Title: The Journey Through Photography
1The Journey ThroughPhotography
By Holly Drennen
2Photography Terms
- Depth of Field The amount of distance between
the nearest and farthest object that appear in
acceptably sharp focus in a photograph. - Limited/Shallow Depth of Field Closer up objects
are in focus while the distracting background is
out of focus. This is to draw the attention to
the foreground. The smaller the aperture the more
limited depth of field. - Large/Maximum Depth of Field All objects are in
focus, from background to foreground. This is so
the attention is on the photograph as a whole
instead of one object. With a larger aperture
there is maximum depth of field.
3Photography Terms
- Aperture The opening in a camera lens which
light passes to expose the film. - Shutter speed the length of time that is allowed
for light to pass through the lens and expose to
4Camera Modes
There are over five modes on the basic camera
- Some of these modes are
- Auto
- Macro
- Landscape
- Portrait
- Action
- Auto is the most commonly used mode when ever you
do not want to put forth much effort into your
photograph, or because you are not knowledgeable
of the other camera modes. - Most photographers do not use this mode because
it does not give them the freedom to do what they
would like.
- Macro mode is for close-up photography. When
taking pictures of close up objects in a regular
setting the picture will come out blurry. But
with macro mode it allows for pictures of close
objects to be taken and you still have a nice
sharp picture. - It is usually used when photographing small
objects to get a crisp look such as flowers or
- Landscape mode is used to make sure all of the
photographed scenes are focused. - It is usually used for wide scenes such as
mountains or trees.
- Portrait mode is good for photographing people
because the camera sets a limited depth of field
that allows the person to be the focal point of
the photograph. - It is usually used when photographing a single
subject such as a person.
- Action mode is used when photographing moving
objects. This means that the camera will use the
highest shutter speed possible. - Action mode is most frequently used when
photographing sports, cars, or wildlife.
10Styles of Photography
- Silhouette
- Texture
- Lines and shape
- Space
- Color
A shape of an object outlined from the light
behind causing the object to look like a shadow
with no substance only a general shape.
Texture helps to emphasize the features and
details in a photographs. Having texture in a
photograph allows you to feel as though you are
part of the object and not merely looking at it
on a piece of paper.
13Shape Lines
A photograph that portrays the idea of shapes
well has many different geometric shapes hidden
within the image. The shapes may be literal or
A photograph that expresses line well, usually
has many objects that look like lines throughout
the picture.
- A photograph that allows you to feel as though
the space is around you.
A photograph which shows an abundant amount of
bright color
16Thank you for taking this journey