Title: Waiting PeriodUsing a Free Writing Prospectus
1Waiting PeriodUsing a Free Writing Prospectus
- Hypos to Part 5AThe Basics
2What is a Free Writing Prospectus (FWP)?
- 1. Defined by Rule 405
- 2. A written communication as defined
- 3. used after registration statement filed
- 3.Except Wellknownseasonedissuer(WISI)
- 4.By means other than a 10(a)430430A, 430B,
430C--prospectus asset backed communication clau
se (a) of section 2(a)(10)-aft effect - 5. All in (4) are permitted communications not
subject to conditions of a free writing
3Rule 433(a) Conceptual Basis
- An eligible issuer per Rule 164 AND
- Filed a 33 Act registration statement
- If Satisfy 433 conditions-
- FWP is a 10(b) prospectus
- 10(b)/Can be delivered during waiting period
without violating 5(b)(1) (none other than 10) - Deemed public/related to public offering
- Subjects it to potential Section 12
4What is a Written Communication for purpose of
FWP definition?
- A communication that written, printed, a radio or
television broadcast or - A graphic communication (GC) as defined
- Rule 405 definition of GC includesall
electronic media/includes not limited to - videotapes,. CD-ROM, electronic mail (EM),
Internet Web sites, substantially similar
messages widely distributed (rather than
individually distributed) - not included originates live, in real-time to a
live audience more later - Resolves issuer as to information on Interne
webite - Is a written communication tricky because
definition of a - prospectus as a written communication
pre-Internet - Formalizes as a rule prrio interpretative
releases -
5Which Issuers are Ineligible Issuers (IE) and can
IE use FWP?
- Rule 433(a) IE Cannot Use FWP
- IE defined by Rule 405very broad
- Start with disfavored issuers (my term)
- During past 3 yrs issuers/ or predecessor Was
a blank check companyR. 419 No business plan
proceeds for acquisitions A shell company as
defined Has only nominal assets assets
only of cashnominal assetsreverse
mergers Offered a penny stocknot listed on
stock exchange, less than 5. a share not a
substantial issuerSee Part 4. - Disfavored issuers. Cannot use FWP. Period
6 IE Based on Conduct of an Issuer
- R. 405--lE List of bad conduct during past
3yrs Petition for bankruptcy Subject any
judicial or administrative decree or order
that enjoins anti-fraud violations (AFV)
cease/desist from AFV determines AFV
Issuers registration statement subject to stop
order ( 8) or cease and desist order
( 8A)
7Hypo 3 and 4
- Enjoined from violation of 5?
- Stop order or cease/desist violations 5.
- But not to being enjoined violation 5
- Enjoined from violation of 17(a)?
- Is if is violation of anti-fraud provisions?
- Makes unlawful a(1) through (a)(3
- To employ any device, scheme, or artifice to
defraud make false or misleading
statementEngages in course business operates as
fraud/deceit - Section 17 beyond this course (a)(1) requires
scienter (a)(2) (a)(3) do not S.Ct in Aarron - We dont explore whether fraud requires scienter
8Can Ineligible Issuer use a FWP
- Already seen that disfavored issuers NO
- R 433--except as set forth in Rule 164
- R. 164(e)(1)-433 only if not an IE issuerR.
164(e)(2)notwithstanding (e)(1)can use FWP
that contains only descriptions of terms of the
securities or the offering BUTNot if a
disfavored issuer - QueryIs this anymore than R. 134?not subject to
conditions of Rule 134, but R. 433 conditions may
be more severelater
9Second Hypo 5Can AnimatEase use a FWP?
- Did it make an offering of a penny stock?
- Definition of penny stock/Part 4-R 3a51-1
- Stock Not listed on a Stock Exchange
- Less than 5.00 a share
- Substantial issuer?/net tangible assetsless than
5 million in operation less 3yrs.Less than 2
million if more than 3 years, OR average
revenues of at 6mil last 3yrs - Made offering of penny stock unless
metsubstantial issuer test
10Importance of Determining Whether Issuer is S-3
I.B.1 Eligible Issuer
- We assume Issuer Not an Ineligible Issuer
- Reg. Statement filed (all FWP can be used only
aft. reg. statement filed except WKSI) - Not S-3 I.B.1 eligible follow R.433(b)(2)
- R. 433(b)(2)(i)/Issuer must have filed reg.
statement includes price range - FWP can be used only if preceded or accompanied
by most recent R. 430 prosp -
11Importance of Determining cont
- If S-3 I.B.1 Eligible-Follow R. 433(b)(1)
- Must have file a registration statement that
includes a Section 10 (R.430) prospectus - No price range required
- Not required be accompanied/preceded by most
recent preliminary prospectus - Otherwiseother conditions under R. 433 are the
12Determining S-3 I.B.1 Eligibility continued
- We talked about determining public float in
another contextICFR (accelerated filers) - Public FloatNumber of shares held by
non-affiliates multiplied by price of shares - S-3 I.B.1. determined ordinarily for entirely
different purposewhether issuer eligible to use
S-3 to register primary distribution - A distribution by issuer distinguished from
distribution by selling shareholders
13Determining S-3 I.B.1 Eligibility--Hypos
- Hypo 10/An IPOGenerally not S-3 I.B.1
- First Prerequisite S-3 I.A Registrant Reporting
company for at least 12 months Filed all reports
during preceding 12 mo. (except for certain 8-K
reports) timely - Has not failed to pay dividend not in default
on specified obligations - AnimatEase Not S-3 eligible. Period
14Section 433 in Action
- Animate Ease Subject to 433(b)(2)(i)
- FWP must be accompanied/preceded by most recent
Rule 430 prospectus - Must include the estimated pricing range
- Must include Rule 433(d)(2)(i) legend
- ALSO can include email address to request filed
documents and or URL - IIf FWP delivered electronically (email) can
deliver prospectus by link to a website-
15Some Other Conditions
- Content of the FWPRule 433(c)
- Must include the legend
- Can essentially include anything else
- Not limited to what is in the prospectus
- BUT cannot be in conflict OR
- Can not be misrepresentations
- Being named by PC magazine OK
- If Prospectus stated sales are flat
- FWP could not say sales have taken off
16Filing Requirements Rule 433(d)(1)(i)
- No later than the date first used issuer
- Must file any FWP prepared or used by it
- Would have to file Hypo 10 FWP
- Hypo 11Distributed by underwriterIs issuer
information but prepared by other offering
participant based on derived info - 433(d)(1)(i)(B) Issuer does have to file if info
derived from info furnished by issuer
17FWP Prepared by Underwriter (Other Offering
- Rule 433(d)(1)(ii)must file if distributed
- Manner designed to lead to broad unrestricted
dissemination - Distributed to persons with an account
- May be broadbut not unrestricted
- On its websitebroad if unrestricted
- Password limited accessis restricted