Title: Kate Gilmore
1Invest NI Trade Division
Kate Gilmore
- Invest NI Who are we?
- Northern Ireland Exports.
- Trade Development Services offered by Invest NI.
3Invest NI
- Economic Development Agency.
- Established under the industrial development act.
- Non-departmental public body operating under a
4Corporate Plan April 2002 March 2005
- to accelerate economic development in Northern
Ireland, applying expertise and resources to
encourage innovation and achieve business
success, increasing opportunity for all within a
renewed culture of enterprise.
5Local Offices
6Invest Northern Irelands Global Presence
Invest Northern Irelands Global Presence
7Invest Northern Irelands Global Presence
Invest Northern Irelands Global Presence
8Invest Northern Irelands Global Presence
Invest Northern Irelands Global Presence
Europe Others
DUBAI (Trade)
- The Clients Group - organised on a sectoral basis
- Business International
- Entrepreneurship
- The Innovation Capability Development Services
Group covering trade development, RD, business
improvement, E-Business and scientific services - The Corporate Services Group
10Northern Ireland Sales Exports 2002
- Total sales by NI Manufacturing businesses in
2001/2002 - 10,304m - 70 of all manufacturing sales are made to
customers outside NI. - 39 of total sales were exported.
Source NI Manufacturing Sales Exports Survey
2000/01 2001/02, DETI
11Destination of Sales10,304m
Rest of EU 12
Rest of World 17
ROI 10
Northern Ireland 30
Great Britain 31
Source NI Manufacturing Sales and Exports survey
12Exports by Sector
13Spread of Export Sales
- 3 largest exporters account for 21 of exports.
- 10 largest exporters account for 50 of exports.
15Trade Services
- Our aim is to provide effective trade
development support increasing the
competitiveness of Invest NIs clients in
overseas markets.
- To achieve higher levels of growth by existing
business through increased sales in external
markets. - To encourage client companies to diversify into
new products and markets. - To encourage more businesses to enter external
markets for the first time.
17Barriers to Exporting
- Lack of export market know-how.
- Difficulty in obtaining market information.
- Financing and currency fluctuation.
- Export legislation, documentation and procedures.
- Distribution and logistics.
- Lack of resources and skills.
- Production capacity.
18Passport to Export
- Twin track approach
- New and Inexperienced Exporters
- Experienced Exporters
19New and Inexperienced
Trade Advisor Support
Export Audit
20 Experienced
Trade (SECTOR) Advisor Support
Export Audit
21Why Export?
- Export success drives economic growth as
companies become more competitive, capable and
innovative in international markets. Increased
global sales, in turn, will mean a stronger, more
dynamic and robust economy with greater
opportunities for local people. - Professor Fabian Monds, Chairman, Invest NI