Title: Risa Grace Oram, M'M'A'
1Human-Marine Species Interactions Coral Reef
Dive Tourism and Education in Mactan and Olango
Islands, Philippines
Risa Grace Oram, M.M.A. University of Washington,
School of Marine Affairs
Step 1 Professional Capacity Building Leaders,
Educators, Enforcers Step 2 Knowledge of
Resources Basic coral reef ecology including
general make-up of coral reef ecosystems,
environmental requirements, reef types and the
manner in which reefs are formed. Concepts of
aesthetics human-marine species interactions
occurring in the area and the effects these
interactions have on the coral reef resources and
associated human communities management regimes
such as Integrated Coastal Management (ICM),
Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) and zoning Step 3
Knowledge of Audience how people learn. This
involves lessons in orientations to learning,
methods of perception and learning, the learning
process and manifestations of learning in the
adult education context. multicultural and
foreign language training techniques concepts in
behavior change.
- Designing Lesson Plans
- A. Overview information about site/area
(resources and human communities) - B. Opportunities to comprehend ecological and
socio-cultural relationships between dive
destinations and associated communities. - C. Awareness of management policies and
objectives in use - D. Experiences that inspire environmental
sensitivity through greater appreciation and
enhanced enjoyment of the dive destination - II. OWNERSHIP GOALS
- Foster an awareness of collective action of
tourists on the quality of the dive destination - Encourage the diving tourists to investigate and
evaluate amenity and resource use issues during
- Encouraging diving tourists to embrace
responsible action - Promoting experiences that develop the
tourists abilities to differentiate types of
actions available for solving amenity and
resources use issues