Maximum likelihood ML - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Maximum likelihood ML


... Binomial distribution example. Now let us take 10 observations from binomial ... Let us compare for binomial distributions (with the number of trials 1, the ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Maximum likelihood ML

Maximum likelihood (ML)
  • Conditional distribution and likelihood
  • Maximum likelihood estimator
  • Information in the data and likelihood
  • Observed and Fishers information
  • Home work

  • It is often the case that we are interested in
    finding values of some parameters of the system.
    Then we design an experiment and get some
    observations (x1,,,xn). We want to use these
    observations and estimate the parameters of the
    system. Once we know (it might be a challenging
    mathematical problem) how parameters and
    observations are related then we can use this to
    estimate the parameters.
  • Maximum likelihood is one the techniques to
    estimate parameters using observations or
    experimental data. There are other estimation
    techniques also. These include Bayesian,
    least-squares, method of moments, M-estimators.
  • The result of the estimation is a function of
    observation t(x1,,,xn). A function of the
    observations is called statistic. It is a random
    variable and in many cases we want to find its
    distribution also. In general, finding the
    distribution of the statistic is a challenging
    problem. But there are numerical technique (e.g.
    bootstrap) to approximate this distribution.

Desirable properties of an estimation
  • Unbiasedness. Bias is defined as a difference
    between estimator (t) and true parameter (?).
    Expectation is taken using probability
    distribution of observations
  • Efficiency. Efficient estimation is that with
    minimum variance (var(t)E(t-E(t))2). Efficiency
    of the estimator is measured by its variance.
  • Consistency. If the number of observations goes
    to infinity then an estimator converges to true
    value then this estimator is called a consistent
  • Minimum mean square error (Minimum m.s.e). M.s.e.
    is defined as the expectation value of the square
    of the difference (error) between estimator and
    the true value
  • Minimum m.s.e. means that this estimator must be
    efficient and unbiased. It is very difficult to
    achieve all these properties. Under some
    conditions ML estimator obeys them
    asymptotically. Moreover the distribution of ML
    estimator is asymptotically normal that
    simplifies the interpretation of the results.

Conditional probability distribution and
  • Let us assume that we know that our random sample
    points came from a population with the
    distribution with parameter(s) - ?. We do not
    know ?. If we would know it, then we could write
    the probability distribution of a single
    observation f(x?). Here f(x?) is the
    conditional distribution of the observed random
    variable if the parameter(s) would be known. If
    we observe n independent sample points from the
    same population then the joint conditional
    probability distribution of all observations can
    be written
  • We could write the product of the individual
    probability distributions because the
    observations are independent (independent
    conditionally when parameters are known). f(x?)
    is the probability mass function of an
    observation for discrete and density of the
    distribution for continuous cases.
  • We could interpret f(x1,x2,,,xn?) as the
    probability of observing given sample points if
    we would know the parameter ?. If we would vary
    the parameter(s) we would get different values
    for the probability f. Since f is the probability
    distribution, parameters are fixed and
    observation varies. For a given set of
    observations we define likelihood proportional to
    the conditional probability distribution.

Conditional probability distribution and
likelihood Cont.
  • When we talk about conditional probability
    distribution of the observations given
    parameter(s) then we assume that parameters are
    fixed and observations vary. When we talk about
    likelihood then observations are fixed parameters
    vary. That is the major difference between
    likelihood and conditional probability
    distribution. Sometimes to emphasize that
    parameters vary and observations are fixed,
    likelihood is written as
  • In this and following lectures we will use one
    notation for probability and likelihood. When we
    talk about probability then we assume that
    observations vary and when we talk about
    likelihood we assume that parameters vary.
  • Principle of maximum likelihood states that the
    best parameters are those that maximise
    probability of observing current values of the
    observations. Maximum likelihood chooses
    parameters that satisfy

