Title: Polarized radiative Lb decays Lb Lx g
1Polarized radiative Lb decaysLb ? L(x) g
- Channel description
- Theoretical motivations
- Observables
- Angular distributions
- See talk at next Production and Decay models WG
for more details - LHCb expectations
- Simulation with EvtGen
- Status and perspectives
3Lb ? L(px) g xp,k
- Electromagnetic penguin b ? s g
4LO Effective hamiltonian b?sg
OPE (Operator Product expansion)
- Electromagnetic dipole operators
- Wilson coefficients
- C7, C7
- BR(B ? Xs g) constrains C72 C72
5Observables at LO
- Angular asymmetries (with respect to Lb spin)
- constrain
- 2 indipendent measurements for r, or
- PB measurement
- a discrepancy with the value measured in
semileptonic Lb?cl?lX decays would indicate the
presence of non-standard right-handed b ? c
- PB Lb polarization
- ap weak decay parameter
sensitive to NP
Hiller et al., Phys Rev D65, 404 (2001)
6NLO Effective hamiltonian b?sg
- Wilson coefficients
- CP violation in C7, C8
- Direct CP violation interference between the
weak and strong phases in the decay amplitudes - O(1) in SM
- ?10 if NP!
7Observables at NLO
- Angular asymmetries
- where
- Ratio of CP even quantities
- Expected small in SM ? ms/ mb
probe chirality
sensitive to NP
Hiller et al., Phys Rev D65, 404 (2001)
8Helicity formalism for Lb ? L(px) g
- Lb polarization
- Polarization density matrix
- Helicity amplitudes
- Lb ? Lg
- L ? px
More details at next Production Decay WG
 Weak radiative decays of beauty baryonsÂ
LHCb note 2004-009 Jacob, Wick, Ann Phys 7, 404
9Results JL 1/2
- Angular distributions
- Lb ? L(pp) g
- Photon asymmetry
- Proton asymmetry
Only 2 helicity states
- agap 0.639 L? pp
- ap 0 L? pk (P cons)
- ag ? -1 in SM
More details at next Production Decay WG
10Results JL 3/2
- L helicity can now assume the values 1/2, 3/2
- 8 helicity amplitudes
- no theoretical calculations
- Too complicated!!
More details at next Production Decay WG
11Lb production at LHC
- ?10 of produced bb hadronize in B hadrons
- Lb dominates (?90)
- Lb produced with transversal polarization
- PB usually greater than 20
- At LHC luminosity 104pb-1 the Lb polarization can
be measured with the statistical precision better
than 0.01
Bourrely, Leader, Soffer, Phys Reports 59, 2
Ajaltouni, Conte, Leitner, ?b into ?-vector
decays, Phys Lett B, 614 (2005) Leader, Spin
in particle Physics, Cambridge University Press
Feasibility of Beauty Baryon Polarization
Measurement in Lb ? J/Y L decay channel by ATLAS
Atlas note
12Lb ? L(1115) g in LHCb
- BR (Lb ? L(1115) g ) 4.15 10-5
- At LHCb
- etrigger 20 ? estimate low
- esel 5 ? as B ? K g
- edet, rec edet, rec (B ? K g)
- ratio B ? J/? Ks / B ? J/? K
Exp. annual signal yeald ? 5k evts
Optimization TDR numbers
etot 0.1
13LHCb sensitivity to r
Depending on PB measurement
Ag only
Ag and Ap combined
CP averaged
- dPB 0.01
- ap 0.639 0.005
- 1 year 2500 evts
14LHCb sensitivity to r
Ag only
Ap only
- PB 0.20.01
- ap 0.639 0.005
- 2500 evts/year
Ag and Ap combined
CP averaged
- Lb polarization
- Now it is possible to produce polarized Lb in
Gauss (from v15r17) - Thanks to Patrick Robbe!
- Fully polarized Lb PB 1
- HELAMP model for Lb ? Lg decay
- Helicity amplitudes and phases as input
- L fully polarized ag -1
- HELAMP model for L ? px decay
- agap 0.639 L? pp
- ap 0 L? pk (P cons)
- Decay files for Lb ? Lg
- m(L) 1115,1520,1600,1670
- Both phase space and helamp models
- Bug in EvtGen code was preventing correct
generation of Lb
More details at next Production Decay WG
16Lb ? L(1115) g
17Lb ? L(1670) g
18Status report
- Gauss ready for production of polarized Lb decays
- Asked for 300K events of both (in March!!)
