good reception especially on HF, as well as EMC
performance, depends on good earthing. - Ensure shack equipment is run from a common mains
earth to prevent earth loops - use filtered mains
boards and ferrite rings correctly. - RF Earths for antennas are often separate -
consider earth stakes etc. - Modern Gas Water Pipes can give high resistance
earth. - AM/SSB can be rectified/detected easily, so is
most prone to cause interference - Operate in a
responsible manner!
124RF Earth Connection
- Use a good RF earth connection in an HF
transmitting station - Provides a path to ground to minimise RF currents
entering the mains earth system - Minimises the possibility of interference to
other electronic equipment - Should consist of the shortest possible length of
thick copper braid to an earth stake in the ground
125Choice of Antenna Type Dipole / Balanced System
- EMC Correct Antenna System
- Antenna sited as far away and as high as possible
from TV antenna. - Good Quality coax run under ground where
possible. - Coax earthed at point of entry to house.
- Balun used.
- Balanced Antenna System.
126Choice of Antenna TypeLong Wire / End-Fed Wire
- Poor EMC Antenna System
- Unbalanced Antenna System.
- End-Fed Wire
- Strong RF fields near the house.
- Poor earth system.
- Near TV antenna.
- Most likely to cause interference
RF Earth
127Choice of Antenna TypeBest EMC - Balanced System
- Excellent EMC Antenna System
- Antenna balanced system.
- Well located.
- Well Earthed.
- Antenna Position - Space away from TV Antennas,
Phone Lines - Least likely to cause interference
128AM or SSB
- Similar patterning on screen,
- Possibly in time with speech,
- Distorted voice like sounds, can be intelligible.
129FM Transmission
- Wavy, herringbone patterning on TV
- Possible loss of colour
- No effect on sound
- But on severe cases may cause distorted or loss
of sound.
130Digital TV
- Digital TV is affected quite differently.
- There is no visual evidence of what is happening
other than the picture becoming jerky, forming
blocks as if it is a jig-saw, - Freezing or disappearing.
- These effects are the same as if there is a weak
signal. - The neighbour is more likely to call the service
engineer believing a fault on the TV.
131EMC Precautions
- Suppress problems at their source !
- Use Lowpass/Band Pass Filters to suppress
Harmonics for TVI at the transmitter end. - Use Dedicated RF Earths - NOT Safety Mains Earths
- RF Traps / Baluns on antenna feeders - Improves
the Source - Inline Filters, Ferrite Rings may be needed -
Helps the Victims - TV, HiFi, PC, Home Theatre
etc - Fit filters as close as possible to affected
132Where to place Filters
Typical Filter Locations
133Chapter 8
- Regulations
- and
- Amateur Radio Licences
134Nature of Amateur Radio
- Amateur radio is intended to facilitate hobby
radio communications. - Benefits Amateur Radio is of value in areas of
- Technical Innovation
- Emergency Communications
- Development of Skills
- International Friendship
- Recreational Activity
135Types of licences
- Amateur radio activities are authorised under an
amateur licence. Other forms of licences
authorise types of radio communications such as
Citizens Band (CB), Land mobile, Point to Point
Links and Broadcasting.
136Allocation of frequency bands
- The Amateur Service operates on frequency bands
allocated for Amateur use. The Amateur Service
shares some frequency bands with other services.
Services such as the broadcasting, aeronautical
and maritime services are allocated frequency
bands appropriate to their purpose.
137Purpose of the Amateur Service
- An Amateur Licence primarily authorises the
operation of an Amateur station for self training
in radio communications, intercommunications
between Amateurs and technical investigations
into radio communications.
138Licence Conditions
- Operation under a Foundation Amateur Licence is
subject to conditions in the - Radiocommunications Act 1992
- Radiocommunications Regulations 1993
- Radiocommunications Licence Conditions (Amateur
Licence) Determination No.1 of 1997 - Radiocommunications Licence Conditions (Apparatus
Licence) Determination 2003. - Radiocommunications Licence Conditions (Amateur
Licence) Amendment Determination 2005 (N0.1)
139Communications byAmateur stations
- Except in relation to a distress oremergency
situation, or whereauthorised by an Inspector,
an AmateurLicence only authorisesAmateur-to-Amat
eur communications. - Particular conditions apply to thetransmission
of messages on behalfof a third party or
messages toAmateurs in another country.
140Distress and Urgency Signals
- Distress communications are signalled by the use
of Mayday and these communications have
priority over all other communications. - Persons hearing a Mayday communication are
responsible for passing the information on to an
appropriate authority.
141Distress Signals
- The distress call consists of
- 1. the distress signal sent three times
- 2. the words 'THIS IS' and
- 3. the callsign or other identification of the
station in distress, sent three times.
142Distress Signals
- The distress message consists of
- 1. the distress signal MAYDAY (radiotelephony)
- 2. the name, or other identification, of the
station in distress - 3. particulars of its position
- 4. the nature of the distress and the kind of
assistance required - 5. and any other information which might be of
143Urgency Signals
- In cases where the use of the distress signal is
not fully justified, the 'URGENCY' signal may be
used. In radiotelephony, the urgency signal
consists of the group of words 'PAN PAN' , each
word of the group pronounced as the French word
'panne'. The urgency signal shall be repeated
three times before the call.