Maximum likelihood
  • Purpose of the maximum likelihood is to maximize
    the likelihood function and estimate parameters.
    If the derivatives of the likelihood function
    exist then it can be done using
  • Solution of this equation will give possible
    values for maximum likelihood estimator. If the
    solution is unique then it will be the only
    estimator. In real application there might be
    many solutions.
  • Usually instead of likelihood its logarithm is
    maximized. Since log is strictly monotonically
    increasing function, derivative of the likelihood
    and derivative of the log of likelihood will have
    exactly same roots. If we use the fact that
    observations are independent then the joint
    probability distributions of all observations is
    equal to the product of the individual
    probabilities. We can write log of the likelihood
    (denoted as l)
  • Usually working with sums is easier than working
    with products

Likelihood Normal distribution example
Let us assume that our observations come from the
population with N(0,1). We have five
observations. For each obervation we can write
loglikelihood function (red lines). Loglikelihood
function for all observations is the sum of
individual loglikelihood functions (black line).
As it can be seen likelihood function for five
observations combined has much more pronounced
maximum than that for individual observations.
Usually more observations we have from the same
population better is the estimation of the
Likelihood Binomial distribution example
Now let us take 10 observations from binomial
distributions with size1 (i.e. we do only one
trial). Let us assume that probability of success
is equal to 0.5. Since each observation is either
0 or 1 loglikelihood function for individual
observation will be one of the two functions (red
lines on the left figure). Product of individual
loglikelihood functions has well defined maximum.
Although logglikelihood function has flat
maximum, the likelihood function (right figure)
has very well pronounced maximum.
Likelihood function for five observations,
normalised to make the integral equal to one
Loglikelihood function
Maximum likelihood Example success and failure
  • Let us consider two examples of estimation using
    maximum likelihood. First example corresponds to
    discrete probability distribution. Let us assume
    that we carry out trials. Possible outcomes of
    the trials are success or failure. Probability of
    success is ? and probability of failure is 1- ?.
    We do not know the value of ?. Let us assume we
    have n trials and k of them are successes and n-k
    of them are failures. Values of random variables
    in our trials can be either 0 (failure) or 1
    (success). Let us denote observations as
    y(y1,y2,,,,yn). Probability of the observation
    yi at the ith trial is
  • Since individual trials are independent we can
    write for n trials
  • log of this function is
  • Equating the first derivative of the likelihood
    w.r.t unknown parameter to zero we get
  • The ML estimator for the parameter is equal to
    the fraction of successes.

Maximum likelihood Example success and failure
  • In the example of successes and failures the
    result was not unexpected and we could have
    guessed it intuitively. More interesting problems
    arise when parameter ? itself becomes function of
    some other parameters. Let us say
  • The most popular form of the function ? is
    logistic curves
  • If for each trial x takes different value then
    the log likelihood function looks like
  • Finding maximum of this function is more
    complicated. This problem can be considered as a
    non-linear optimization problem. This kind of
    problems are usually solved iteratively. I.e. a
    solution to the problem is guessed and then it is
    improved iteratively. We will come back to this
    problem in the lecture on generalised linear

Logistic curve
Maximum likelihood Example normal distribution
  • Now let us assume that the sample points came
    from the population with normal distribution with
    unknown mean and variance. Let us assume that we
    have n observations, y(y1,y2,,,yn). We want to
    estimate the population mean and variance. Then
    log likelihood function will have the form
  • If we get derivative of this function w.r.t mean
    value and variance then we can write
  • Fortunately first of these equations can be
    solved without knowledge about the second one.
    Then if we use result from the first solution in
    the second solution (substitute ? by its
    estimate) then we can solve second equation also.
    Result of this will be sample variance

Maximum likelihood Example normal distribution
  • Maximum likelihood estimator in this case gave a
    sample mean and sample variance. Many statistical
    techniques are based on maximum likelihood
    estimation of the parameters when observations
    are distributed normally. All parameters of
    interest are usually inside the mean value. In
    other words ? is a function of parameters of
  • Then the problem is to estimate parameters using
    maximum likelihood estimator. Usually x-s are
    fixed values (fixed effects model). When x-s are
    random (random or mixed effect models) then the
    treatment becomes more complicated. We will have
    one lecture on mixed effect models.
  • Parameters are ?-s. If this function is linear on
    parameters then we have linear regression.
  • If variances are known then the Maximum
    likelihood estimator using observations with
    normal distribution becomes least-squares

Maximum likelihood Example normal distribution
  • If all s-s are equal to each other and our
    interest is only in estimation of mean value (µ)
    then minus loglikelihood function, after
    multiplying by s2 and igonring all constants that
    do not depend on mean value, can be written
  • It is the most popular estimator - least-squares
    function. If we consider the central limit
    theorem then we can say that in many cases
    distributions of the errors in the observations
    can be approximated with normal distribution and
    that explain why this function is so popular. It
    is a special case of maximum likelihood
  • We will come back to this function in linear
    model lecture.

