CHEM 154 Laboratory: Winter 2006 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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CHEM 154 Laboratory: Winter 2006


To view the show from the beginning to the end, click Outside the yellow boxes. ... in Experiment #5 you create, using HCl and HNO3, an acid called aqua regia. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: CHEM 154 Laboratory: Winter 2006

CHEM 154 Laboratory Winter 2006
  • Welcome to the lab portion of CHEM 154 !

This slide show is best viewed at a resolution of
1024 x 768.
Outline To view the show from the beginning to
the end, click Outside the yellow boxes. To jump
to a section of your choice, click In the
appropriate box.
3. Introduction 5. Lab Safety 8. Purpose
of Labs 10. Chem 154 Experiments
34. Part B of Experiments 36. Lab Reports
39. Student Groups A, B and C 40. Personal
Lab Schedule Sheets 44. A Brief Tour of the
Lab Manual 45. Lab Check-In Week Instructions
11. Part A of Experiments 12. The Lab
Manual 16. Experimental Design Form 17.
On-Line Introductory Material 33. Resource
  • Laboratory Director
  • Emily Ng
  • office in lab room B370
  • 604 - 822 - 5342 (office)

Feel free to e-mail me questions. However, as
there are over 600 students in CHEM 154, please
first ask TAs (teaching assistants) in the
Resource Centre before sending me e-mail.
Otherwise, I will be swamped with masses of
e-mail, and will likely stop answering any
questions by e-mail. Thanks for your
understanding. Note that I do NOT check e-mail on
The Lab Manual
Please purchase a copy of the CHEM 154 Lab Manual
from the UBC Bookstore before proceeding any
further with this Introductory Slide Show as we
will be referring to numerous pages in the
manual. The manual cover is shown here. A green
booklet called Bridging To The Lab is
shrink-wrap packaged along with the Lab Manual.
Safety in the Lab
Your physical safety is the number one concern in
the lab. Some of the chemicals that you will
use can seriously harm you! Please be extremely
careful! For example, in Experiment 5 you
create, using HCl and HNO3, an acid called aqua
regia. This special acid is one of the few
substances on Earth that can dissolve gold and
will have no trouble dissolving your skin!
Safety in the Lab
Safety Glasses You must have eye-protection on
at ALL times! Your TA will kick you out of the
lab if after repeated warnings you are not
wearing any eye-protection. You can rent
safety-glasses in the lab for 1 per lab
session. Prescription glasses are suitable
eye-protection as long as they meet the size
requirements listed on page 9 (point i) of the
lab manual. If your glasses are too small, you
will have to wear safety glasses on top of your
prescription glasses. Contact lenses are not
recommended as chemical fumes can melt contacts
onto your eyeball! Either wear your prescription
glasses, or rent special safety-goggles in the
Safety in the Lab
Lab Coats Students are not required to wear lab
coats. We thus recommend that you wear clothes
to the lab which you dont mind getting ruined in
the event of a chemical spill. Only the TAs and
Lab Technicians wear lab coats.
The following three points must be strictly
adhered to (1) No open-toed shoes. So that you
won't damage your foot if you drop chemicals on
it. Please wear closed shoes. (2) No cropped
T-shirts. Your waist is at the same level as the
bench-top and you could get a chemical burn on
your stomach. (3) Tie long-hair back out of face.
So that it doesn't fall into the beaker full of
acid, or a flame etc.
Purpose of the CHEM 154 Lab
In this course we want you to see what it is like
to be a researcher in chemistry.
What is involved in chemical research?
There are many steps to performing chemical
research. You will be learning how to do the
various things listed below in the CHEM 154 lab
  • 1. identifying a problem
  • 2. finding information in the literature
  • 3. posing scientific questions
  • 4. formulating a hypothesis
  • 5. designing an experiment to test the hypothesis
  • 6. learning new experimental techniques
  • 7. analyzing data drawing conclusions
  • 8. recognizing safety issues

Chem 154 Experiments
  • Each experiment has two parts and lasts two
  • part A Dry Lab Week
  • This involves doing preparatory work done at
    home before Part B. You will have an entire
    week for Part A.
  • part B Wet Lab Week
  • This is the actual experiment performed in
    the lab.

Your are expected to spend an equal amount of
time on both parts of an experiment! Lets take a
look at Part A requirements first..
Part A of an Experiment
At home, prepare for the lab
  • 1. Read the Lab Manual
  • 2. Complete the Experimental Design Form
  • 3. Read the On-Line Introductory Material

