Title: University of Idaho
1University of Idaho Lewis and Clark
Technology Kennewick Class-Spring 02 by Georgia
A. Boatman
2The Lewis and Clark Corps of Discovery crossed
three passes In the mountains between Idaho and
Montana as they fulfilled President Jeffersons
commission to observe the face of the
country, its growth and vegetable productions
Lolo Pass
3Lemhi Pass Elevation 7,373 44 degrees, 5.827
minutes N 113 degrees, 2.639 minutes W
- Having their sides better Clad with pine
timber than We had been accustomed to See the
mountains and their tops Were also covered with
snow. -Merriwether Lewis
4Lemhi Pass Panorama
To view the panorama click on the image then
click and drag The cursor across the photo.
5Today some pine trees Can be seen at Lemhi Pass.
In addition there Is sagebrush, grasses, Lichen
covered rocks, And cactus!
6Confluence of the Main Salmon and the North Fork
of the Salmon
- Clark explored the Salmon for about 40 miles down
river before agreeing with the Shoshoni that that
route was too difficult to pursue. After
exploring a length of the salmon river Clark
recommended that the expedition proceed north to
eventually cross the continental divide at Lolo
7Lost Trail Pass 45 degrees 4.138 minutes N 113
degrees5.650 minutes W
On September 4th, six days after leaving the
Shoshoni, Lewis And Clark crossed Lost Trail
Pass. They encountered natives which They went
on to call the Flatheads (no one knows why,
8Native American ArtifactsJefferson wrote Make
yourself acquainted..with the names of
nationstheir ordinary occupations in
agriculture, fishing, hunting, war, arts,
implements for theseThe native peoples
encountered as the expedition crossed the
continents were adept at utilizing every part of
the animals they hunted. Antlers could be used
for tools and handles, horn for containers and
other implements.
9Lolo Pass 47 degrees 13.11 minutes N 116 degrees
50.07 minutes W
10While much has changed on Lolo Pass, much has
not. Private Whitehouse Noted seeing some tall
Strait Sipress or white ceedar. This was the
western red cedar or arbor vitae that grows
abundantly here. One of the Challenges the
explores faced was the profusion of trees that
littered the Trail.
11The Lewis and Clark Expedition Traversed three
challenging passes In their quest for the
Columbia. On The way they observed and
catalogued Plants, animals, native peoples and
12(No Transcript)