Simulation - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Bo: uniform distribution Bo(1.15,1.5) Examples Using _at_RISK from Mian ... Posterior probabilities and EMV's shown in tables and on inverted tree ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Simulation

  • Application of Simulation to Probabilistic
    Reserve Estimates Part 2

Learning Objectives
  • You will be able to
  • Identify correlations between input variables in
  • Simulate correlations manually
  • Simulate reserves estimates using Excel
  • Simulate reserves estimates using _at_RISK

Identifying Correlations Between Variables
  • When input variables are correlated and we assume
    them to be independent, our simulation results
    will be incorrect
  • We must identify correlations and take them into
  • Scatter plots help us identify correlations

Total Linear Positive Dependence
Total Nonlinear Negative Dependence
Diffuse Positive Dependence
Uncorrelated Variables
Quantifying Dependence Correlation Coefficient
  • Correlation coefficient, r, reveals degree of
    correlation between variables
  • where
  • sX standard deviation of Xs
  • sY standard deviation of Ys
  • average (mean) of Xs
  • average (mean) of Ys

Interpretation of Correlation Coefficients
  • Values of r range between -1 and 1
  • Value near 1 means strong positive correlation
  • Value near -1 means strong negative correlation
  • Value near 0 means little or no correlation
  • Linear regression analysis quantifies
    relationship between dependent variable Y and
    independent variable X, Y a bX

Using Excel to Determine Correlation Coefficient
  • Use CORREL function
  • CORREL(X-range,Y-range)
  • OR
  • Use Tools Data Analysis Regression
  • Provides table of correlations and other

Simulating Total Dependence
  • When correlation coefficient r near 1, we assign
    same random number for X and Y in simulation
  • When correlation coefficient near -1, use
    original random number, x, to generate value for
    independent variable and 1.0 x to generate
    value for dependent variable
  • Sample independent variable, X, first
  • Value of X influences value of dependent variable
    Y by restricting its range
  • Alternative Use relationship Y a bX

Simulating Diffuse Dependence
  • Data in example figure shows downward sloping
    trend with r -0.5344
  • Similar situations arise frequently in practice

Simulating Diffuse Dependence Methodology
  • Prepare cross plot of random variables X and Y
  • Draw box around data points so majority is
    bounded, maximum and minimum limits defined
  • Identify type of variation of Y within box as
    function of X random, clustered midway,
    clustered at upper or lower boundary

Simulating Diffuse Dependence Methodology
  • Generate normalized Y distribution
  • For each X, unique distribution of Y between
    Ymin and Ymax exists, and is conveniently
    represented in terms of normalized Y variable
  • For given iteration, value of X selected
    randomly, and value of Y from normalized
    distribution corresponding to value of X selected

Simulating Diffuse Dependence Methodology
  • Develop cumulative probability distribution for
    independent variable X and normalized Y from
    previous step
  • Generate random numbers and sample distributions
  • Generate two random numbers, RN1 and RN2
  • Use RN1 to sample X distribution
  • Use RN2 to sample YNORM distribution
  • Values of X1 and YNORM1 result

Simulating Diffuse Dependence Methodology
  • Obtain Ymin and Ymax corresponding to X1 from
    figure or, better, from fitting equations
  • Calculate Y1 from YNORM1, Ymax, and Ymin
  • Repeat for each iteration at fixed value of X1
  • Select X2, randomly and repeat entire process
  • Process illustrated in Example 6-1, Mian, pp. 342
    - 347

Simulation Using Excel
  • Generating random numbers
  • Use formula RAND() in any cell
  • Properties
  • Whenever function is used, numbers between 0 and
    1 have same chance of occurring numbers will be
    uniformly distributed
  • Numbers probabilistically independent when one
    random number generated, we obtain no information
    about subsequent random numbers

Simulation Using Excel
  • Inverse of probability distributions in Excel
    (built-in functions)
  • BETAINV() returns inverse of cumulative beta
    function distribution
  • CHIINV() returns inverse of one-tailed
    probability of chi-squared distribution
  • FINV() returns inverse of F probability
  • GAMMAINV() returns inverse of gamma
    probability distribution

