Title: Engine Nacelle Halon Replacement, FAA WJ Hughes Technical Center
1Engine Nacelle Halon Replacement,FAA WJ Hughes
Technical Center
- Point of Contact Doug Ingerson
- Department of Transportation
- Federal Aviation Administration
- WJ Hughes Technical Center
- Fire Safety Section, AAR-422
- Bldg 205
- Atlantic City Int'l Airport, NJ 08405 USA
- tel 609-485-4945
- fax 609-485-7074
- email Douglas.A.Ingerson_at_tc.faa.gov
- web page http//www.fire.tc.faa.gov
2Engine Nacelle Halon Replacement,Nacelle
Simulator, Aft View Looking Forward
3Engine Nacelle Halon Replacement,Nacelle
Simulator, Forward View Looking Aft
4Simulator Status
- Mechanical assembly of the simulator completed
early April 2000 - Characterization on-going
- sub-system performance
- air flow capacity (mass versus temperature)
- fire scenario sensitivities (spray and pool)
- Planning the first trial of the MPSE
- the first "iteration" will be performed with
HFC-125 - HFC-125 is plentiful on-site
- CF3I will be the first agent run against the full
MPSE - only one robust fire cycle will be run
- performing this trial to "bug-out" procedures
5Simulator Status
- Activities in the near future
- 9May00 gt distribution trial MPSE step I
- Expect 3-5 days to smooth procedure out and
attain goal - HFC-125 simulation will be used to indicate an
acceptable profile - Halon 1301 will be discharged to verify the
results of the simulant effort - 16May00 gt robust fire search MPSE step II
- Planning 5 days minimum to attain goal
- Expecting difficulty in finding the "right fire"
- ??May00 gt replacement fire challenge MPSE step
III - Planning 5 days minimum to attain goal
- Expecting difficulty in quantifying the mass
needed to succeed - ? gt Quantify concentration with analyzer MPSE
step IV - 1 day to perform
- simplest part of the process
- ? gt begin full MPSE procedure for CF3I
6Simulator Characterization,AirflowBehavior
Corresponds to 2.6 lbm/s 21 ac/min _at_ 58F 25
ac/min _at_ 150F
Corresponds to 3.8 lbm/s 30 ac/min _at_ 58F 35
ac/min _at_ 130F
7Simulator Characterization,Test Section Average
Airflow Temperature
8Simulator Characterization,Spray Fire Scenario