Title: Yabba Dabba Doo!!
1Yabba Dabba Doo!! It has been confirmed by the
members of the Water Buffalo Lodge that the
members of 30th Kitchener (Beavers, Cubs, Scouts)
and their families travel Back to Bedrock for
the end of year family camp. We will be visiting
the stone age and making primitive tools, bowling
Fred Flintstone style, spear throwing even
building Freds car! Date Friday June 2nd to
Sunday June 4th 2006 All participants are to meet
at St. Phillips Church at 530 pm on Friday
night so that we can be away by 6 pm SHARP! We
will arrive back at the church approximately 130
on Sunday afternoon. Place Camp Heibein See map
attached. Kit list to follow If possible,
families should bring a tent or trailer for their
family to sleep in - tents are provided for the
youth members of 30th Kitchener. Cost is 20.00
per person (limit 50.00 per family) Please
return registration form, physical fitness form
and Hold Harmless and money no later than May
24th, 2006.
2Back to Bedrock Camp Prehistoric Registration
Form To register for this camp, please hand in
the registration form below, parent consent form
for all youth, physical fitness form for all
adults and siblings, hold harmless for all
non-registered participants and money
(20/person up to 50/family) no later than May
24th. Please alert your leaders to any special
circumstances or food allergies. Beavers must be
accompanied by an adult.
Year-end Camp Name of Youth attending___________
___________ ______________________
______________________ Name of adults
_______________________ I will be driving up to
the camp yes / no My child will require a ride
to camp yes / no Will you require a tent?
Yes/no Amount of payment ________________________