Chapter 3: Probability - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Chapter 3: Probability


(b,c): Get bagel and coffee. Example: Not Mutually Exclusive/Exhaustive. Define event B as 'gets bagel' Define event C as ' ... Bagel. Determining Probability ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Chapter 3: Probability

Chapter 3 Probability
  • One day there was a fire in the wastebasket in
    the Deans office. In rushed a physicist, a
    chemist, and a statistician. The physicist
    immediately started calculations to determine how
    much energy would have to be removed from the
    fire to stop combustion.
  • The chemist tried to figure out what chemical
    reagent would have to be added to the fire to
    prevent oxidation. While they were doing this,
    the statistician set fires in all the other
    wastebaskets in the office.
  • What are you doing? they demanded. Well, to
    solve the problem, you obviously need a larger
    sample size, the statistician replied.

Dice Simulation
  • Do Excel Demo
  • Points to be made
  • Randomness means unpredictable results
  • Probability means long run is predictable
  • We imagine a mechanism, rule, or law that
    produces results with definite probabilities
  • If we know the probability law, we can make
    meaningful predictions about the likelihood of
    various outcomes

Why we play silly games
  • In the study of probability, we need simple
    examples to learn from. Some of these may seem
    silly or unrealistic, but they are actually
    models of real problems. If we understand the
    examples, we can tackle real problems by
    formulating them in terms of simple examples like
    dice games, coin tosses, spinners, etc.
    Recognizing a familiar set-up is often the key to

Counting 3s
  • Another dice game Roll two dice and record the
    number of 3s.
  • The possible outcomes are 0, 1, or 2.
  • We will count the frequency of each outcome as we
    repeat the process.
  • (Excel Simulation)

Properties of this Experiment
  • If we continue this experiment indefinitely
  • The frequencies will have approximately a 25101
    ratio (we need to find out why)
  • The relative frequencies will settle down.
  • A computer simulation of experimental outcomes is
    a helpful tool that may lead to important
    insights regarding a probability problem. But,
    it is not a substitute for the theoretical
    development that we will begin now.

  • Probability Experiment A process that yields an
    observation that cant be predicted with
  • Trial One instance of an experiment in which
    the same process is repeated
  • Outcome One possible result of an experiment.
  • The language of set theory is used
  • The set of all possible outcomes is the Sample
    Space, often denoted by S.
  • Events are subsets of the Sample Space they
    contain one or more outcomes, and are often
    denoted by A, B, or E.

Some Examples
  • An Experiment Select two students at random and
    ask them if they have cars on campus. Record Y
    if the answer is yes and N if the answer is
  • There are two trials, because each student yields
    one observation. Each trial has an outcome of Y
    or N
  • But the outcomes of the experiment are ordered
  • The Sample Space S(N,N), (N,Y), (Y,N), (Y,Y)
  • One example event both students have
  • Another event only one student has a
  • Yet another event at least one has a

More Examples
  • Toss one coin, then toss one die.
  • SH1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6 T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6
  • (The notation has been simplified.)
  • AThe coin was a head
  • BThe die toss was an even number
  • Randomly select three voters and ask if they
    favor an increase in property taxes for road
    construction in the county.
  • CAt least one voter said yes
  • Exercise List the elements of A, B, and C.

More Terms
  • Outcomes are also called sample points.
  • n(S) the number of outcomes in the sample space.
  • Events containing only one outcome are called
    Simple Events.
  • Events containing two or more outcomes are called
    Compound Events.

  • The outcomes in a sample space can never overlap
    (they are mutually exclusive).
  • The sample space must contain all possible
    outcomes (relate to exhaustive, below).
  • Two events may or may not be mutually exclusive.
  • If two or more events together include all
    outcomes, they are called exhaustive.
  • In some cases a collection of events may be both
    mutually exclusive and exhaustive.

When Events Occur
  • Remember, events can contain multiple outcomes.
  • An event occurs if it contains the actual outcome
    of the experiment.
  • More than one event can occur for a single trial
    (if not mutually exclusive).
  • Example On the way to work, some employees at a
    certain company stop for a bagel and/or a cup of
    coffee. Possible outcomes for (bagel,coffee)
  • (n,n) Dont stop
  • (b,n) Get only a bagel
  • (n,c) Get only coffee
  • (b,c) Get bagel and coffee

Example Not Mutually Exclusive/Exhaustive
  • Define event B as gets bagel
  • Define event C as gets coffee
  • Then B(b,n),(b,c) and C(n,c),(b,c)
  • BnC(b,c) so B and C are not mutually
  • If the outcome is (b,c), then both B and C have
  • It is also true that B and C are not exhaustive,
    since BUC?S.

