Title: Coweeta Hazard Site Project
1Coweeta Hazard Site Project Researchers Pringle
, Leigh, Helfman, Gragson, Wear, Bolstad,
Gardiner, Price, Vogt
2Objectives-To document the response trajectory
of streams to changing land use patterns over the
next 30 years-To monitor and re-survey biotic
and physical conditions of streams in (1)
reference, (2) forested, and (3) agricultural
basins every five years.
3- Progress for 2002-2003
- 1. Dr. Ned Gardiner provided 2000-2001 data and
metadata - NSF Supplement was received to facilitate
benchmarking of the sites and re-survey of
physical conditions according to standard USGS
and U.S. EPA protocols - Dr. Ned Gardiner is currently writing and
multi-authored paper summarizing the Hazard Sites
that he intends to submit to Ecological
Applications by Fall 2003. He also is presenting
a paper at the ESA meetings in August that
discusses the Hazard sites. - Dr. Pringle has algae and insect samples from
2000 and she is awaiting instructions about how
to deposit them in the UGA Museum of Natural
4Physical stream survey parameters measured at the
Hazard sites, allowing comparison with other USGS
and USEPA data in the Appalachian Highlands.
5- Future
- 2005 sampling needs to be planned according to
standard protocols - -Project coordination and logistics remain to be
worked out. - -Differences in past, present, and future
sampling protocols need to be reconciled and
worked-out. - -We need to recruit a graduate student to
oversee the 2005 sampling.