For example, refer to page 41 of your lab manual
for a list of the Dry Lab Week requirements for
Experiment 3A.
Part A of an Experiment(1) Read the Lab Manual
Recall that we want you to learn to think the way
a chemistry researcher does. The lab manual has
thus been written in a manner that is designed to
focus and direct this thinking process.
A sample page from the lab manual
Part A of an Experiment(1) Read the Lab Manual
A sample page from the lab manual
Specific questions are asked in the side column
of the text. These are meant to focus your
Part A of an Experiment(1) Read the Lab Manual
A sample page from the lab manual
Answers to the questions are found within the
main text.
Part A of an Experiment (1) Read the Lab
Manual Concept Maps
A Concept Map summarizes the most important
concepts of the experiment and their
relationships. It is a good idea to start
reading an experiment with the concept map.
For example, page 24 of the lab manual has this
concept map for Experiment 1B.
A concept map for the entire CHEM 154 lab course
is shown on page 19 of the lab manual, revealing
how the various experiments are related to each
Part A Requirements (2) Experimental Design Form
The lab manual does not provide easy-to-follow
step-by-step procedures for each experiment.
  • You are given the necessary background
    information on concepts and techniques.
  • You must then piece this information together to
    devise a procedure that you can
  • follow in the lab.
  • Keep it simple.use point-form style.
  • Fill out the Experimental Design Form with steps
    that you plan on following in the lab.

For example, pages 37-38 are the design form for
Exp 1B.
Your TA will briefly check your Design Form at
the beginning of the in-lab session (Wet Lab
Week) to ensure that you haven't made a critical
Part A Requirements (3) On-Line Introductory
This on-line material is meant to help you
design your experiment. There are various types
of multimedia resources available to you. 1.
Bridging to the Lab Modules 3. Glossary 2.
Technique Modules 4. The Virtual Lab

The Dry Lab Week Requirements page for Part A of
each experiment lists the specific On-Line
Introductory Material that is available for that
experiment. For example, see page 41, point 2.
For Experiment 3A, there are two Technique
Modules to be read on-line. You are strongly
recommended to read all On-Line Introductory
Materials, as this will help you design your
experiment, and give you a preview of the
(3) Introductory MaterialBridging To The Lab
This booklet is packaged along with your lab
manual, and in the back cover of the booklet is a
CD. Bridging To The Lab (BTTL) modules are
useful as they provide an interactive
introduction to techniques and equipment used in
the real lab. However, the only BTTL module that
you will be doing which relates to one of your
labs is BTTL module 3, which ties in with
Experiment 1. The other three BTTL modules
that you will be doing have been chosen by your
professor to focus on the lecture topics of
Calorimetry (mod 4), Cryoscopy (mod 5), and
Electrochemistry (mod 10).

(3) Introductory MaterialBridging To The Lab
All CHEM 154 students are required to do modules
3, 4, 5, and 10 of the BTTL CD/Workbook. Hand
in the worksheets to your TA on the dates noted
in your personal Lab Schedule (more on this
Lets take a look at the BTTL CD...
The Main Menu of BTTL lists the various modules.
(3) Introductory MaterialBridging To The Lab
Each module ends with a Self Test. This is not
mandatory, but it is a useful way to see if you
have gained sufficient knowledge on the topic.
(3) Introductory MaterialTechnique Modules
The modules are on-line at the Chemistry Lab

Chem 154 Laboratory Website
On the next webpage...
Click on Laboratory
Chem 154 Laboratory Website
The lab homepage will load. Notice the various
tabs at the top of the homepage.
(3) Introductory MaterialTechnique Modules
Click on Techniques
You will then be taken to the webpage shown to
the right Click on the appropriate links for
the modules associated with a particular
(3) Introductory MaterialTechnique Modules
The Technique modules have pictures of the actual
equipment that you will use in the labs. There
are also questions located throughout the
modules. You do NOT have to answer these
questions, as they are for CHEM 121 students only.
(3) Introductory MaterialTechnique Modules
Most Technique modules also have slide shows that
depict exactly how to use various apparatus, or
how to correctly use certain glassware. These
slide shows should greatly assist you in
preparing your Experimental Design Form.
You can use any of the public-access high-speed
terminals on campus if you dont have access at
home (SUB or libraries).
(3) Introductory MaterialGlossary
Click on Glossary
The following webpage has all of the terms from
the CHEM 154 labs listed. You can search
alphabetically, or see which terms are used in
each experiment. Most definitions have a picture
of the actual equipment, and there are also
hyperlinks to all similar or associated
terms. This is a purely optional resource.
(3) Introductory MaterialThe Virtual Lab
The Virtual Lab programme allows you to simulate
titration experiments. You can fully design your
experiment using the Virtual Lab to test various
scenarios. This is also a purely optional
Downloading the Virtual Lab software
To download the Virtual Lab software, go to the
Courseware webpage of the UBC Chemistry website
(1) Click on Virtual Lab
(2) Then choose a download option
Virtual Lab handout sheets
The accompanying Virtual Lab Handout sheets can
be downloaded in Adobe PDF format by clicking on
the appropriate link
Select a handout
Part A of an ExperimentDry Lab Week
We have now covered all of the Part A
requirements that must be done at home before
coming to the lab to do Part B during the Wet
Lab Week.
  • 1. Read the Lab Manual
  • 2. Complete the Experimental Design Form
  • 3. Read the On-Line Introductory Material