  • The accompanying Venn diagram illustrates the
    choices of the employees for a randomly selected
    work day.

Determining Probability
  • Probability of an Event The expected relative
    frequency of the event
  • Three ways to determine the probability of an
  • Empirically
  • Theoretically
  • Subjectively

Empirical Probability
  • Based on counts of data. It is the observed
    relative frequency.
  • Use prime notation
  • n(A) number of times the event A has occurred
  • n number of trials or observations, or sample
  • The Law of Large Numbers says the larger the
    number of experimental trials n, the closer the
    empirical probability P(A) is expected to be to
    the true probability P(A).
  • In symbolsAs

Theoretical and Subjective
  • Theoretical Probability, P(A), is the expected
    relative frequency (long run)
  • P(A) is based on knowledge (or assumptions) of
    the fundamental properties of the experiment.
  • Subjective Probability is based on someones
    opinion and/or experience. It is usually just a
    guess and subject to bias.

Theoretical Probability
  • Toss a fair coin. Let event H be the occurrence
    of a head. What is P(H)?
  • In a single toss of the coin, there are two
    possible outcomes.
  • Since the coin is fair, each outcome is equally
  • Therefore it follows that P(H) 1/2.
  • This doesnt mean one head occurs in every two
  • After many trials, the proportion of heads is
    expected to be close to half, not based on data,
    but by reasoning from the fundamental properties
    of the experiment.

Equally Likely Outcomes
  • The previous example of a coin toss is an example
    of an experiment in which all outcomes are
    equally likely.
  • Many common problems (coins, dice, cards, SRS)
    have this property.
  • If this property holds, the probability of an
    event A is the ratio of the number of outcomes in
    A to the number of outcomes in S.

  • A die toss has six equally likely outcomes.
  • S1,2,3,4,5,6, thus n(S)6.
  • Define event E as E2,4,6. Then n(E)3.
  • P(E)3/61/2.
  • Toss two coins there are 4 outcomes.
  • Define event E as Eat least one head.
  • P(E)3/4

  • Example A fair coin is tossed 5 times, and a
    head (H) or a tail (T) is recorded each time.
    What is the probability of
  • A exactly one head in 5 tosses, and
  • B exactly 5 heads?
  • The outcomes consist of a sequence of 5 Hs and
  • A typical outcome HHTTH
  • There are 32 possible outcomes, all equally

  • How many statisticians does it take to screw in a
    light bulb?
  • We dont know yetthe entire sample was skewed to
    the left.
  • Hope that didnt go right by you

Revisit a Previous Example
  • An Experiment Select two students at random and
    ask them if they have cars on campus. Record Y
    if the answer is yes and N if the answer is
  • We can use a tree diagram to enumerate the
    elements of the sample space.

  • Tree Diagram of Sample Space
  • Student 1 Student 2 Outcomes
  • Y Y, Y
  • Y
  • N Y, N
  • Y N, Y
  • N
  • N N, N
  • -Tree diagrams start from a common point, or
  • -This tree has four branches (from root to ends)
  • -There are 2 first- and 4 second-generation
  • -The path along each branch shows a possible

  • Example An experiment consists of selecting
    electronic parts from an assembly line and
    testing each to see if it passes inspection (P)
    or fails (F). The experiment terminates as soon
    as one acceptable part is found or after three
    parts are tested. Construct the sample space.
  • Outcome
  • F FFF
  • F
  • F P FFP
  • P FP
  • P P
  • S FFF, FFP, FP, P

Laws or Axioms of Probability
  • The probability of any event A is between 0 and
  • The sum of the probabilities of all outcomes is
  • A probability of 0 means the event cannot occur.
  • A probability of 1 means the event is certain, it
    must occur every time.

Introducing Odds
  • Example On the way to work Bobs personal
    judgment is that he is four times more likely to
    get caught in a traffic jam (J) than have an easy
    commute (E). What values should be assigned to
    P(J) and P(E)?