144Urgency Signals
- The urgency signal has priority over all other
transmissions except distress. All stations
hearing an urgency signal should - 1. ensure that they do not cause interference to
the transmission of the message that follows - 2. and be prepared to assist if required.
145Distress and Urgency Signals
- Some urgent situations not warranting the use of
Mayday are signalled by the use of Pan Pan.
These communications should receive priority and
should be reported to an appropriate authority.
146Station Identification
- Correct station identification is required at the
beginning of a transmission, or series of
transmissions, and at least every 10 minutes
during a series of transmissions. - Any transmission, even a test transmission, must
contain station identification.
147Amateur Call Signs
- Identify from supplied reference material, the
categories of call signs used in the Australian
Amateur Service. - Identify call sign suffixes applicable to each
licence category, prefixes and state designators.
148Amateur Call Signs
- Amateur station callsigns consist of two letters
followed by one numeral and two, three or four
letters. - Australian Amateur Callsigns normally commence
with the letters 'VK'. - To commemorate special events, the use of 'VI' or
'AX' may be authorised on a temporary basis.
149Amateur Call Signs
- The following numerals identify the State or
Territory in which the amateur station is
licensed to operate - 1 Australian Capital Territory
- 2 New South Wales
- 3 Victoria
- 4 Queensland
- 5 South Australia
- 6 Western Australia
- 7 Tasmania
- 8 Northern Territory
- 9 External Territories
- 0 Antarctica
150Secret Messages
- The transmission of secret coded or encrypted
messages is generally not permitted.
151Authorised frequency bandsand emissions
- The Foundation Amateur Licence authorises
operation on certain frequency bands and the use
of certain emission modes. - Recall in what document the bands and modes are
152Use of the Licence ConditionDeterminations (LCDs)
- Identify, using the LCDs applicable to the
Amateur Licence, specific licence conditions as
they apply to the Foundation Licence. - The candidate will be supplied with the LCDs.
153(No Transcript)
154Commonly Used Emission Characteristics
Purpose of Transmission Emission mode symbols for aparticular transmitter Modulation Emission mode symbols for aparticular transmitter Modulation Emission mode symbols for aparticular transmitter Modulation Emission mode symbols for aparticular transmitter Modulation
Purpose of Transmission AM SSB FM PM
Morse A1AA1B J2AJ2B F1B G1B
Speech A3E J3E F3E G3E
Data (packet) A2DA1D J2D FIDF2D G1DG2D
Facsimile A2C J2C F2C G2F
where AM amplitude modulatedSSB amplitude
modulated and uses a single-sideband, suppressed
carrierFM angle modulated and uses frequency
modulation andPM angle modulated and uses
phase modulation.
155Permitted power output
- The Foundation Amateur Licence restricts the
transmitter output power to a maximum of 10 watts.
156Type of equipment allowed
- The Foundation Amateur Licence only authorises
the use of unmodified commercially manufactured
transmitting equipment.
157Inspection of Amateur Licences
- Inspectors have the right to require an Amateur
to produce his/her licence.
158Notification ofchange of address
- It is required to notify the Australian
Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) of any
change of address.
159Entertainment not permitted
- The transmission of any form of entertainment is
not permitted.
160Restriction of operationto avoid interference
- The ACMA, in order to avoid interference, has the
right to restrict the operation of an Amateur
161Harmful interference
- A licensee must not operate an Amateur station if
operation causes harmful interference to other
radio services.
162Equipment mustnot be modified
- The Foundation Licensee must not make
modifications to any Amateur radio transmitting
163Authorised use ofAmateur stations
- A Foundation licensee may authorise a suitably
qualified person to operate the licensees
Amateur station.
164More - Chapter 9
165Band Plans
- Amateur Radio Operators have access to a wide
variety of modes and frequencies. - To avoid cross-interference with other Hams or
other services a band plan is used it regulates
by mutual agreement what modes/ frequencies can
be used in what bands. - The WIA in conjunction with the IARU have a
bandplan available for you to use as a guide.
Refer to to callbook for more information.
166VHF Repeater
167UHF Repeater
- CTCSS In order to reduce the chance of
interference some repeaters have what is called
Sub-tone access or Continuous Tone Coded Squelch
System. - These tones are so low in frequency you cannot
hear them. - Refer to you radios handbook and the local Radio
Clubs repeater information.
- DTMF Dual Tone Multiple Frequency, this is
identical to the system used in Telephones and
Mobile phones. - DTMF comprises of two audible tones transmitted
at the same time. - DTMF can be used to command repeaters, access
Echolink or IRLP nodes or retrieve information
from a weather station etc - ALWAYS identify your station before using DTMF
- Terms used in
- Written Practical
- Assessments
- If a question is to RECALL, then you need to
Recall a fact and apply it directly to the
question !
- If a question is to UNDERSTAND, then you will
need a more detailed knowledge to answer.
- If a question is to DEMONSTRATE, then you need to
display the ability to carry out a physical task
(normally this is part of the Practical
- If you are asked to IDENTIFY, then you need to
identify particular objects, diagrams, etc.
175Thanks to Westlakes Amateur Radio Clubfor
allowing us to use the information from
theirtraining material. http//www.westlakesarc.o
Thanks to Chelmsford Amateur Radio Societyfor
allowing us to use the information from
theirtraining material. http//www.g0mwt.org.uk/t
Thanks to Peter Kutas VK2UPK)for preparing
original training material.
Thanks to Fred Swainston TrainSafe Australiafor
some content in this training material.