Each experiment has a Check-List in the lab
manual to remind you of all the Dry Lab Week
components. For example, see the top of page 34
of the manual.
A word of Caution..
If your Experimental Design Form is not filled
out at the beginning of the in-lab session, then
your TA will know that you are not prepared for
the experiment. You may potentially be
considered a Safety Hazard to all of the other
students. Your TA will ask you to leave and book
a Make-Up lab with the Lab Director. Students
are permitted only 1 make-up lab session per
term. Dont waste it due to being unprepared.
Youll likely need your make-up lab session for
the flu season that strangely seems to coincide
with the Midterm Exam period at UBC.
Need Help? Resource Centre
If you need the help of a TA outside of the lab
session, for whatever reason, then please go to
the Chemistry Resource Centre (Wesbrook Bldg.
room 200). The TAs that staff this room are not
the same people that work in the labs. However,
they all have access to the CHEM 154 Lab TA
Manuals and should thus be able to help you with
all aspects of the lab. The Resource Centre is
usually open Mon-Fri, and the hours of operation
will be posted on the door. Please do NOT try to
contact your regular TA outside of the lab. They
are not paid to do any out-of-lab student
contact, and are operating strictly under the TA
Unions Guidelines. If you need to hand in a
late Lab Report, or give your TA a message,
please do so through the Lab Director in room

Part B of an Experiment
In the lab

  • 1. Perform the experiment.
  • 2. Clean up your bench area.
  • 3. Complete your Lab Report in class.
  • 4. Hand in the Report to your TA.

What happens in the Lab?
During the 3-hour lab period 1. Enter lab rooms
(B272 / 370 / 372) and go to your assigned bench
( 1 - 48). 2. Store your bag / jacket in
cupboards under the sinks. 3. Listen to the
Lecturing TAs brief Intro / Demo lecture ( 5
min). 4. Break into groups with your own TA and
discuss the experiment ( 5 min). 5. Have your
TA briefly check your Experimental Design Form.
6. Begin performing the experiment (no lab
partners, except for Exp 3). 7. When there are
only 20 minutes left, you must begin to clean-up
your bench area. 8. Once cleaned-up, finish
your Lab Report and hand it in to your TA. Have
your TA sign your report to acknowledge that you
cleaned up.

Laboratory Reports
Laboratory Reports are written on Laboratory
Report Sheets (coloured pages) provided in the
lab manual with each experiment. This is done in
the lab. For example, refer to pages 39-40 of
the lab manual.
Reports are marked by TAs and returned during the
next Wet Lab session for your inspection only.
You may then keep the Cover Page but must return
the rest of the Lab Report.
Reports Design Forms
Students are encouraged to work together when
designing the experiments. However, each person
must write their own Experimental Design Form.
Students must write their own Lab
Reports. Student's copying any portion of each
other's lab reports will receive a "0" on the
entire report. Pay special attention when
writing your Discussion to ensure that it is
Laboratory Mark
Lab average for 2005 session was 12 / 15. The
only people who ever fail the lab are those who
miss entire experiments and dont schedule
Make-Up sessions.
All together, the lab is worth 15 of your course
mark. As shown inside the front cover of your
lab manual, your lab mark consists of Lab Work
and Bridging To The Lab Modules. You must pass
both the lab lecture components of the course
to pass Chem 154.
Student Groups A, B, and C
  • Lab students will be split into three groups, A,
    B, and C.
  • When one Group is in-lab performing a Wet Lab
    Week experiment, the other two Groups will not be
    in the lab. Those two Groups should be doing Dry
    Lab Week assignments. You will thus be in the
    lab roughly once per month.
  • Please check Chem 154 Laboratory web site on Sept
    8th to find out whether you are in Group A, B, or
    C. The three groups will check into the lab at
    different times during the Check-In Week (Sept 11
    and 13).

You will receive a personal Lab Schedule Sheet
during the Check-In Week. This sheet clearly
describes when and what you must do. Groups A-C
will NOT be doing the exact same set of
Personal Lab Schedule Sheets Group A
Personal Lab Schedule Sheets Group A
Your Bench Number. This is where you will be
working in the room.
Your Lab ID . Please write this onto
everything that you hand in.
Exp Number
Specific assignments
Come to the Lab when you see a room number.
Personal Lab Schedule Sheets Group B
Personal Lab Schedule Sheets Group C
Brief Tour of the Lab
  • Structure of the Manual

Please read p. 1-20, and especially p. 1-9 for a
review of the material in this slide show and
also for supplemental information not covered in
this slide show.
Lab Check-In Week Instructions
Pick up one of these cards as you enter the
lab room. Please remember to go to the lab room
assigned to you (370 or 372) and also the
door assigned to you (A, B, C, or D).
Lab Check-In Week Instructions
Please fill in your information
Then go to your assigned Table (1-4). Give this
card to the TA and you will receive your own lab
schedule sheet.
The End
Thank you for viewing this Lab Introduction Slide
Show. Any remaining questions you might have
will likely be answered either (1) On pages 1-9
of the lab manual. (2) During the Lab Check-In
Week. If neither of these answer your question,
then please feel free to come and talk to me,
Emily Ng, in my office. Good luck to everyone in
CHEM 154 !
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