Definition of Odds
  • The complement of A is denoted by .
  • contains all outcomes in S not in A.
  • Two events are complementary if they are mutually
    exclusive and exhaustive.
  • Odds are a way of expressing probabilities for
    complementary events as a ratio of expected
  • If the odds in favor of an event A are a to b
    then the odds against A are b to a.
  • Then the probability that A occurs is
  • The probability A does not occur is

  • Example
  • 1. The complement of the event success is
  • 2. The complement of the event rain is no
  • 3. The complement of the event at least 3
    patients recover out of 5 patients is 2 or
    fewer recover.
  • Notes
  • 1.
  • 2.
  • 3. Every event A has a complementary event
  • 4. Useful in calculations such as when the
    question asks for the probability of at least
  • 5. The complement of S is Ø, the empty set.
  • 6. Obviously, P(Ø)1-P(S)1-10.

Addition Rules
  • If A and B occur, the outcome is in both, i.e.,
    AnB has occurred. So P(A and B)P(AnB).
  • If A and B are mutually exclusive, AnBØ so
    P(A and B)P(Ø)0.
  • If A or B occurs, the outcome is in at least one
    of them, i.e., AUB has occurred. So P(A or
    B)P(AUB) P(A)P(B)P(AnB).
  • Note If A and B are NOT mutually exclusive,
    just adding P(A)P(B) would count the outcomes in
    the intersection twice, so we have to correct for
    this double-count.
  • But, if A and B ARE mutually exclusive, P(AnB)0
    so P(A or B)P(AUB) P(A)P(B).

This diagram shows the probability that a
randomly selected consumer has tried a snack food
(F) is .5, tried a new soft drink (D) is .6, and
tried both the snack food and the soft drink is
  • Suppose A and B are mutually exclusive, and
    P(A).12 and P(B).34. Find P(AUB).
  • Suppose P(A).6, P(AUB).9, and P(B).5. Find
  • Suppose A, B, and C are mutually exclusive and
    exhaustive. If P(A).2, P(B).4, find P(C).

Conditional Probability
  • Sometimes two events are related in such a way
    that the probability of one depends upon whether
    the other occurs.
  • Partial information about the outcome may alter
    our assessment of the probabilities.
  • The symbol P(A B) represents the probability
    that A will occur given B is known (assured).
    This is called conditional probability.
  • Suppose I toss a die and show you that there is a
    3 on the front face. What can you say about the
    probabilities for the top face?
  • What is P(1 on top3 on front)?
  • What is P(4 on top3 on front)?

  • It is crucial to realize we are not talking about
    two sequential events. This is for one outcome
    of one experiment, for which we have partial
    information, allowing us to remove some of the
  • When I show you the three on the front face, the
    toss has already occurred, but you dont know the
    result. The chance involved is in your ability
    to guess the correct value, rather than in a
    particular value coming up.

Die Example
  • Normally, There are six possibilities with P1/6
    for each.
  • With the three showing on front, we eliminate two
    outcomes, restricting the sample space.
  • The four remaining numbers are equally likely,
    with P1/4.

1 2 3 6 5 4
1 2 3 6 5 4
1 2 6 5
Calculating Conditional Probability
  • Recall our definition of probability in terms of
    frequencies of equally likely outcomes
  • Given B has occurred, the numerator becomes the
    number of outcomes of A that are still in the
    sample space. Any outcomes in A that were not in
    B are eliminated now. The denominator is the
    number of outcomes in B, the new sample space.
  • To relate this back to the original
    probabilities, divide the numerator and
    denominator by n(S).
  • Though this formula was derived using the idea of
    equal probabilities for all outcomes, the final
    form works in general.

