Title: SARIB kick off meeting
1 SARIB kick off meeting Ljubljana, 16.
September 2004
2In the development of the Sava River basin
management plan all countries are already
collaborating under the International Commission
for the Protection of the Danube River (ICPDR)
guidance. Until 1991, the methodological bases
for data collection have been reasonably unified
over the catchment.
3However, a lot of data are missing due to
insufficient monitoring (financing, recent
warfare) and weak institutional and legal control
over use of water and land resources of the Sava
River catchment.
? It is
important to propose efficient and beneficiary
actions and measures for protection of the Sava
? Inventory of pollution sources Inventory of
dangerous substances Inventory of socio-economic
parameters ? SARIB
4The activities planned in the SARIB
project Geographical distribution of pollution
will be identified and historical trends defined.
Integrated prediction model about the behaviour
of hazardous chemical substances will be combined
with the socio-economic prediction model
? serve as a base for
the elaboration of scenario and remediation
measures using the most convenient techniques.
For that purpose an expert data and information
management system will be developed.
5WORKPACKAGES WP1 Coordination WP2 Data base
and tools WP3 Development and validation of
specific tools WP4 Integrated system for the
management of the Sava River
quality WP5 Social, economic and governance
benefits WP6 Dissemination
6WP1 Coordination Objectives Coordination of
all processes occurring in the framework of the
project to ensure the SARIB to function smoothly
throughout the duration of the project.
7WP2 Data base and tools Objectives To
build harmonised, reliable and efficient set of
data and information on the Sava River
catchment. To link the knowledge of river
quality state and environmental and health
risk and to propose efficient and beneficiary
actions and measures for protection.
8WP3 Development and validation of specific
tools A - Pollution of sediments and water
cycling processes Objectives To
establish integrated tools based on a combination
of chemical analysis and biological effect
methods to assess the geographical distribution
and historical trends in sediment contamination
of the Sava River Basin.
9WP3 Development and validation of specific
tools B - Availability and impact of pollutants
on biota Objectives To establish integrated
tools based on a combination of chemical analysis
and biological effect methods to assess the
presence of bioavailable pollutants in water and
their impact on feral fish in the Sava River
10WP4 Integrated system for the management of the
Sava River quality Objectives To
create an integrated decision support tool based
on GIS, dynamic modelling and risk assessment
for hot spots. To predict changes in water
and land environments and prioritization of
hot spots. To develop common criteria for
assessment of remediation techniques of hot
spots and practice for prevention of
11WP5 Social, economic and governance
benefits Objectives To consequently increase
the quality of life and achieve sustainable
economic development of the society in the Sava
River Basin. To provide data and information
to users of water resources throughout the Sava
River Basin. To perform proposed remediation
of the contaminated sites. To introduce the
socio-economic aspects of the Water Framework
Directive (WFD) requirements in the region of the
SRB, based on parameters under investigation.
12WP6 Dissemination Objectives To promote the
ideas of the SARIB project among beneficiary
institutions, stakeholders and individuals in the
Sava River Basin countries. To implement
the research results in the management plan
of the SRB in the frame of WFD and ICPDR
(International Commission for the Protection of
the Danube River). To re-establish the
cooperation in the SRB region. To inform
governmental agencies, policy makers,
environmentalists, water authorities...
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Zavadsky, Head of International Commission for
the Protection of the Danube River
(ICPDR) SLOVENIA Mr. Mitja Bricelj, Head of
delegation of SLOVENIA for ICPDR Dr. Meta
Goriek, Ministry for the Environment, Spatial
Planning and Energy CROATIA Mr. eljko
Ostojic, Head of delegation of CROATIA for ICPDR
Dr. Ivan Katavic, Deputy Minister of the
Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fishery Dr.
Sinia irac, Croatian Waters BOSNIA
HERZEGOVINA Ms. Hazima Hadzovic, Assistant to
Minister, Federal Ministry for Agriculture, Water
Management and Forestry Mr. Mehmed Cero,
Assistant to Minister, Federal Ministry of
Physical Planning and Environment Mr. Borislav
Jakic, Assistant to Minister, Ministry for
Urbanism, Civil Engineering and Ecology of
Republic of Srpska SERBIA AND MONTENEGRO Dr.
Danilo Golijanin, Assistant Minister, Serbian
Ministry for Science, Technology and Development
16Specific Targeted Project Sava River Basin
Sustainable Use, Management and Protection of
Resources (SARIB)CONTRACT No INCO-CT-2004-509160
(01.08.2004 31.07.2007)Project
OfficerMichele Genovese E-mail
michele.genovese_at_cec.eu.int European
Commission Administrator OfficerMaria
Silvia Giannoni E-mail Maria-Silvia.GIANNONI
_at_cec.eu.int European Commission Financial
ManagerRégine Galas E-mail
Regine.GALAS_at_cec.eu.int European