Simulation Using Excel
  • Inverse of probability distributions in Excel
    (built-in functions)
  • LOGINV() returns inverse of lognormal
    probability distribution
  • NORMINV() returns inverse of normal cumulative
    probability distribution
  • NORMSINV() returns inverse of standard normal
    cumulative probability distribution
  • TINV() returns inverse of students

Simulation Using Excel
  • Excels built-in inverse probability distribution
    functions all have probability in argument
  • Example NORMINV(probability,µ,s)
  • We can replace probability with random number in
  • Example NORMINV(RAND(),µ,s) generates random
    variate of normal distribution

Simulation Using Excel
  • Excel has other built-in functions that generate
    pdf and cdf but not inverse
  • BINOMDIST() binomial distribution
  • EXPONDIST() exponential distribution
  • HYPEGEOMDIST() hypergeometric
  • POISSON() Poisson distribution
  • WEIBULL() Weibull distribution

Simulation Using Excel
  • We can determine inverses of CDFs of Excels
    functions with no built-in inverse by using
    VLOOKUP function
  • Table 6-6, page 350 of Mian illustrates use of
    VLOOKUP function

Using VLOOKUP Function
Example Simulation with Excel Ex. 6-2, Mian
  • Objective calculate volumetric oil reserves
  • Porosity normally distributed, mean 0.14,
    standard deviation 0.02
  • Water saturation triangular, min, most likely,
    max values 0.2, 0.3, 0.44
  • Formation thickness normally distributed, mean
    15 ft, std. dev. 1.5 ft

Example Simulation with Excel Ex. 6-2, Mian
  • Objective calculate volumetric oil reserves
  • Drainage area normally distributed, mean 77
    acres, std. dev. 63 acres (careful can cause
    negative areas in simulation)
  • Recovery factor normally distributed, mean
    0.34, std. dev. 0.05
  • Oil FVF uniform distribution, parameters 1.15
    and 1.5

Example Simulation with Excel Ex. 6-2, Mian
Steps in Setting Up Spreadsheet for Ex. 6-2
  • Enter inputs for probability distributions in
    cells E4 to G9
  • Cell B13 NORMIN(RAND(),E4,F4)
  • Cell C13 IF(J13lt((F5-E5)/(G5-E5)),E5SQRT((
  • Formula refers to Eqs. 6.1,6.2. Cell refers to
    random numbers in cell J13. Enter RAND() in cell
    J13 and copy down to cell J550.

Steps in Setting Up Spreadsheet for Ex. 6-2
  • Cell D13 NORMINV(RAND(),E6,F6)
  • Cell E13 NORMINV(RAND(),E7,F7)
  • Cell F13 NORMINV(RAND(),E8,F8)
  • Cell G13 RAND()(F9-E9)E9 (Eq. 6.3)
  • Cell H13 ((7758B13(1-C13)D13E13)/G13)F13
    volumetric reserve equation

Steps in Setting Up Spreadsheet for Ex. 6-2
  • Copy cells B13H13 to cells B550 to H550,
    providing 538 iterations for simulation
  • Cell D10 AVERAGE(H13H550) calculates average
    reserve for 538 iterations

Using _at_RISK
  • _at_RISK is software to analyze business and
    technical sitautions with risk exposure
  • Functions as add-in to MS Excel
  • Uses Monte Carlo simulation for risk analysis
  • Application illustrated with reserves simulation

Application of _at_RISK to Reserves Simulation
  • Porosity normal distribution f(14,2)
  • Sw triangular distribution Sw(20,30,44)
  • h normal distribution h(15,1.5)
  • Ad lognormal distribution Ad(77,63)
  • FR normal distribution FR(34,5)
  • Bo uniform distribution Bo(1.15,1.5)