Independent Events
  • Two events, defined for one trial of an
    experiment, are independent iff P(A B) P(A)
    or P(B A) P(B).
  • This should be understood to mean that if A and B
    are independent, the occurrence of B does not
    affect the probability of A, and visa versa.
  • If A and B are independent, then so are

Example of Independent Events
  • Consider the experiment in which a single fair
    die is rolled S 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 . Define
    the following events
  • A 1, 2
  • B an odd number occurs

Example of non-Independent Events
  • Consider the experiment in which a single fair
    die is rolled S 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 . Define
    the following events
  • A 1
  • B an odd number occurs

General Multiplication Rule
  • A little algebra gives this variation
  • Which might be more usefully thought of as
  • Note How to recognize phrasing that indicates
  • Both A and B
  • A but not B
  • Neither A nor B Not A and Not B Not (A or
  • Not (A and B)Not A or Not B

Special Multiplication Rule
  • If A and B are independent events in S, then
  • , so
  • Example Suppose the event A is Allen gets a
    cold this winter, B is Bob gets a cold this
    winter, and C is Chris gets a cold this
    winter. P(A) .15, P(B) .25, P(C) .3, and
    all three events are independent. Find the
    probability that
  • 1. All three get colds this winter.
  • 2. Allen and Bob get a cold but Chris does not.
  • 3. None of the three gets a cold this winter.

  • Solution

Summary Notes
  • Independent and mutually exclusive are two very
    different concepts.
  • Mutually exclusive says the two events cannot
    occur together, that is, they have no
  • Independence says each event does not affect the
    other events probability.
  • P(A and B) P(A) P(B) when A and B are
  • Since P(A) and P(B) are not zero, P(A and B) is
  • Thus, independent events have an intersection.
  • Events cannot be both mutually exclusive and
  • If two events are independent, then they are not
    mutually exclusive.
  • If two events are mutually exclusive, then they
    are not independent.

Tree Diagrams
  • Tree Diagrams can be used to calculate
    probabilities that involve the multiplication and
    addition rules.
  • A set of branches that initiate from a single
    point has a total probability 1.
  • Each outcome for the experiment is represented by
    a branch that begins at the common starting point
    and ends at the terminal points at the right.

  • Example A certain company uses three overnight
    delivery services A, B, and C. The probability
    of selecting service A is 1/2, of selecting B is
    3/10, and of selecting C is 1/5. Suppose the
    event T is on time delivery. P(TA) 9/10,
    P(TB) 7/10, and P(TC) 4/5. A service is
    randomly selected to deliver a package overnight.
    Construct a tree diagram representing this

  • The resulting tree diagram
  • Service Delivery
  • T
  • A
  • T
  • B
  • T
  • C

  • Using the tree diagram
  • 1. The probability of selecting service A and
    having the package delivered on time.
  • 2. The probability of having the package
    delivered on time.

Outcomes with Unequal Probabilities
  • A scenario in which outcomes have different
    probabilities may be illustrated by the urn
  • Suppose we have an urn (an opaque container from
    which we may randomly select items) containing
    marbles of different colors, such as
  • Two red
  • Three blue
  • Five white
  • Represent the outcome of one draw as R, B, or W.
  • P(R).2
  • P(B).3
  • P(W).5

  • There are only three outcomes, R, B, and W. This
    is because the information obtained from a draw
    is the color, not the particular marble.
  • However, we realize that there are several
    marbles associated with each outcome.
  • If we choose to use the notation n(A) in this
    case, we will have to define it as the number of
    marbles associated with the event A, and n(S)
    would be the total number of marbles. Doing this
    will enable us to correctly use the definition of
    probability P(A)n(A)/n(S)

Two Draws with Replacement
  • Suppose we draw a marble, return it to the urn,
    and draw again. Since the first marble is
    replaced, the first draw has no effect on the
    probability of the second draw thus the draws
    are independent. P(R,R)(.2)(.2).04 P(W
    ,R)(.5)(.2).10 P(1 red)(.2)(.3)(.2)(.5)
    .32 P(at least one red) .32(.2)(.2)
    .36 P(no red)1.36.64 P(1 red and 1
    blue) (.2)(.3)(.3)(.2) .12

Two Draws, without Replacement
  • Suppose we draw two marbles, sequentially. When
    the first marble is taken out, the proportions of
    the remaining marbles change thus the draws are
    not independent. P(R,R)1/45.022 P(W,R
    )1/9.111 P(1 red)1/151/91/15
    1/916/45.356 P(at least one
    red) 16/451/4517/45 .378
    P(no red)117/4528/45 .622
    P(1 red and 1 blue) 1/151/152/15

  • Why did the statistician cross the interstate?
  • To get data from the other side of the median.
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