Title: Themba Dlamini
1Human Resources in the Construction Sector
presented at the Construction Charter Indaba,
20th April 2005
Themba Dlamini Allyson Lawless
2The numbers challenge
Too many, too few ? Too young, too old ? Numbers
emigrating / immigrating? Not enough graduating
? No job no experience, no experience no
job Not enough work, cant cope with
workload Salaries too low, staff not worth
it! These are the dilemmas facing the industry
and projections show an increase in work, but not
in skilled people where are the shortages and
what interventions should be put in place to
address these problems?
Human Resources in the Construction Sector
3Projects Undertaken
- Study of student numbers for all Built
Environment Professionals - In depth study into profile and problems relating
to civil engineering professionals - Assessment of artisan shortages and training
required - Quick snap shot of staff employed by contractors
Human Resources in the Construction Sector
4The sector
- Built Environment Professionals
- Architects
- Civil, electrical and mechanical engineers
- Construction managers and construction project
managers - Quantity Surveyors
- Town Planners
- Contractors
- Residential
- Non-residential
- Civil
- Sub-contractors / Specialist contractors
Human Resources in the Construction Sector
5Built Environment Consultants Overall
Company sizes and ownership - total 3814
Human Resources in the Construction Sector
6Built Environment Consultants
Consulting- Average size per founding decade
Black ownership in established companies
Professionals in all BECs by Race Gender
Human Resources in the Construction Sector
7Architecture Graduations
8Construction Management Graduations
9Q S Graduations
10Enrolments vs Graduations
Enrolments at all Tertiary Institutions
Graduations at all Tertiary Institutions
- Matric maths
- Bursaries
- Foundation / orientation
- Size of classes
- Experiential training
11Civil Engineering Graduations
Matric Maths 2004
12The numbers challenge
Human Resources in the Construction Sector
13The numbers challenge
How many more graduates do we need ?
Human Resources in the Construction Sector
14Growing capacity for all professionals
- Career guidance
- Assist with high school studies
- Bursaries
- Support nurture at Tertiary Institutions
- Experiential training
- Sound workplace training including
- Registering following learnership programmes
- Mentorship / knowledge coaching
- Continuing professional development (CPD)
Human Resources in the Construction Sector
15Staff employed by contactors
Human Resources in the Construction Sector
16Contractor company sizes e.g. Limpopo CIDB
Human Resources in the Construction Sector
17Artisan Training
Human Resources in the Construction Sector
18Training Attended 2004 / 2005
Source CETA
Human Resources in the Construction Sector
19Equity black professionals in the making
All combined
20.and the girls are on their way!
Civil Engineers Technologists