Title: Thanksgiving!
READ Psalm 92
2Giving thanks to God is an important aspect of
our prayer life.
Many Christians sometimes hurry over or neglect
it entirely from their prayers.
3Even when we are having difficult times we should
be grateful and express to God our feelings.
We should always thank God for His abundant
promises and unfailing goodness.
4When we do express our gratitude to Him, a
wonderful change takes place within us.
5Perhaps you have had some tough times in your
spiritual life. Maybe you are struggling under
some heavy burden.
If so, what a perfect time to bow your head and
thank the Lord for all Hes done for you. You
might be amazed if you just stopped and thought
about it.
6Tell Him you know He loves you and all He has
done for you. He will never abandon you.
Express your gratitude for your salvation, for
life itself, and for the good things around you.
7If you give Thanks to God the Father, then youll
experience for yourself the blessing of