- Lb ? L(1115) g
- Lb ? L(1670) g
- Still waiting
19Backup slides
20Helicity formalism for Lb ? L(px) g
- z spin quantization axis
- parallel to Lb spin
- z' parallel to L momentum
- (qL,fL) and (qg,fg)
- Lb rest frame
- (qp,fp) and (qx,fx)
- L rest frame
- x k,p
- f the same in both frames
Jacob, Wick, Ann Phys 7, 404 (1959)
21Decay probability for Lb ? L(px) g
- Lb polarization
- Polarization density matrix
- Amplitude probability
- Decay probability
? ½ - ? -½
No correlation production/decays
- C,E helicity amplitudes
- If P E(lp) E(-lp)
We dont measure the final helicities
Jacob, Wick, Ann Phys 7, 404 (1959)
22Results JL 1/2
- g helicity can only assume the values 1
- only 2 helicity states are possible
- Decay probability
23Results JL 1/2
- Angular distributions
- Lb ? L(pp) g
- Proton asymmetry
- agap 0.639 L? pp
- ap 0 L? pk (P cons)
- ag ? -1 in SM
- Beam asymmetry
- Photon asymmetry
24Results JL 3/2
- L helicity can now assume the values 1/2, 3/2
- 8 helicity amplitudes!!
- no theoretical calculations
- Decay probability
- Too complicated!!
25Lambda baryons
PDG 2004
26Lambda baryons
Existence is certain. Existence ranges
from very likely to certain.
Below NK threshold
PDG 2004
27Lambda baryons
JL ½
PDG 2004
- Most promising L(1115), L(1670)
28BR (Lb ? L(x) g )
Hiller et al., Phys Rev D65, 404 (2001)
Dependance on mL
- HQET, LEET ? form factors,
- SM values for C7, C7
- PDG 2004 values for L(x) ?NK
- BR (Lb ? L(1115) g ) 4.15 10-5
- BR (Lb ? L(1520) g ) 1.30 10-5
- BR (Lb ? L(1600) g ) 0.65 10-5
- BR (Lb ? L(1670) g ) 0.70 10-5
BR ? 10-5 ? 10-6
29Observables for Lb ? L(1115) g
Helicity formalism
Measuring the angular asymmetries
- 2 indipendent measurements for r
- PB measurement
- a discrepancy with the value measured in
semileptonic Lb?cl?lX decays would indicate the
presence of non-standard right-handed b ? c
currents. - Lb ? L(1670) g only Ag
30LHCb sensitivity to r
Depending on PB measurement
Ag only
Ag and Ap combined
CP averaged
- PB 0.5
- ap 0.639 0.005
- 1 year 2500 evts
31LHCb sensitivity to r
Ag only
Ap only
- PB 0.50.01
- ap 0.639 0.005
- 2500 evts/year
Ag and Ap combined
CP averaged
- Lb polarization
- Polarization density matrix
- Now it is possible to produce polarized Lb in
Gauss (from v15r17) - Thanks to Patrick Robbe
- GeneratorModules EvtGenTool.cpp
1 0 0 0
Fully polarized Lb PB 1
// sets diagonal polarization matrix for
unpolarized decays // or generate Polarized
Lambda_b if requested if ( ( m_generatePolLambdab
) ( abs( theHepMCPart -gt pdg_id() )
5122 ) ) EvtSpinDensity rho
rho.SetDim( 2 ) rho.Set( 0
, 0 , 1.0 ) rho.Set( 0 , 1 , 0.0 )
rho.Set( 1 , 0 , 0.0 )
rho.Set( 1 , 1 , 0.0 ) thePart
-gt setSpinDensityForwardHelicityBasis( rho )
else thePart -gt setDiagonalSpinDensity( )
- HELAMP model for Lb ? Lg decay
- Helicity amplitudes and phases as input
- L fully polarized ag -1
- HELAMP model for L ? px decay
- agap 0.639 L? pp
- ap 0 L? pk (P cons)
- Decay files for Lb ? Lg
- m(L) 1115,1520,1600,1670
- Both phase space and helamp models
- Bug in EvtGen code was preventing correct
generation of Lb
Decay Lambda_b0sig 1.000 MyLambda0 gamma
HELAMP 1. 0. 0. 0. Decay
anti-Lambda_b0sig 1.000 Myanti-Lambda0 gamma
HELAMP 0. 0. 1. 0. Decay MyLambda0
1.000 p pi- HELAMP
.906 0. .423 0. Decay Myanti-Lambda0 1.000
anti-p- pi HELAMP .423 0.
.906 0.
34Lb ? L(1115) g EvtGen Bug