Examples Using _at_RISK from Mian
  • See Mian, pages 355-366 for details on using
    _at_RISK for this reserves simulation example
  • See Mian, Example 6-3, pages 366-369 for details
    on using _at_RISK for NPV example
  • See Mian, pages 370-373, for details on modeling
    dependency in _at_RISK
  • See Mian, pages 373-375, for information on
    combining _at_RISK and PRECISIONTREE

  • You are or will be able to
  • Identify correlations between input variables in
  • Simulate correlations manually
  • Simulate reserves estimates using Excel
  • Simulate reserves estimates using _at_RISK

  • Application of Simulation to Probabilistic
    Reserve Estimates Part 2

Expected Value and Decision Trees
  • Value of Additional Information

Learning Objectives
  • You will be able to
  • Calculate the value of perfect information
  • Calculate the value of imperfect information

Value of Information
  • New or additional information can reduce or
    remove uncertainty
  • Reduced uncertainty should increase payoff and
    reduce variance
  • Additional information costs money
  • Examples
  • Seismic survey
  • Laboratory analysis
  • Services of consultant
  • Market survey before launching new project

Questions to be Answered Before Buying Additional
  • Is the additional information worth the cost?
  • If several potential sources of information
    exist, which one if preferred?

Expected Value of Perfect Information
  • Expected value of perfect information (EVPI) is
    expected payoff with perfect information (EPPI)
    minus expected payoff under uncertainty
  • EVPI is amount we can spend on acquiring perfect
  • EVPI gives upper-bound for imperfect information,
    since perfect information is rarely available

Expected Value of Perfect Information
  • Best payoff (from perfect information) found by
    first determining maximum payoff of each event,
    then multiplying each maximum by probability of
  • EVPI then calculated as difference between best
    payoff and most likely payoff
  • Process illustrated by example

Example Expected Value of Perfect Information
  • For decision problem discussed earlier (leasing
    60 acres to join drilling unit and determining
    whether to drill, farm out, or back in)
  • Geologists believe additional seismic data will
    significantly reduce uncertainty can tell us
    dry hole or producer, but not size of reserve
  • We want to determine maximum amount we can pay
    for additional seismic

Example Expected Value of Perfect Information
Example Expected Value of Perfect Information
  • Choose maximum value in each row of given data to
    represent NPV of perfect information
  • Since information perfect, dry hole risk has

Example Expected Value of Perfect Information
Example Expected Value of Perfect Information
  • Multiply NPV values assuming perfect information
    by probabilities to obtain at components of
    expected value
  • Add components of expected value to determine
    expected payoff of perfect information EPPI
  • Subtract EMV under uncertainty (which was 25.375
    M for back-in option) from EPPI to determine EVPI

Example Expected Value of Perfect Information
Example Expected Value of Perfect Information
  • 33.387 M 25.375 M
  • 8.012 M
  • We can afford to pay no more than
  • 8.012 M for seismic

Expected Value of Imperfect Information
  • Imperfect information changes degree and nature
    of uncertainty without eliminating it
  • Example from seismic
  • Perfect information would be 100 reliable
  • Actual expectations might be 90 probability that
    seismic will indicate structure when structure is
    present, and 10 probability that seismic will
    indicate structure when structure is not present

Expected Value of Imperfect Information
  • Expected value of imperfect information (EVII) is
    expected payoff with imperfect information minus
    expected payoff under uncertainty
  • Expected net gain (ENG) is expected value of
    information (perfect or imperfect) less cost of
    obtaining information

Expected Value of Imperfect Information
  • Bayesian methodology used to revise prior
    probabilities and determine new posterior
    probabilities, calculated using new information
    available through experiments or tests
  • Substitute posterior probabilities in place of
    prior probabilities in outcome state
  • Expected payoff thus calculated taking into
    account posterior probabilities in place of prior

Implementing Bayesian Analysis
  • Determine course of action that would be chosen
    using only prior probabilities and record EMV of
    this course of action
  • Identify possible insights new information can
  • Assign probabilities to new information
    (conditional probabilities)

