Title: Overview of Automated
1Overview of Automated Battlebook System 9 Oct
2Predeployment planning for force projection is a
must for todays Army Warfighter.
The need to deploy quickly, efficiently, and cost
effectively is essential in todays Army.
ABS is the KEY to Force Projection! Critical to
Warfighters Contingency Planning efforts.
3ABS -- a logistics planning tool supporting the
United States Army Prepositioned Stocks (APS)
program. ABS -- furnishes the warfighter with
a user-friendly, seamless interface to the AWRDS
database. ABS -- allows retrieval of real-time
information for pre-deployment planning and
displays the status and availability of APS
equipment worldwide.
4- Supports force projection
- Task force development
- Course of action development and wargaming
- Ops and Log planners need answers
- What APS equipment will my unit draw?
- Where is the equipment located?
- What is the condition of this equipment?
- What are the procedures to draw this equipment?
- And most importantly, what must I take to fight?
5APS- 2 BeNeLux 2X1 BDE Set (2) 5 OP Project
Stocks Italy 2X2 BDE Set 3 OP Project
Stocks Norway 155 SP FA BN Israel Ammo--Stocks
for Allies
APS- 1 CONUS 11 OP Project Stocks Sustainment
Stocks (Not part of ABS)
APS- 4 Korea 2X1 BDE Set 5 OP Project
Stocks Sustainment Stocks Ammo/Equip-- Stocks for
Allies Japan Sustainment Stocks
APS- 3 Diego Garcia and Guam Afloat 2X2 BDE
Set CSS Unit Sets (FY99-00) 5 OP Project
Stocks Sustainment Stocks 15 Ships by FY01 (14
presently) 1X1 (8th) BDE Set by FY01
APS- 5 Kuwait 2X1 BDE Set Sustainment
Stocks Qatar 2X1 BDE Set DIV Base -
FY00-01 Bahrain 1 OP Project (Hosp) Sustainment
6Preface -- AWRDS (Army War Reserve Deployment
System) A Windows-based, deployable, automated
information system developed for the US Army War
Reserve Support Command to track...
Visibility Accountability
Inventory Transfer
of Army Prepositioned Stocks
7(No Transcript)
8 - Version 2000 Beyond
- Unit Set Driven Approach
- Major Capabilities
- Unit Set Data
- Equipment List
- Prepo Status
- Reports and Queries
- Linker
- Battlebook Text
- Doctrinal information
- APS specific information and procedures
- Ship/Site specific information
- Deployment checklists
9- Unit Sets
Select units, partial units and/or entire
sites Identify units by unit type Identify units
by location Cross-reference unit types and
locations to confidently identify the correct
Prepo UIC Once identified, one click to unit
equipment information
10- Battlebook Text
- Familiar browser- based interface - switch
easily from one battlebook to another - Multiple navigational tools (TOC, index,
searching and hypertext) - Consolidated information
- Doctrinal information
- Detailed procedures
- Deployment checklists
- Ship/site specific info
11- Equipment List Linker
Shows equipment information in detail Shows End
Item BII material Links associated items
together showing packaged items Shows
pictures of Major End items(class 7) MTMC-TEA to
provide TB-55-46-1 for visual reference to all
equipment in future development
12-Importing your SPBS-R Data
View your Unit equipment roster at a rollup and
serial level. Apply your SPBS-R to the Prepo
Status Spreadsheet for shortage fill.
13-Reports and Queries
Reports - Detailed information on the equipment
report of your choice associated with your
current Unit set.
Queries - Detailed information associated with a
Ship, Site, or Unit. User defines how equipment
is extracted.
14- Prepo Status Spreadsheet
Allows user to determine exactly what must be
TATed for deployment. Identifies shortages of
vital equipment necessary for contingency or
training efforts.
SPBS-R inclusion to provide Unit fill
capabilities of shortages.
15-Location Workbench
A graphical representation of the location of
equipment on-board all of the APS-3 ships. See
positioning of a Unit Sets equipment on a
particular ship.
Get detailed information on a particular piece of
equipment in the Template view.
16-Doctrinal Information
Provides warfighters visibility of Mobilization,
Deployment Redeployment, Demobilization and
RSOI information.
Learn more about National Strategic Direction,
Power Projection, Joint Planning, Force
Configuration and more.
Provides links to TRADOC and other important
sites for more background information
Computer Based Training (CBT)
Application Assistance
Battlebook Advanced Training Lab (BATL)
18- Support Additional Training
E-Mail Help access ABSHelp_at_stanleyassoc.com
Helpdesk Phone Number 1-800-76AWRDS
Website for updates and Distribution WWW.Battleb
Unit Training is available through a FORSCOM MTT
initiative at no cost to the requesting Unit. For
more info for your unit, call 404-464-7090
ABS WWW access http//aeps.ria.army.mil
Real-time visibility of prepositioned
stocks Mirrors database of AWRDS worldwide,
replicated data User ID Password protection
Accessed through the Army Electronic Products
Services (AEPS) portal site located in Rock
Island, Il.
20 - Future Development
Better visibility of BII/COEI Sustainment/Op
Project stocks Updated database and on-line data
dictionary Better high-level visibility of stocks
etc. Taskforce generator NTC Rotational Grid
21- Deployment Scenario
Youre a Charlie Mech Inf. company deploying out
of 3ID, Ft. Stewart Ga. in support of contingency
operations in SWA
Lets take a look
22Answers the questions
Where is my equipment located?
Charlie Company for Mech Inf Co on board the USNS
23Answers the questions
What are the procedures to draw this equipment?
How is the Reception Staging area set up and
how do I draw the equipment
24Answers the questions
What is my equipment and in what condition is it
Equipment Info such as Quantity, Condition Codes,
Serial Numbers, and BII, SKO, COEI equipment
availability for each item in your Unit Set
25Answers the questions
Where on the ship is my equipment located?
Where my equipment is placed on each ship deck,
along with detailed equipment information
26Answers the questions
What must I take to the fight?
What does my unit have available to fulfill any
shortages.. My SPBS-R equipment information
27Answers the questions
What must I take to the fight?
Required quantities, APS on-hand quantities,
shortages, TAT items id, SPBS-R unit import for
shortage fulfillment, and finally your units DEL!!
28- Wrap Up
ABS is the key to a successful deployment
planning process whether you are a CINC, part of
DRB1, a UMO or S-4 BDE planner.