Title: NOTUR Technology Transfer Projects TTP
1NOTURTechnology Transfer Projects(TTP)
- By
- Trond Kvamsdal
- 10. Juni 2004, Tromsø, Norway
- The concept behind the TTPs
- Results obtained from the TTPs
- Concluding remarks
- Enable optimal utilisation of the national high
performance computing infrastructure
4Bridging the adaptability gap
Peak performance
Application performance
5Main keywords
- User driven
- Strongly focused
- Transfer of exploitable technology
- Multi-disciplinary technology development
- National dimension
- Vertical integration
6Computational Science and Engineering
7The projects Themes
- TTP1 Scalable Algorithms
- TTP2 Scientific Visualisation
- TTP3 Climate and Environment
- TTP4 Medicine
- TTP5 Nature Science
8TTP1 SALSAScalable algorithms for solving large
scale sparse linear systems
Tubular joint
Domain Decomposition
Electrical activity of the heart
- Partners UiB, NTNU, Simula, DNV
9TTP1 Results
end-user application
- SALSA 1.0 made available to project partners
(01/2003) for AIX, IRIX - SALSA 2.0 (alpha)
available on request (general www release
2H2004) - final software requires further testing
before general release
- software generally available (www) more than
100 downloads (version 4.3.2) - international
collaboration Parallab, CERFACS, RAL, INRIA,
ENSEEIHT-IRIT - used as local solver in domain
decomposition schemes from TTP3 - embedded in
SALSA, interfaces in latest PETSc (2.2.0,
02/2004) - tested/used on AIX, IRIX, Linux,
- MC64 is (licensed) code in Harwell Subroutine
Library (Koster Duff, 1999-2004) - new MC64
available on request (general www release
1H2004) - embedded in (parallel) direct solvers
MUMPS and SuperLU (Li, Demmel, Gilbert) - proven
to accelerate various (preconditioned) iterative
solution schemes - tested/used on AIX, IRIX,
Linux, HP-UX, Solaris
MC64 gtgt MUMPS gtgt SALSA
10TTP2 DINVISDistributed Network Visualisation
- Partners Ceetron, NTNU, UiO, UiT, DNMI, SINTEF
11The Visualization Application
- High speed visualization of Scientific Data
- Easy integration with in-house codes
- API available for customization of visualization
functionality and GUI - Distributed, collaborative visualization obtained
using SGI VizServer - Available to all academic users of the NOTUR
12Data Compression
13TTP3 Parallel local wind model
HIRLAM h10 km
MC2 h1 km
SIMRA h0.1 km
Værnes Airport
- Partners NTNU, UiB, DNMI, SINTEF
14Example on results
Turbulence along landing path for aeroplanes at
Trondheim Airport (Værnes)
Achieved speedup in local code
15TTP4 NEUROINFHigh Performance Computing for
Structural Neuroinformatics
- Partners UiO, NTNU, UiB, SINTEF
16- The Java3D based client can run as web applet or
stand-alone application, and communicates with a
server over tcp/ip using a specially designed
protocol. - The server is separated into two parts a front
end for client requests and a back-end for
parallel computations. - The server can run on
- a single-cpu
- smp machines, and
- mpi clusters.
- 1) and 2) are currently operative, preparations
made for 3) - Important new capability tools for generating
and editing 3-D geometry from scalar fields,
relevant for surface rendering from large data
sets representing brain regions and neural
17TTP5 DUMADevelopment of user oriented modules
for the application of parallel algorithms in
nano and microscale simulation
Two Droplets
18Project 1 Classical Molecular Dynamics
- - Development of framework
- - Integrators
- - Force Calculators
- - Parallelization
19Project 2 Time Dependent Schrödinger Physics
- Activity Budget No of persons
- kNOK involved
- TTP1 5000 10
- TTP2 5000 13
- TTP3 4000 7
- TTP4 3500 13
- TTP5 3900 20
21Concluding remarks
- The TTPs has met the expectation regarding
efficient development of usable technology - Better utilisation of the national
HPC-infrastructure - National impact obtained through collaboration