Title: Bode Diagrams
1Bode Diagrams
Plot of magnitude vs. frequency. Plot of
phase vs. frequency.
Frequency (radians/s)
2Bode Diagrams
Tells us how the output varies for given input
frequencies, e.g. are high frequencies reduced?
Input Sin (?t )
Input Sin (?t )
Time s
Time s
Frequency (radians/s) now 1/10 of previous
Output k Sin (?t ?)
Output k Sin (?t ?)
Time s
Time s
Time s
At high frequencies the output is reduced and a
phase lag of 180 is introduced. At low
frequencies the output closely matches the input.
3Bode Diagrams
Plot of magnitude vs. frequency. Plot of
phase vs. frequency. BACKGROUND
Bel log POUT P Power
PIN ?B 10 log POUT 20 log
logxa logxb logn(ab) (1ogna lognb) -
(lognc 1ognd) cd
4Bode Approximations
Frequency response of simple functions
1 3 5 G(s) K sn2 (lsT2)
snl (lsTl) 2 4
1 Constant Gain 2 Poles _at_ origin 3
Zeroes _at_ origin 4 Single real poles 5
Single real zeroes 6 Complex poles
Prior to the widespread availability
of computers, systems still needed to be
controlled! How can we plot Bode diagrams by
5Bode Diagrams
20log(k) Mag 20log(k)
. ? ? 0 if K ve
-180 if K -ve
6Bode Diagrams
POLES _at_ ORIGIN G(j?) 1 dB
20log 1 (j?)L (j?)L
Mag Slope-20db/decade per order
? 0 ? -90 per
7Bode Diagrams
ZEROS _at_ ORIGIN G(j?) (j?)L dB 20log
(j?)L As with poles but reversed.
Magnitude 20dB/decade slope per order.
Phase 90 per order. Mag Slope
20db/decade per order ? ?
0 90 per order
8Bode Diagrams
SINGLE REAL POLES G(j?) 1 dB 20log
1 1 j ? 1 j? ?i ?i
?i is called the BREAK PREQUENCY, at this
frequency the curve is approx. 3dB down from the
asymptotes. Asymptotes can be seen at the
zero slope for ? ltlt ?i and at the -20dB/decade
slope for ? gtgt ?i . At the break frequency
?i, the phase passes through -45. Mag ?i
10?i 3dB -20
? ? -45 -90
9Bode Diagrams
- G(j?) 1 j? dB 20log 1 j?
- ?i ?i
- As single real poles but reversed.
- Zero slope asymptote for ? ltlt ?i.
- 20dB/decade asymptote for ? gtgt ?i.
- 3dB up at break frequency.
- Phase passes through 45 at ?i.
- Mag
- 20
- 3dB
- ?i 10?
- ?
- 90
10Bode Diagrams
- Consider the system
- G(j?) 1 j?
- 1 j?
- 10
- It can be seen that this system has a zero at ?i
1 and a pole at ?i 10. - The following asymptote plot can be constructed
using - this information
- Mag 20
- 1 10 100
- 90
Zero ? Pole Zero ? Pole
11Bode Diagrams
EXAMPLE Consider the system G(j?)
1 j? 1 j? 10 Using
the asymptotes constructed from the transfer
function the following Bode plot can be produced
12Bode Diagrams
QUESTION Given the following transfer function,
construct the Bode plot. Hint Matlab
command to check results s tf('s') G
tf(1.6666 5,0.001666 0.1033 1 0) bode(G)