Implementing Bayesian Analysis
  • Calculate joint probabilities (product of prior
    probabilities and conditional probabilities)
  • Calculate marginal probabilities (sum of
    appropriate joint probabilities)
  • Calculate posterior probabilities (joint
    probabilities divided by marginal probabilities)
  • Replace initial (prior) probabilities by revised
    (posterior) probabilities and calculate revised
    (less uncertain) EMV of project

Example Value of Imperfect Information
  • We have discovered oil in an offshore prospect
  • Studies indicate reserves in 5-25 MM STB range,
    with probabilities in table
  • Two options
  • Design facilities based on information available
  • Drill delineation wells to improve probability
    and reservoir size estimates

NPV of Each Field Size and Facility, MM
Questions to Answer
  • Determine most economical field size without
    further information, using EMV
  • Calculate expected value of perfect information
    using EMV and EOL. Based on EVPI, determine
    maximum amount we can pay to acquire additional

Questions to Answer
  • Calculate expected value of imperfect information
    if we decide to drill delineation wells costing
    15MM before we decide on size of facilities
  • Geologists beliefs about delineation wells
  • Probability 90 that we will identify large
    reservoir if thats what is actually there
  • Probability 60 that we will identify medium
    reservoir if thats what is actually there
  • Probability 30 that we will identify small
    reservoir if thats what is actually there

EMV Using Available Information
Expected Value of Perfect Information (EVPI)
EVPP 0.3x4500.45x2100.25x60 244.5MM
EVPI 244.5 - 219.5 25MM
Expected Opportunity Loss (EOL)
Confirms selection of size C facility EVPI
25MM same as calculated by EMV method
Expected Value of Imperfect Information (EVII)
  • To calculate EVII, consider two alternatives
  • Install platform without acquiring additional
    information (calculations above)
  • Drill delineation wells and decide on platform
    size based on information they provide

Decision Tree for Option to Drill Delineation
Partial Tree for Result of Delineation Wells
Assessment of Probabilities of Different Field
Sizes from Partial Tree
  • Note joint probabilities of favorable outcomes
    when delineation wells are drilled are
  • 0.3x0.9 0.27 large field
  • 0.45x0.6 0.27 medium field
  • 0.25x0.3 0.075 small field
  • Total probability of favorable outcome 0.27
    0.27 0.075 0.615 (and probability of
    unfavorable outcome is 1 0.615 0.385)

Rearrangement of Tree (Inversion)
  • Posterior probabilities and EMVs shown in tables
    and on inverted tree
  • Process demonstrates application of Bayes rule
    (see Mian, vol. 2, pp. 94-99)

Application of Bayes Rule
  • P(Ai/B), posterior probabilities, represent
  • that reservoirs will be small, medium, or large
  • given results of delineation drilling (B)
  • P(B/Ai) represent probabilities that delineation
  • drilling result (B) will be favorable or
  • given probabilities (Ai) that reservoirs are
    small, medium
  • or large
  • P(Ai), prior probabilities, represent original
  • that reservoirs will be small, medium, or large

Calculation of NPV, Delineation Wells Favorable
Select size C if delineation well results
Calculation of NPV, Delineation Wells Unfavorable
Select size B if delineation results unfavorable
Value of Imperfect Information
  • Table indicates we should select size C facility
    if delineation well results favorable (EMV
  • Table indicates we should select size B facility
    if delineation well results unfavorable (EMV

Inverted Tree for Result of Delineation Wells
Delineation Well Decision
  • Expected payoff with imperfect information, EPII,
    if we drill delineation wells
  • EPII 0.615x273.90 0.385x141.36 222.87MM
  • Expected value of imperfect information, EVII
    222.87 - 219.50 3.37MM
  • We should pay no more than 3.37MM to drill
    delineation wells, which means we cannot support
    the proposed 15MM drilling budget
  • Since EVPI is 25MM, value of information from
    delineation wells, 3.37MM, considerably less
    than value of perfectly reliable results

Learning Objectives
  • You can now
  • Calculate the value of perfect information
  • Calculate the value of imperfect information

Expected Value and Decision Trees
  • Value of Additional Information
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