Title: ECAL analysis (very preliminary results)
1ECAL analysis (very preliminary results)
- L. Morin et J-Y. Hostachy
- LPSC-Grenoble (France)
- M. Krim
- University of Casablanca (Morocco)
2A first step inside the CERN data
- Focus on e- inside ECal at 0
- Version 04.02 of calice_reco
Run list Run list Run list Run list
310046 -20 GeV 300384 -45 GeV
310047 -15 GeV 300589 -6 GeV
310048 -15 GeV 300590 -10 GeV
310050 -12 GeV 300591 -15 GeV
310051 -10GeV 300670 -6 GeV
310052 -12 GeV 300671 -8 GeV
310053 -15 GeV 300672 -10 GeV
310054 -10 GeV 300674 -15 GeV
310055 -12 GeV 300675 -18 GeV
300377 -45 GeV 300676 -20 GeV
300378 -30 GeV
3Electron selection (i.e. rejection of other
Sigma X,Y,Z root mean square in X,Y,Z of the
Run 300762 e- 10 GeV
4Electron selection (i.e. rejection of other
- Very clean separation (few e- lost)
- Still a tail at low energy
Run 300762 e- 10 GeV
5Evolution of the shower shape as a function of
the energy
- ??(?x2 ?y2)1/2 has practically no variation
with E - ?z increases as log(E)
- ? Good criterion to identify electrons
Uncertain point
6Comparison with the Cherenkov
Run 300762 e- 10 GeV
7Mapping of the e- reconstructed energy
- Tails at low energy due to the guard rings
- New cuts in order to reject the events affected
by the inefficiency of the guard rings
Run 300762 e- 10 GeV
8Checking cuts on the e- barycentre distributions
Run 300762 e- 10 GeV
9Energy spectra
In blue all events In brown electrons events
(cuts on the shower shape) In red electrons
events in the central surface of the wafer In
blue hatched style other electron events
affected by the guard ring surfaces
Run 300762 e- 10 GeV
10Energy resolution Gaussian fit (-1.5 ?,3 ?)
10 GeV electrons
With a 18.7
Run 300762 e- 10 GeV
11Energy resolution
12Energy resolution (comparison with previous data)
data fit previous fit
- Two effects have to be quadratically subtracted
from our results - The noise contribution, about 4.7 10-4 /
E (GeV) ? (i.e. 5.5 ADC counts) - The momentum beam spread ? No idea
- The electrons can be identified from the shower
shape - Because the beam is aligned to the Ecal prototype
structure, the reconstructed energy peak is
asymmetric (tail at low energy due to the
guard-rings)To reject the guard ring effect
leads to optimistic results. - The sampling term, without subtracting the beam
contribution is about 18
16Spare slide
Barycenter distribution before cuts
17Spare slide
Barycentre distribution after the cuts on the
shower shape