Title: The Bourguignon-Chakravarty (B-C) Poverty Family: A Characterization
1The Bourguignon-Chakravarty (B-C) Poverty Family
A Characterization
- C. Lasso de la Vega, A. Urrutia and H. Díez,
- University of the Basque Country
F. Bourguignon and K. Chakravarty (2003). Journal
of Economic Inequality.
- Theoretical papers A. Atkinson (2003) S. Bibi
(2003) - Empirical papers S. Bibi (2003), C. DAmbrosio,
J. Deutsch and J. Silber (2005), S. Escalante and
E. Yánez (2006), R. Arim and A. Vigorito (2007)
2The B-C Poverty Family A Characterization.OUTLI
- Two different procedures to construct
multidimensional indices (P.K. Pattanaik,
S.G. Reeddy and Y. Xu (2007)). - Bourguignon and Chakravarty (2003) introduce a
family of multidimensional poverty measures B-C
family - explore a number of properties fulfilled by the
members of this family - show that these properties characterize the
family. - Concluding remarks.
3Two different procedures to construct
multidimensional indices.
- n individuals i1,,n, each endowed with k
attributes j 1,..,k.
- Multidimensional deprivation distribution
- Ai overall deprivation for individual i,
- Ai fi ( ai1,,aik )
- P(A) Pr(A1,..,Ai,...,An)
- row-first two stage procedure
column attribute js deprivation distribution
- Bj deprivation of the attribute j
- Bj fj ( a1j,,anj )
- b) P(A) Pc(B1,..,Bj,...,Bk)
- column-first two stage procedure
4The B-C Poverty Family.
- n individuals, each endowed with 2 attributes j
1,2, with weights wj - zj poverty line for attribute j
- Each individual i feels a deprivation of
attribute j
- Aggregating Deprivations for each individual i
- Combining Individual Deprivations The same
function proposed by Foster-Greer-Thorbecke is
used to aggregate deprivations over individuals
51st step Aggregating Deprivations for each
individual i
Properties fulfilled by the B-C Poverty Family.
- Symmetry the name of the attributes is
irrelevant. - Increasing in the attribute deprivations.
- Homogeneity (1st degree) in the attribute
deprivations. - Homogeneity (0th degree) in the weights.
- Increasing in the weight of the attribute whose
deprivation is the highest. - Reflexivity ai1 ai2 a then Ai a
- Internality if ai1 lt ai2 then ai1 lt Ai lt ai2
- Aggregativity consistency in multilevel
6Characterizing the B-C Poverty Family.
1st step Aggregating Deprivations for each
individual i
Proposition These eight conditions are necessary
and sufficient for the function f to be a
continuous function of the form where ? gt0
and wi 0 such that w1w21
7Properties fulfilled by the B-C Poverty Family.
2nd step Combining Individual Deprivations
8Characterizing the B-C Poverty Family.
2nd step Combining Individual Deprivations
Proposition A multidimensional subgroup
decomposable deprivation index P derived using a
row-first two stage procedure satisfies the
increasing deprivation-consistency axiom if and
only if up to a constant
9Characterizing the B-C Poverty Family.
Proposition A multidimensional subgroup
decomposable deprivation index P derived using a
row-first two stage procedure satisfies the
increasing deprivation-consistency axiom and the
individual deprivation function f satisfies the
conditions 1 through 8 if and only if up to a
- We have proposed
- eight properties to aggregate deprivations for
each individual - an axiom to combine individual deprivations in a
multidimensional index. - We have proved that these properties
characterize the B-C poverty family among the
subgroup decomposable deprivation indices based
on deprivation matrices bounded.