Title: SchlumbergerSema
2Schlumberger Values
- Our people, their motivation and dedication to
customer service worldwide, in a safe and clean
environment, are our main asset
- Our commitment to technology and quality is the
basis for our competitive advantage
- Our determination to produce superior profits is
the cornerstonefor our future independence of
action and growth
3Schlumberger at a Glance
4SchlumbergerSema Operating revenue
- 2000 1,049 M
- 2001 3,045 M
- Change 190
5SchlumbergerSema A Unique Combination
- Domain expertise serving the oil and gas,
telecommunications, utility, finance, transport
and the public sector markets
- Global network of local experts providing
consulting, systems integration, managed
services, and best-in-class products
6SchlumbergerSema Offering
- IT Consulting
- Helping our customers transform their business
processes to improve - efficiency and become more competitive and
- Systems Integration
- Building complex mission critical and large-scale
technical business systems - Development of applications, and enhancement of
existing systems
- Managed Services
- Partnering with clients to manage business
critical processes
- Products
- Smart cards for wireless, finance, telecoms,
transport, identification and network security
market applications web payphones
point-of-sales, parking and mass transit
terminals and associated management systems
customer care and billing systems energy
generation exchange boards
7SchlumbergerSema Worldwide Presence
- Scandinavia
- UK
- Benelux
- Switzerland
- Germany
- France
- Eastern Europe
- Italy
- Spain
- Portugal
Canada U.S.A. Mexico Venezuela Colombia Ecuador
Brazil Argentina Uruguay Chile
China Japan Korea Hong Kong India Taiwan
Thailand Philippines Malaysia Singapore Indonesia
Russia Ukraine Kazakhstan Algeria U.A.E.
Oman Nigeria South Africa
32,000 people in more than 100 countries
- Leading information technology services company
with significant domain expertise in the major
markets we serve - Worlds leading smart card provider with
unmatched systems integration capabilities - Provide end-to-end business transformation
solutions spanning the entire energy value chain - Information technology partner for delivering
systems to ensure the seamless operation of the
2002-2008 Olympic Games - Develop the most advanced billing and customer
care systems for wired and wireless communication - Our business continuity systems are among the
worlds most sophisticated
9SchlumbergerSema Key Customers
10SchlumbergerSema Priorities
- Lower attrition
- Establish predictable forecasts
- Control cost and financial results
- Explore joint SchlumbergerSema and OFS
opportunities - Formalize consulting practice
- Concentrate on upside in Asia, LAM and NAM
- Reactivate our system integration activities
worldwide - Develop new infrastructure with best practices,
processes and systems