Information matrix Observed and Fishers
  • One of the important aspects of a likelihood
    function is its behavior near to the maximum. If
    the likelihood function is flat then observations
    have little to say about the parameters. It is
    because changes of the parameters will not cause
    large changes in the probability. That is to say
    same observation can be observed with similar
    probabilities for various values of the
    parameters. On the other hand if the likelihood
    has a pronounced peak then small changes of the
    parameters would cause large changes in the
    probability. In this cases we say that
    observation has more information about
    parameters. It is usually expressed as the second
    derivative (or curvature) of the minus
    log-likelihood function. Observed information is
    equal to the second derivative of the minus
    log-likelihood function
  • When there are more than one parameter it is
    called information matrix.
  • Usually it is calculated at the maximum of the
  • Example In case of successes and failures we can
  • N.B. Note that it is one of the definitions of

Information matrix Observed and Fishers
  • Expected value of the observed information matrix
    is called expected information matrix or Fishers
    information. Expectation is taken over
  • It is calculated at any value of the parameter.
    Interesting fact about Fishers information
    matrix is that it is also equal to the expected
    value of the product of the gradients of
    loglikelihood function
  • Note that observed information depends on
    particular values of the observations whereas
    expected information depends only on the
    probability distribution of the observations (It
    is a result of integration. When we integrate
    over some variables we loose dependence on
    particular values)
  • When sample size becomes large then maximum
    likelihood estimator becomes approximately
    normally distributed with the variance close to
  • Fisher points out that inversion of observed
    information matrix gives slightly better estimate
    to variance than that of the expected information

Information matrix Observed and Fishers
  • More precise relation between expected
    information and variance is given by Cramer and
    Rao inequality. According to this inequality
    variance of the maximum likelihood estimator
    never can be less than inversion of expected

Information matrix Observed and Fishers
  • Now let us consider an example of successes and
    failures. If we get expectation value for the
    second derivative of minus log likelihood
    function we can get
  • If we take this at the point of maximum
    likelihood then we can say that variance of the
    maximum likelihood estimator can be approximated
  • This statement is true for large sample sizes.

Information matrix and distribution of
parameters Example
  • Distribution of parameter of the interest can be
    derived using Bayess theorem and assuming that
    we have no information about the parameter before
    the observations are made.
  • If we assume that f(ß) is constant then the
    distribution of parameter can be derived by
    renormalisation of the conditional probability
    distribution of observations given parameter(s)
    is known.
  • Let us compare for binomial distributions (with
    the number of trials 1, the number of
    observations 50 and probability of success 0.5)
    normal approximation and the distribution itself.
    Mean value is 0.46, standard deviation of normal
    approximation derived using information matrix is

Black line actual distribution and red line
normal approximation. For this case asymptotic
distribution almost exactly coincides with the
actual distribution
  • Berthold, M. and Hand, DJ (2003) Intelligent
    data analysis
  • Stuart, A., Ord, JK, and Arnold, S. (1991)
    Kendalls advanced Theory of statistics. Volume
    2A. Classical Inference and the Linear models.
    Arnold publisher, London, Sydney, Auckland

Exercise 1
  • a) Assume that we have a sample of size n (x1,
    x2, .) independently drawn from the population
    with the density of probability distribution (it
    is gamma distribution in more general form where
    ? has been replaced by 1/? )
  • Assuming that ? is a constant. Find the maximum
    likelihood estimator for ?. What is the observed
    and expected information?
  • b) Poisson distribution
  • This is probability distribution of rare events
    and it is often used in biology, physics and
    other branches of sciences. Assume that we have
    n observations with the values (k1,,kn). Find
    the maximum likelihood estimator for ?. Find
    observed and expected information.
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